
Triberius submitted a new resource:

Overland Reg Spawns - Overland Reagent Spawns for Trammel and Felucca in one XML file.

Since I'm always looking for it, I assume others are too. I hunted down the old TrammelRegs and FeluccaRegs MSF files and loaded them up and exported them as a single XML file. My main reason for doing this, ServUO's Sister (cousin? uncle?) project TrueUO doesn't have the Import MSF function, and this seemed an easier way to keep track of it.

I take no credit for the two MSF files mentioned above, I'm not even sure who did them originally, but thought this would be useful for people...

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Just wanted to add onto this, for anyone who is trying to figure out how to use [xmlload. It took me an embarrassingly long time to figure out that you need to specify the full file name (including file extension), as well as any folder it is in.

So for me, after dropping OverlandRegs.xml file into the Spawns folder. I needed to run:
[xmlload Spawns/OverlandRegs.xml

Thank you for adding this spawner as an easy to find resource!

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