subject says it all I decided to go ahead update my items.cs using new

public IEntity m_Parent; just wander why servuo hasn't done this with all of its core updates.
It's a good suggestion. Typically we do these things when we are working on something and get annoyed with type checking. I guess it's just not come up yet.
that is correct.

I know Voxpire has done a lot of core changes to justuo and runuo and servuo.

But to me if you guys are all trying to combine the communitys maybe make sure asll three emus are on same page? i did notic this when i was transfering the ec files over to servuo why i asked about it.

plus i found a lot or more changes maybe just minor but there there ill post more details stuff i found that was not in servuo or was missing that vorpsire made changes to other emus. thank you all.
Mark added the object -> IEntity change at some point in RunUO 2.3 - I requested that he add the NEWPARENT pre-procesor directive to help the community adapt.

A lot of refactoring is needed to complete this task; I can do it, but have held it off because it is a seriously breaking change that will take time for shard to implement.

The most work will need done with Item.OnAdded(object parent), Item.OnRemoved(object parent) and the equivalents for Mobile.

Changing the arguments to IEntity is very easy, but there are a lot of overrides in child Items and Mobiles that will also need their signatures updated.

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