I am trying to get Pandora's Box 5 to work with ServUO-57. Basically I want a QOL tool that will do just that, make my experience more efficient.

According to the client login screen, I am running UO Version / ClassicUO version (not sure which number is which). I have tried Boxserver that comes with Pandora's Box 5. It is my understanding that PB 3 no longer works with Servuo, so that option is out. I guess my actual question here is... Does Pandora's Box 5 work with the version of servuo / UOclient?
If it isn't compatible with my server version, I prefer not wasting my time trying to get it to work.

Also, I am trying to avoid using in game options like Black Box Tools.cs.
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I was under the impression uofiddler was for creating static items. I’m looking for something that I can decorate with/build custom houses, etc. I’m simply trying to avoid having to use the default ServeUO menu options, when you do [admin.
If you are going to build or decorate the world, you will want to use statics. You can build using commands such as [add static 1111 or [tile static 1111 ect. You can get your itemids from fiddler. not having any experience with PB, I wouldnt be able to help much more than that.
If you are going to build or decorate the world, you will want to use statics. You can build using commands such as [add static 1111 or [tile static 1111 ect. You can get your itemids from fiddler. not having any experience with PB, I wouldnt be able to help much more than that.
I downloaded fiddler but haven't messed with it. I guess I just want it to be streamlined like in the old days where you could browse a menu with thumbnails. I'll get it worked out one way or another. Thanks for the input.

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