I was wondering if its possible to convert the current planting system a little. Basically what I'm looking to do is to create a gardening BOD system or quest so that players can do something with the hoard of plants they grow. We have quite a few people on our server who enjoy planting, and we have added in custom plants they can grow. The issue I am running into is that the finished grown plants are not a typeof, which is what its looking for for the baseline quests i'm comparing it to (was looking in particular at the professional fisher quest) and had a bod system written for this but i cant get the type to cast to the bod because of this. Is there a potential way i could convert the plants that grow to just 'create' a new item when they're finished growing and you click to put them into decorative and delete the old one? That way the new final grown stages of plants are a type.
From the small planting bulk entry file:
From the small planting bulk entry file:
f (split.Length >= 2)
Type type = ScriptCompiler.FindTypeByName(split[0]);
int graphic = Utility.ToInt32(split[split.Length - 1]);
if (type != null && graphic > 0)
list.Add(new SmallPlantingBulkEntry(type, type.Name, graphic));