- ServUO Version
- Publish Unknown
- Ultima Expansion
- Mondain's Legacy
I have a shard using:
- RunUO Version 2.1, Build 6905.732
- Running on .NET Framework Version 4.0.30319
- Core Optimizing for 4 64-bit processors
For the past week I have been trying to tailor a script that is part of the "Universal Storage Keys - developed by Fenn on Friday, May 1, 2009 (yes I know it is 'old').
I am trying to create a set of sub-menus for Gardeners allowing them to store their seeds according to the Seed's Generation (1, 2, 3, or 4).
I am hoping for some direction on 'Response Button #1. If I can get that one working I can use the solution for the others ('Response Buttons #2, #3 and #4') which are currently commented out.
I'm think it is a syntax problem but I'm dead in the water on it so I hope someone can point me on the right path while I still have a little hair left.
All help is appreciated.
Here are my errors:
and . . Here is the entire script:
If anyone can point me in the rigt direction here it would really be appreciated.
- RunUO Version 2.1, Build 6905.732
- Running on .NET Framework Version 4.0.30319
- Core Optimizing for 4 64-bit processors
For the past week I have been trying to tailor a script that is part of the "Universal Storage Keys - developed by Fenn on Friday, May 1, 2009 (yes I know it is 'old').
I am trying to create a set of sub-menus for Gardeners allowing them to store their seeds according to the Seed's Generation (1, 2, 3, or 4).
I am hoping for some direction on 'Response Button #1. If I can get that one working I can use the solution for the others ('Response Buttons #2, #3 and #4') which are currently commented out.
I'm think it is a syntax problem but I'm dead in the water on it so I hope someone can point me on the right path while I still have a little hair left.
All help is appreciated.
Here are my errors:
+ Customs/Universal Storage Keys/Gumps/ListEntryGump.cs:
CS0118: Line 433: 'Server.Targeting.Target' is a 'type' but is used like a 'variable'
CS0118: Line 438: 'Server.Targeting.Target' is a 'type' but is used like a 'variable'
CS0118: Line 444: 'Server.Targeting.Target' is a 'type' but is used like a 'variable'
CS0118: Line 446: 'Server.Targeting.Target' is a 'type' but is used like a 'variable'
CS0103: Line 452: The name 'theitem' does not exist in the current context
CS0103: Line 452: The name '_PlantType' does not exist in the current context
CS0103: Line 452: The name 'theitem' does not exist in the current context
CS0103: Line 452: The name '_PlantType' does not exist in the current context
CS0103: Line 452: The name 'theitem' does not exist in the current context
CS0103: Line 452: The name '_PlantType' does not exist in the current context
CS0103: Line 458: The name 'theitem' does not exist in the current context
CS0103: Line 458: The name '_PlantType' does not exist in the current context
CS0103: Line 458: The name 'theitem' does not exist in the current context
CS0103: Line 458: The name '_PlantType' does not exist in the current context
CS0103: Line 458: The name 'theitem' does not exist in the current context
CS0103: Line 458: The name '_PlantType' does not exist in the current context
Here is the section of the script causing the errors:
//add button
if( buttonid == 1 )
//LINE# 433 Follows:
if ( Target == null )
if ( !Target is Seed )
_Owner.SendMessage(33, "That is not a Seed.");
if ( Target is Seed )
Target theitem = Target as Seed;
// 1st Generation:
if (_ListEntry.Name == "1st Generation")
if ( !(theitem._PlantType == _PlantType.CampionFlowers) && !(theitem._PlantType == _PlantType.Fern) && !(theitem._PlantType == _PlantType.TribarrelCactus) )
_Owner.SendMessage(33, "That seed is not a 1st Generation seed.");
if ( (theitem._PlantType == _PlantType.CampionFlowers) || (theitem._PlantType == _PlantType.Fern) || (theitem._PlantType == _PlantType.TribarrelCactus) )
_ListEntry.AddItem( _Owner );
_Owner.SendMessage( "You add the 1st Generation seed" );
//refresh the gump
_Owner.SendGump( new ListEntryGump( this ) );
and . . Here is the entire script:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Server;
using Server.Mobiles;
using Server.Network;
using Server.Targeting;
using Solaris.ItemStore;
using System.Collections;
using Server.Engines.Plants;
namespace Server.Gumps
//list entry gump for displaying the contents of a list entry object
public class ListEntryGump : Gump
PlayerMobile _Owner;
ListEntry _ListEntry;
//used for seeking around on the page
int _Y = 25;
//page size
protected int _Height;
protected int _Width;
//maximum entry listing height, for multi-page calculation
public int MaxEntryDisplayHeight{ get{ return 300; } }
//line spacing between entries
public int EntryLineSpacing{ get{ return 20; } }
//page number that this gump is displaying
protected int _Page;
//this is determined based on the number of entries and the maximum number to display per page
protected int _MaxPages;
//these are used to truncate the store entry listing to fit only a subset on the page
protected int _ListingHeight;
protected int _ListingStart;
protected int _ListingEnd;
//a filtered entry list
protected List<ItemListEntry> _FilteredEntries;
//public accessors for gump refreshing
public Mobile Owner{ get{ return _Owner; } }
public int Page{ get{ return _Page; } }
//public accessor to the list entry
public ListEntry ListEntry{ get{ return _ListEntry; } }
//static refresh method, used when withdrawing/adding
public static bool RefreshGump( Mobile player )
return RefreshGump( player, null );
public static bool RefreshGump( Mobile player, ListEntry listentry )
//if this mobile has a list entry gump up
if( player.HasGump( typeof( ListEntryGump ) ) )
ListEntryGump gump = (ListEntryGump)player.FindGump( typeof( ListEntryGump ) );
//if this gump that's up is showing this list entry, or if none was specified, then refresh
if( listentry == null || gump.ListEntry == listentry )
//then, resend this gump!
player.SendGump( new ListEntryGump( gump ) );
return true;
return false;
//gump refresh constructor
public ListEntryGump( ListEntryGump oldgump ) : this( oldgump.Owner, oldgump.ListEntry, oldgump.Page )
//default first page constructor
public ListEntryGump( Mobile owner, ListEntry listentry ) : this( owner, listentry, 0 )
//master constructor, with page number specified
public ListEntryGump( Mobile owner, ListEntry listentry, int page ) : base( 50, 350 )
if( !( owner is PlayerMobile ) )
_Owner = (PlayerMobile)owner;
_ListEntry = listentry;
//clear old gumps that are up
_Owner.CloseGump( typeof( ListEntryGump ) );
//set up the page
_Page = page;
//determine page layout, sizes, and what gets displayed where
//add the background
AddBackground(0, 0, _Width, _Height, 9270);
AddImageTiled(11, 10, _Width - 23, _Height - 20, 2624);
//AddAlphaRegion(11, 10, _Width - 22, _Height - 20);
if( !AddListEntryListing() )
//clear old gumps that are up
_Owner.CloseGump( typeof( ListEntryGump ) );
if( _MaxPages > 1 )
protected void ApplyFilters()
_FilteredEntries = new List<ItemListEntry>();
foreach( ItemListEntry entry in _ListEntry.ItemListEntries )
bool addentry = true;
for( int i = 0; i < entry.Columns.Count; i++ )
if( _ListEntry.FilterText[i] != null && _ListEntry.FilterText[i] != "" )
ItemListEntryColumn column = entry.Columns[i];
if( column.Text == null || column.Text.ToLower().IndexOf( _ListEntry.FilterText[i].ToLower() ) == -1 )
addentry = false;
if( addentry )
_FilteredEntries.Add( entry );
//this calculates all stuff needed to display the gump properly
protected void DeterminePageLayout()
//page size
if( _FilteredEntries == null || _FilteredEntries.Count == 0 )
_Height = 200;
if( _ListEntry == null || _ListEntry.ItemListEntries == null || _ListEntry.ItemListEntries.Count == 0 )
_Width = 400;
_Width = _ListEntry.ItemListEntries[0].GumpWidth;
_MaxPages = 1;
_Page = Math.Min( _MaxPages - 1, _Page );
//minimum spacing 20, maximum entry display height
_ListingHeight = Math.Max( 20, Math.Min( MaxEntryDisplayHeight, _FilteredEntries.Count * EntryLineSpacing ) );
//determine how many entries can fit on a given page
int entriesperpage = MaxEntryDisplayHeight / EntryLineSpacing;
//calculate max # of pages
_MaxPages = _FilteredEntries.Count / entriesperpage + 1;
_Page = Math.Min( _MaxPages - 1, _Page );
_ListingStart = _Page * entriesperpage;
_ListingEnd = (_Page + 1 ) * entriesperpage;
_Height = 200 + + ( _MaxPages > 1 ? 30 : 0 ) + _ListingHeight;
_Width = _FilteredEntries[0].GumpWidth;
//this adds the title stuff for the gump
protected void AddTitle()
if( _ListEntry == null )
AddLabel( 20, _Y, 88, _ListEntry.Name );
AddLabel( 120, _Y, 88, "Contents: " + _ListEntry.Amount.ToString() + "/" + _ListEntry.MaxAmount.ToString() );
AddLabel( 262, _Y, 88, "(15 Seeds per page)" );
_Y += 25;
//this adds the listing of all item stores
protected bool AddListEntryListing()
if( _ListEntry == null || _ListEntry.ItemListEntries.Count == 0 )
return true;
//write the header info in
ItemListEntry entry = _ListEntry.ItemListEntries[0];
for( int j = 0; j < entry.Columns.Count; j++ )
AddLabel( 40 + entry.Columns[j].X, _Y, ( _ListEntry.FilterText[j] == null || _ListEntry.FilterText[j] == "" ? 1153 : 78 ), entry.Columns[j].Header );
AddSortFilterControls( 40 + entry.Columns[j].X, _Y + 20, j, _ListEntry.FilterText[j] );
_Y += 40;
//list off the items that can be displayed
for( int i = _ListingStart; i < _ListingEnd && i < _FilteredEntries.Count; i++ )
entry = _FilteredEntries[i];
//add withdrawal button - put buttonid offset of 100 to allow for control/sort/filter button id's uninterrupted
AddButton( 20, _Y + 3, 0x4B9, 0x4B9, 100 + i, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0 );
//Add the details about this entry
for( int j = 0; j < entry.Columns.Count; j++ )
if( entry.Columns[j].Width == 0 )
if( j < entry.Columns.Count - 1 )
entry.Columns[j].Width = entry.Columns[j + 1].X - entry.Columns[j].X - 10;
entry.Columns[j].Width = _Width - entry.Columns[j].X - 10;
AddLabelCropped( 40 + entry.Columns[j].X, _Y, entry.Columns[j].Width, 20, ( entry.Hue > 1 ? entry.Hue : 1153 ), entry.Columns[j].Text );
_Y += EntryLineSpacing;
return true;
protected void AddPageButtons()
//page buttons
_Y = _Height - 90;
if ( _Page > 0 )
AddButton( 20, _Y, 0x15E3, 0x15E7, 6, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0 );
AddImage( 20, _Y, 0x25EA );
AddLabel( 40, _Y, 88, "Previous Page" );
if ( _Page < _MaxPages - 1 )
AddButton( _Width - 40, _Y, 0x15E1, 0x15E5, 7, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0 );
AddImage( _Width - 40, _Y, 0x25E6 );
AddLabel( _Width - 120, _Y, 88, "Next Page" );
AddLabel( _Width / 2 - 10, _Y, 88, String.Format( "({0}/{1})", _Page + 1, _MaxPages ) );
protected void AddControlButtons()
if (_ListEntry.Name == "1st Generation")
_Y = _Height - 60;
AddLabel( _Width / 3 + 45 , _Y, 1153, "Add a Seed" );
AddButton( _Width / 3 + 25 , _Y + 5, 0x4B9, 0x4BA, 1, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0 );
_Y += 20;
AddLabel( _Width / 5 , _Y, 88, "Campion Flowers, Ferns, and TriBarrel Cactus" );
if (_ListEntry.Name == "2nd Generation")
_Y = _Height - 60;
AddLabel( _Width / 3 + 45 , _Y, 1153, "Add a Seed" );
AddButton( _Width / 3 + 25 , _Y + 5, 0x4B9, 0x4BA, 2, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0 );
_Y += 20;
AddLabel( _Width / 3 , _Y, 88, "Lilies and Water Plants" );
if (_ListEntry.Name == "3rd Generation")
_Y = _Height - 60;
AddLabel( _Width / 3 + 45 , _Y, 1153, "Add a Seed" );
AddButton( _Width / 3 + 25 , _Y + 5, 0x4B9, 0x4BA, 3, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0 );
_Y += 20;
AddLabel( _Width / 10 , _Y, 88, "Prickly Pear Cactus, Rushes, Small Palm, Snowdrops" );
if (_ListEntry.Name == "4th Generation")
_Y = _Height - 70;
AddLabel( _Width / 3 + 45 , _Y, 1153, "Add a Seed" );
AddButton( _Width / 3 + 25 , _Y + 5, 0x4B9, 0x4BA, 4, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0 );
_Y += 20;
AddLabel( _Width / 10 , _Y, 88, "Barrel Cactus, Bullrushes, Century Plant, Elephant Ears" );
_Y += 20;
AddLabel( _Width / 10 , _Y, 88, "Pampas Grass, PonyTail Palm, Poppies and Snake Plant" );
if ( (_ListEntry.Name != "1st Generation") && (_ListEntry.Name != "2nd Generation") && (_ListEntry.Name != "3rd Generation") && (_ListEntry.Name != "4th Generation") )
_Y = _Height - 60;
AddLabel( _Width / 2 + 70 , _Y, 1153, "Add" );
AddButton( _Width / 2 + 50, _Y + 5, 0x4B9, 0x4BA, 5, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0 );
_Y += 30;
AddLabel( _Width / 2 + 70 , _Y, 1153, "Fill from backpack" );
AddButton( _Width / 2 + 50, _Y + 5, 0x4B9, 0x4BA, 6, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0 );
//gump utilities
public void AddTextField( int x, int y, int width, int height, int index, string text )
AddImageTiled( x - 2, y - 2, width + 4, height + 4, 0xA2C );
//AddAlphaRegion( x -2, y - 2, width + 4, height + 4 );
AddTextEntry( x + 2, y + 2, width - 4, height - 4, 1153, index, text );
public string GetTextField( RelayInfo info, int index )
TextRelay relay = info.GetTextEntry( index );
return ( relay == null ? null : relay.Text.Trim() );
//this adds sort/filter components at the specified column location and specified column index
public void AddSortFilterControls( int x, int y, int index, string filtertext )
//sort buttons
AddButton( x, y, 0x15E0, 0x15E4, 10 + 10*index, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0 ); //Ascending
AddButton( x + 15, y, 0x15E2, 0x15E6, 10 + 10*index + 1, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0 ); //Decending
y = _Height - 90;
if( _MaxPages > 1 )
y -= 30;
if ( (_ListEntry.Name != "1st Generation") && (_ListEntry.Name != "2nd Generation") && (_ListEntry.Name != "3rd Generation") && (_ListEntry.Name != "4th Generation") )
AddTextField( x, y, 50, 20, index, filtertext );
AddButton( x + 55, y, 0x15E1, 0x15E5, 10 + 10*index + 2, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0 );
public override void OnResponse( NetState sender, RelayInfo info )
if( _ListEntry == null || !_ListEntry.CanUse( _Owner ) )
//store flags
int buttonid = info.ButtonID;
//right click
if( buttonid == 0 )
//add button
if( buttonid == 1 )
if ( Target == null )
if ( !Target is Seed )
_Owner.SendMessage(33, "That is not a Seed.");
if ( Target is Seed )
Target theitem = Target as Seed;
// 1st Generation:
if (_ListEntry.Name == "1st Generation")
if ( !(theitem._PlantType == _PlantType.CampionFlowers) && !(theitem._PlantType == _PlantType.Fern) && !(theitem._PlantType == _PlantType.TribarrelCactus) )
_Owner.SendMessage(33, "That seed is not a 1st Generation seed.");
if ( (theitem._PlantType == _PlantType.CampionFlowers) || (theitem._PlantType == _PlantType.Fern) || (theitem._PlantType == _PlantType.TribarrelCactus) )
_ListEntry.AddItem( _Owner );
_Owner.SendMessage( "You add the 1st Generation seed" );
//refresh the gump
_Owner.SendGump( new ListEntryGump( this ) );
// 2nd Generation:
if( buttonid == 2 )
/* if (_ListEntry.Name == "2nd Generation")
if ( !(_Owner.Target._PlantType == _PlantType.Lilies) && !(_Owner.Target._PlantType == _PlantType.WaterPlant) )
_Owner.SendMessage( "That is not a 2nd Generation seed" );
if ( (_Owner.Target._PlantType == _PlantType.Lilies) || (_Owner.Target._PlantType == _PlantType.WaterPlant) )
_ListEntry.AddItem( _Owner );
_Owner.SendMessage( "You add the 2nd Generation seed" );
//refresh the gump
_Owner.SendGump( new ListEntryGump( this ) );
// 3rd Generation:
if( buttonid == 3 )
/* if (_ListEntry.Name == "3rd Generation")
if ( !(_Owner.Target._PlantType == _PlantType.PricklyPearCactus) && !(_Owner.Target._PlantType == _PlantType.Rushes) && !(_Owner.Target._PlantType == _PlantType.SmallPalm) && !(_Owner.Target._PlantType == _PlantType.Snowdrops) )
_Owner.SendMessage( "That is not a 3rd Generation seed" );
if ( (_Owner.Target._PlantType == _PlantType.PricklyPearCactus) || (_Owner.Target._PlantType == _PlantType.Rushes) || (_Owner.Target._PlantType == _PlantType.SmallPalm) || (_Owner.Target._PlantType == _PlantType.Snowdrops) )
_ListEntry.AddItem( _Owner );
_Owner.SendMessage( "You add the 3rd Generation seed" );
//refresh the gump
_Owner.SendGump( new ListEntryGump( this ) );
// 4th Generation:
if( buttonid == 4 )
/* if (_ListEntry.Name == "4th Generation")
if ( !(_Owner.Target._PlantType == _PlantType.BarrelCactus) && !(_Owner.Target._PlantType == _PlantType.Bullrushes) && !(_Owner.Target._PlantType == _PlantType.CenturyPlant) && !(_Owner.Target._PlantType == _PlantType.ElephantEarPlant) && !(_Owner.Target._PlantType == _PlantType.PampasGrass) && !(_Owner.Target._PlantType == _PlantType.PonytailPalm) && !(_Owner.Target._PlantType == _PlantType.Poppies) && !(_Owner.Target._PlantType == _PlantType.SnakePlant) )
_Owner.SendMessage( "That is not a 3rd Generation seed" );
if ( (_Owner.Target._PlantType == _PlantType.BarrelCactus) || (_Owner.Target._PlantType == _PlantType.Bullrushes) || (_Owner.Target._PlantType == _PlantType.CenturyPlant) || (_Owner.Target._PlantType == _PlantType.ElephantEarPlant) || (_Owner.Target._PlantType == _PlantType.PampasGrass) || (_Owner.Target._PlantType == _PlantType.PonytailPalm) || (_Owner.Target._PlantType == _PlantType.Poppies) || (_Owner.Target._PlantType == _PlantType.SnakePlant) )
_ListEntry.AddItem( _Owner );
_Owner.SendMessage( "You add the 3rd Generation seed" );
//refresh the gump
_Owner.SendGump( new ListEntryGump( this ) );
//add item from backpack button
if( buttonid == 5 )
_ListEntry.FillFromBackpack( _Owner );
_Owner.SendGump( new ListEntryGump( this ) );
//fill from backpack button
if( buttonid == 6 )
_ListEntry.FillFromBackpack( _Owner );
_Owner.SendGump( new ListEntryGump( this ) );
//previous page button
if( buttonid == 7 )
if( _Page > 0 )
_Owner.SendGump( new ListEntryGump( _Owner, _ListEntry, _Page - 1 ) );
//next page button
if( buttonid == 8 )
if( _Page < _MaxPages - 1 )
_Owner.SendGump( new ListEntryGump( _Owner, _ListEntry, _Page + 1 ) );
//sort/filter buttons
if( buttonid >= 10 && buttonid < 100 )
int columnnum = ( buttonid - 10 ) / 10;
int buttontype = ( buttonid - 10 ) % 10;
//if it's a sort button
if( buttontype < 2 )
ItemListEntry.SortIndex = columnnum;
ItemListEntry.SortOrder = ( buttontype == 0 ? -1 : 1 );
//apply filters
for( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
_ListEntry.FilterText[i] = GetTextField( info, i );
_Owner.SendGump( new ListEntryGump( this ) );
//any button that is left is a withdraw request
//offset of 100 between the passed value and the list index
buttonid -= 100;
if( buttonid >= 0 && buttonid < _FilteredEntries.Count )
_ListEntry.WithdrawItem( _Owner, _FilteredEntries[ buttonid ] );
_Owner.SendGump( new ListEntryGump( this ) );
If anyone can point me in the rigt direction here it would really be appreciated.