
ServUO Version
Publish 57
Ultima Expansion
Hello! So i have set up a server for me and a friend and we want to play UOR era. It seems to be somewhat working but there are still many remains of newer expansions (AOS and upp) around, like the hearthwood portal, items that dropp for newer skills etc, i managed to disable the new skills though they still show in the skill list but i can live with that since they are not working.
So to my questions.
1.Is there an easy way to remove the newer expansion stuff from the world? (Portals, loot drops etc) (i don't mind having remnants client side we can ignore those)
2. Loot, most monsters seems to dropp only gold and rarley any items atall, do i remember wrong or were item dropps super rare in the UOR era? How do i go about changing this?
I got a sort of basic knowledge of how programing works but i am terrible at programing so count me as a know nothing here.

Our main server is 57.3 but i have done tests on pub54 and have the exact same issues. I have searched and seatched but found few answers :)


Some of your issues are from doing your initial spawn such as heartwood entrance and other portals. Item drops were not as often in UOR. The larger amounts started in AOS to give people better chance with the RNG to get something good since you need to mutiple properties to have decent items.

I have not had a lot of luck with doing the PRE-AOS stuff. It drops items, sometimes none and sometimes 1 or 2 and they are the old style like power and what not but I cannot for the life of me get the properties hidden so that players would need the item id skill or wand to identify them. I am almost thinking I will need an older RUO server to make this work. You will also need to look at your mobs and make custom or redo the ones you want to use because they will still be set up for AOS weapons and armor and players will take a lot of damage and will have a tougher time killing them.
Thank you for replying. The type of items seems to be correct (the few i find) they just say like exeptional dagger instead of the stats etc.
Is it possible to do an initial spawn whithout the AOS stuff? Before i did the worldspawn i set the Expansion to UOR in both Expansioncfg and currentexpansion.

I did som tinkering with Lootpack.cs and changed the rates in the lootpacks for pre aos-region definitions but do i need to change it somwhere else to to increese the droprates or will changing those packs be enough?

Thank you so much for answering btw :)
I did not do a world spawn. I used a separate script for the moongates and generated doors and signs manually. You can also disable some of the teleporters but I will have to update this because I cannot remember the file name offhand. It spawns all of the teleporters like the one to heartwood. You can also go to those locations and remove to teleporters manually if you like.
Ok i will dig in to that. Allso i noticed something, Orcs seems to spawn with some items on them but other mobs i have checked just spawn with gold and nothing more, guess i have to dig in to that aswell.

Thanks again! :)
Orcs and some other mobs spawn with normal items outside the loot table. I do not believe that they will ever be magic items. This came from orc.cs

            switch ( Utility.Random(20) )
                case 0:
                    this.PackItem(new Scimitar());
                case 1:
                    this.PackItem(new Katana());
                case 2:
                    this.PackItem(new WarMace());
                case 3:
                    this.PackItem(new WarHammer());
                case 4:
                    this.PackItem(new Kryss());
                case 5:
                    this.PackItem(new Pitchfork());

            this.PackItem(new ThighBoots());

            switch ( Utility.Random(3) )
                case 0:
                    this.PackItem(new Ribs());
                case 1:
                    this.PackItem(new Shaft());
                case 2:
                    this.PackItem(new Candle());

            if (0.2 > Utility.RandomDouble())
                this.PackItem(new BolaBall());

            if (0.5 > Utility.RandomDouble())
                PackItem(new Yeast());
Yeah, found that now. I am now trying to figure out how the Lootpacks Oldmeager etc correlate to the lootpacks in the creature.cs. I set the item drops to true for meager adn avreage but the creaters still only dropped gold, i must be missing something but i don't know what. How does the system know what lootpack to use from Lootpack.cs? there seems to be defenitions for each expansion (and pre aos) but i fail to see how to set wich one to use :) I am getting allot of help from Copilot btw but it can only do so much :D
I did not change anything from lootpack and it drops random items, just not the amount it did for TOL expansion
Strage, i do get an item here and there but i seem unable to actually boost the drop rates even if i set magic items to True. Would be nice to be able to atleast doubble the droprates but i guess i might have to do with the "real" rates of back in yonder days.

I thank you so much for all your help! You have made me atleast a little wiser :)
You may need to adjust this part and see what happens. If it still doesn't change anything, try adjusting a mob's actual drop from what ever it is I.E. Rich to OldRich etc.

Yes that is the one i changed and it didn't do anything, tried setting troll to Oldaverage but that gave me a compile error. RIght now i am trying to figure out if magic items exept wands even spawn atall because i am jumping around as gm looking at the few items i can find and none of them are magic even if i do item id and armslore on them.
Nope, confirmed. There are actually no magic items spawning, the only items that do spawn are wands and the fixed items on some creatures.
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Most loot is actually generated upon the death of a creature.
On troll.cs look for the following code :
        public override void GenerateLoot()

This is where you can change which loot pack you want the creature to have generated in its corpse upon death.

Lootpack.cs handles the loot packs, and it will adjust the packs based on which expansion you set your server up as.

        #region Generic accessors
        public static LootPack Poor { get { return Core.SE ? SePoor : Core.AOS ? AosPoor : OldPoor; } }
        public static LootPack Meager { get { return Core.SE ? SeMeager : Core.AOS ? AosMeager : OldMeager; } }
        public static LootPack Average { get { return Core.SE ? SeAverage : Core.AOS ? AosAverage : OldAverage; } }
        public static LootPack Rich { get { return Core.SE ? SeRich : Core.AOS ? AosRich : OldRich; } }
        public static LootPack FilthyRich { get { return Core.SE ? SeFilthyRich : Core.AOS ? AosFilthyRich : OldFilthyRich; } }
        public static LootPack UltraRich { get { return Core.SE ? SeUltraRich : Core.AOS ? AosUltraRich : OldUltraRich; } }
        public static LootPack SuperBoss { get { return Core.SE ? SeSuperBoss : Core.AOS ? AosSuperBoss : OldSuperBoss; } }