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Hello everyone! I just created a new server and have a few questions:
1) Is there a way to configure what a new character starts with? Gold, items, skills, stats etc. or is it just what is defaulted from the original game?
2) Is there a way to change a character's stats, items etc. for an Administrator (or any character for that matter)? I would like my Administrator to not die everywhere!
3) Is there a way for an Administrator to summon a monster or character to her current location?
4) Is all customization for houses the same as the current game or can you make a 20 X 20 house or increase the storage of a house?
5) Is there a way to increase the cap limits on stats, skills, max number of skill points etc?

That's it for now. Thanks for looking!
1) its in CharacterCreation.cs, you can change whatever you want as starting gear
2) either you can use [props and click on the mobiles, or do [set str 10000 or whatever you like
3) "summoning" creatures would be [add dragon <- for example. To fetch players? The easiest way is to use the [admin command
4) By default it is like OSI, you can adjust that yourself inside the HousePlacementTool.cs, in the HousePlacementEntry class
5) inside the Config folder is a PlayerCaps.cfg
Thanks for the info! I thought I could only change things in the config folder. A few more things:
1) On my new server I only see Trammel and Fel. How do I see the other areas (Malas, Tokuno, Ter Mur etc.)?
2) This may be more advanced but where can I find info on specialized customization? I have see other servers with different monsters/pet. Dragons can be mounted etc. Also houses can have cellars. Davie's locker can sort maps. Many other customizations.
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Another issue is I can't get my pet to attack a troll/monster.

Also now that I am playing with the settings to customize the server, I forgot everything I did.
How do I start over or reset everything to the default?
Do I need to download some files again?
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1) Where are you looking, and did you do the [createworld command on your server? It should have created the moongates with all the worlds by default.
2) If you check resources here you can find some, but they might not be intended for whichever version of ServUO you are running. A lot of things like that are coded in by the staff, and not always released.
I did [createworld. I am in a moongate looking to get to those other areas.
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Logging out and back in worked. Thanks!

Still have issues with pets. Claiming, kill command etc.
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Which version did you download of ServUO? The most recent?

Theres the guide I had used when I first setup my server. Following those instructions will give you a clean copy.
Then you should just be able to delete your current server, and reexact the I think its called, and that will be a clean install. Double check all Configs before you start the server the first time. If you want Allison, you can talk to me on Discord. Usually a bit quicker than this. DragnMaw#5517
By default, new IP address's can create an account, just by typing in a username and password. Somewhere in the configs there would have been a limit on the number of accounts per IP addresses.
Thanks I found that. Since the other users are using their own laptops, what do they need to download to access my server?
They will need to download Ultima Online Client, and a way to interface with your server. Most commonly used are Razor, UOSteam, and AssistUO I think it is called. Once they download Ultima Online, they need to run it at least once to get the newest patch. After that they launch whichever program they decided to use to connect, type in the IP Address and Port of your server, and hit connect.
Is there a way to change the spawn rate on monsters. I killed a balron and it took over 5 minutes to respawn a new one. Thanks.
Default spawn rate was/is, 3 min minimum 5 min maximum for most mobs. Prior to using [createworld, you can modify the .xml files in UO\Spawns\*.xml
and then I did a
Replace <MinDelay>3</MinDelay> to <MinDelay>1</MinDelay>
Replace <MaxDelay>5</MaxDelay> to <MaxDelay>3</MinDelay>

Then you will have to regenerate every single spawner (easier just run [XmlSpawnerWipeAll, then redo [createworld. At least thats how I increased the spawn time on my server if my memory serves)

Make sure to double check that MaxDelay default is 5, and MinDelay default is 3 before doing youre replacements, just encase I have the wrong Default Numbers there (going off memory of what they WERE)
Thanks. So I need to [create world again. Will this erase everything I've already setup?
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I only changed 3 spawns. Can I just regenerate those monsters? If so how di I do that. Thanks again!
It will regenerate the same things it did on your original createworld. Its just one of the fastest ways I know to do this. The other option is you could then [xmlimportspawners <each spawner.xml file>
one at a time.

OR!!! (When I did this it ended up working, but caused a server crash)

[xmlspawnersaveall <filename>.xml

then do your replaces on <filename>.xml

then do the [xmlspawnerwipeall

[xmlimportspawners <filename>.xml

Edit - Oh it wasn't [createworld a second time, but [recreateworld
But yeah it regens everything. Decos, Spawners, NPCs, Moongates, etc, etc.
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Dang. Now all my spawn is gone and [createworld does not appear to do anything!.
I was so close to finally having a server too. :sigh:
Do [recreateworld I added it in an edit. You can only do createworld once, recreate does a delete/recreate function, which is nearly the same.
Thanks, tried that. Still no spawn/npc's.
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There has got to be something simple that I am missing. I did [XmlSpawnerWipeAll, then [recreateworld but no spawn or NPC's show up.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
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I still can't get the [xmlhome to popup. I get the cursor to target but nothing happens when I click on a monster.
Also I have the server running on my PC. I cannot login from my laptop using the server and Port 2593.
I can login from the PC just fine.
Do I need to change my ip address in ServUO?
From your laptop, you need to use the Private IP address of the PC (assuming you are on the same network). In default home installations it should be192.168.#.#. # being using 1 or 0, and the second one anything between 2 and 253.

Open a command prompt with windows (cmd.exe), and type the command ipconfig. It will give you an output showing your IP Address.


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Thanks that worked!
Now if I could just adjust the respawn time on the monsters ([xmlhome and clicking on the mob with the cursor does not bring up anything) then I think I can finish testing my server. Thanks!
You can do [props on each XMLSpawner and adjust the MinDelayTime and MaxDelayTime manually... But you'd have to do that to EVERY xmlspawner. Thats what the playing around with the MinDelay / MaxDelay in the .xml file was supposed to do. Once you modify that file, and reimport it or however xmlspawner does it, it will reload the settings you changed in the file on the xmlspawners directly.
I tried changing the *.xml files, then did the wipeall but after recreating the world no spawn/NPS's were on my server.
Did I miss a step? How do I "regenerate" each spawner individually? Maybe that will work. I know it's got to be something I missed.
Did you try the [recreateworld command?

Brings up that gump, if you leave everything checked off and hit Okay, it should replace all the Spawners, using the new .xml files you modified.


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I am attempting to clean up my allspawns.xml file and send it to you. You could import it, and it will regenerate your world. I just need to remove the custom spawners from a copy quick.

Edit - Nvm that wont work. Forgot I've all ready deleted all the trammel spawns. I'll just generate a new one.
omg the file is too large to upload to the server.

Ok I got it so go as a zip.

Extract (only has allspawns.xml in it) to the root directory of your server. ServUO-Master is the folder if you haven't renamed it.
Once it is extracted, run

[xmlspawnerload allspawns.xml

that will recreate every spawner from a freshly installed ServUO, with absolutely no modifications... Do you want me to adjust the times for you and then repost the .zip?
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Here you go, one allspawns.xml with MinDelay 1 minute, MaxDelay 3 minute, instead of MinDelay5, MaxDelay 10.


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careful, default spawn (when I used one) creates a few double up spawners (Miasma in Labrynth specifically), and some of TerMur isn't spawned (Bank and I forget what else)
Oh good to know. Miasma is one of my favorite places to hunt. 2 Miasma's at a time will be very challenging!
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I see two Blood Elementals as well. any way to change this?
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Thanks for the help. Back again (was sick for a couple of days). Thanks for the file. I did not see any spawn in the Valley of Edon in the file.
Did I miss them in the file or do they need to be added? Thanks.
Thanks everyone for all the help! Another question. I do not have any spawn in the Stygian Abyss.
How do I get mobs and NPC's to spawn there? Thanks again!
That worked great! Thanks!
Also any way to change the spawn timer for the mobs in the Valley of Edon?
I did not see any of those mobs in the file.
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