Test Players wanted to give feedback on a development server. description is long so read carefully lol
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS ( Forgotten Realms ) Type of Ruleset
The server has been setup to feel like your playing and old Forgotten Realms adventure. From old D&D items like bags of hold to Dragon Orbs to summon Dragons are in the game. To Evil Chromatic Dragons Red, Blue, Black, Green, White and Metallic Good Aligned Dragons Gold, Silver, Copper, Bronze, Brass. You can also become a Dragon Lord gaining that title which displays under your name. The server was setup so if your playing with friends or just by yourself you can always find something to do or find something new and fun to do. Always something hidden to explore or find. I will always want to add new stuff to the server if it seems to add value to game play. I have developed this server since 2003 originally it was Geia Adventures way back when very small server. No Gargoyles No Asian stuff just good old fashioned D&D type stuff. I wanted this server to try and be a true as could be to a Open Sandbox design as it could be. To provide play on so many different levels not just PVM or PVP but to enjoy crafting, harvesting, exploring, puzzle solving, Home building, questing and character building. The most fun I have ever had was playing Dungeons and Dragons creating a story about my character as we played for so many hours through the years building my character. I am hoping people can have that same sort of feeling when playing.


1. Levels / Experience Points: We have levels , max level is 20. you gain levels by gaining exp points, you can gain exp by doing pretty much anything, casting a spell, killing a mob, doing a quest, crafting an item, etc. When you go up a level you get rewards like for certain classes you get your next level of spells or you get a extra control slot for pets or your str cap is raised etc.
2. Races: We have 19 races these are basically reflected off old Dungeons and Dragons Forgotten Realms ruleset or close to it, so you will see classic Drow Elf race or Duergar (dark dwarf underdark), Wood elf etc races, We also have animations for actual Dwarfs that actually work :) trade secret lol. Races are a pivotal point to how it all comes together.
2a. Stat Caps: Different Races have different Stat Caps -example Elfs have a 140 Dex Cap and Dwarves had a 140 Str Cap.
3. Classes: Same as Races we have classic classes as Cleric, Paladin, etc but we also have some unique classes like Avenger which is a dark paladin or a Bladesinger (elf swordcaster) and Warlock. Classes also play a big part because items , spells and other systems and game play differ because of what class you are, a paladin can use the new skill taunt that a fighter can not and at level 5 gets a str cap higher than a monk lets say.
3a. Profession Classes / There are classes that are specifically for just crafters like the class blacksmith or Tailor, these classes give you higher caps to your crafting skills than normal classes so that if you just want to craft for play can get right into it.
3b. Class Abilities/ some classes have class abilities like special moves or spells. You gain these abilities at certain levels. Example is the barbarians berserk, grants extra damage while in berserk mode but looses stam while in beserk mode.
4. Languages: Here are the languages Common, Elven, Orcish, Drowic, Dwarvish, Duergan, Gargish, Gnomish, Angelic, Dracish. If a character is speaking a different language it will come across as gibberish. you can learn different language and switch between them.
5. Proficiencies: We have Armor Proficiencies, Weapon Proficiencies, Shield Proficiencies, Magic Proficiencies, Primary Proficiencies, and Secondary Proficiencies just like Dungeons and Dragons. These will have an effect on weapons armor attack resistance spell casting damage etc. you gain points as you level to select your Proficiencies as you play.
6. Servants: Like pets these are servants but they do not take up control slot you have a separate area for these they act like pets but you do not tame them you hire them based on money and your nobility type (which you can change during the game).
7. Religion: You may choose to worship a deity if you wish. If you choose a class like Priest or Priestess or Cleric you will need to select a deity. Religion will grant you special abilities or curses depending on the deity.
8. Alignment: Based off D&D concept. Good, Lawful Good, Chaotic Evil. Can effect items in game depending on Alignment type.
9. Nobility: Not a huge factor right now does affect small with servant prices.
10. Stat & Skill Caps: There is no real Stat and Skill Caps since you can raise your Stat & Skill Caps through leveling and rare items.
11. We have two extra Stats Con = Constitution & Chr = Charisma like Dungeons & Dragons. Consitution is some what like stamina but how well your body is built and can withstand punishment. Chrisma is how you come across to the world how other mobs view you.
12. Skills: We have two extra skills Artistry and Diplomacy. Artistry is a crafting skill and diplomacy is a skill used in training and controlling servants. Some skills have been renamed like Bushido is now called Darkness, Ninjitsu is now called Assasination, Imbuing is now called Leatherworking, Mysticism is now called Elementalism, Spellweaving is now called Demonogoly.
13. Player Profile Gump: Custom gump showing details of your character.


1. Our Tamables have levels and have a max level of 20. They gain xp by killing foes. there are 3 stages of training you can raise skills, stats, resistances, add skills, change AI types. to advance in stages you need to purchase a training book at each stage before advancing. Tamables have classifications to genus to tell what type they are. Basically totally different from UO and ServUO complete overhaul.
2. Training and Lore gump: Once your pet is tamed you have a new gump from which you can view your pets details. Once you get enough exp points on your pet you an train your pet via the gump.
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1. Our Servants are like tameable creatures and pets but don’t take any control slots, they take up there own servant slots. Servant slots aredetermined by Nobility type and a base of 5 like control slots.
2. Servants can only be purchased or hired like the squire systems out there. If you don’t keep paying them they will leave unless they swear feality to you.
3. Servants can be trained like your pets with the 3 stages of traing and gain exp the same way as your pets by killing mobs, and can be modified like your pets with stats and skills and other modification with one addition, you can give them equipment.
4. Currently this system is being worked on for stabling your servents not in a stable but in an Inn like a player.
5. The Servant system is not yet quite complete and is in development but is close to being finished.


1. Archeology / Rare House deco, Ingredients for other crafting.
2. Fishing / Trophy Fish Deco / Ingredients for custom cooking ( Buff foods).
3. Gem Mining / gems and rare gems for custom crafts.
4. Gold Panning / Pan for gold nuggets to convert to gold currency or gold bars for craft.
5. Grave Robbing / Search for rare items in graves.
6. Lumberjacking / 12 Types of wood ( all custom not the ones in servUO not OWTL ones my own custom ones ).
7. Reagent Gathering / We have 12 different spell systems so many different reagents so makes it alot easier than just picking up regs off ground more structured tools involved.
8. Snow Harvesting / Fun off shot to pass time for snowballs and other odd trinkets and fun items.
9. Soil Harvesting / 6 types of soil For use in plant growing and other custom craft systems.
10. Mining / 12 custom ores some are distro but a mixture of custom like mythril and Cobalt, Orichalcum and others.
11. And of course we have the off shoots like sand mining stone mining.


( NOTE: we have Race specific crafting Dwarf blacksmithing, elf bowcraft etc. each menu will have different items can craft if you are a different race )
1. Alchemy / Not the plain Jane Alchemy can craft dye tubs, mana potions and many custom items.
2. Artistry / Crafts paintings for house deco a small hobby crafting system.
3. Blacksmithy / BODs (Remember each race will have different items they can craft depending on what race they are.) Dwarven Plate. Gnomes can do like Jeweled maces that others can't. Also Have new armors types like Scalemail, Elven Chainmail, Drow Elven Chainmail, 10 Different types of Dragon Scales for dragonscale armor called chromatic and metallic dragons and 5 gem dragon scale for crafting weapons out of the scales ( in a craft called Dragon Craft).
4. Bow Fletching / BODs Race specific also. using the 12 different types of custom woods adding simple new archery weapons also like short bow (UO never had) Specialty Arrows Fire arrow, Lightning Arrow, Poison Arrow, Ice Arrow and of course bolts ( will have to harvest special feathers for them also.
5. Carpentry / BODs Similar to normal Uo but with mine you can also now craft wood weapons and wooden shields and do BODs for them. using the 12 types of custom woods.
6. Cartography / Normal (would like to customize this one day).
7. Cooking / BODs (working on) Buff foods, dyes, normal food items.
8. Dragon Craft / Craft Armor from evil Chromatic red, black, white, blue, green dragon scales and Good metallic gold, silver, copper, bronze, brass dragon scales. Also craft Weapons from Gem Dragon scales (called shards) ruby, emerald, sapphire, topaz, Amethyst.
9. Enchanting BODs / Craft enchanting scrolls or gems to enchant weapons, armor, shields, quivers, spell books. Using gems and other resources that have been harvested.
10. Floristry / Novelty crafting to created home deco potted plants.
11. Jewel Craft / Craft for cutting raw gems for jewelry and other craft systems like mechanical tinkering and enchanting.
12. Glassblowing / Normal except can craft aquariums now.
13. Inscription / More important here because scrolls really cant be purchase here spells are given out with levels in game except with very basic low level spells like nightsight and recall and things.
14. Leather Working / Tailoring and Leather working were split into two different crafts now since there is alot more items and they really are two different crafts. and alot more leathers to work with. 8 Different types of leather and 6 types of Fur and 3 types of pelts a leather worker uses to craft with so there is alot to work with in this craft. Crafts Whips now, Fur Armors for our northern character class the Barbarians, and Pelt Armors like the tiger and savage armors and Hide armors.
15. Masonry / Normal.
16. Mechanical Tinkering / Basically a craft for a character class of Gnome tamers that work with robot pets. Craft your own pet and train them.
17. Minting / Craft your own money using gold, silver and copper ore.
18. Pelting / Opps I put this in leather working but its crafting pelt armor like leather working. The Tiger Armor and Turtle armor I call it savage armor
19. Tailoring / BODs Very custom we have 12 different types of cloth. The reason why is because we actually have cloth armor sort of like world of warcraft. You can craft cloth armor for mages, wizards, warlocks, priests etc. That is why I split up tailoring and leather working would be way to much in one place. can craft novelty items such as toys plushy animal teddy bears, house addons curtains etc.
20. Transmute / Can transmute wood into ore and back for ease of crafting purposes.
21. Trap Crafting / Since we have characters classes such as thief, assassin it is nice to be able to have just a craft just for traps.
22. Wine Craft / Novelty craft to craft wines.

12 Different Spell systems None of them can be found on ServUO except maybe the cleric system but its very modified. Level 4 spells of custom systems doesn't mean they are weak that is just how high the level system is in that class.
1. Arachnomancer / Drow Underdark Spider magic 32 spells.
2. Bushido (Darkness)/ Used as the Avenger Skill since I don't use SE asian stuff renamed to Darkness skill in game.
3. Chivalry / Paladin spells unchanged from distro.
4. Cleric / Cleric spells 32 spells levels 1 through level 4.
5. Druid / Druidic spells animal taming skill based 64 spells level 1 through level 8. (all custom not like druid package out there).
6. Necromancy / Normal necro spells.
7. Ninjitsu (Assassination) / used by Assassin Class in game renamed Assassination.
8. Priest / Priest spells 6 deity type spells levels 1 and 3 are core spells levels 2 and 4 are custom to each deity and there are 84 spells custom.
9. Shaman / Shaman Elemental type spells level 1 through level 4. 32 spells.
10. Bardic / Bard Songs This one can be found out there in ServUo but I did customize it and added a few new songs so 20 spells.
11. Warlock / Demonic magic used by the warlock class levels 1 through 8. 64 spells.
12. Basic UO spells levels 1 through level 8. 64 spells.


1. Player owned cities. You can own and build you own city.
2. Place buildings within the city limits like banks, stables etc.
3. Have elections, hire guards for your city ban people from entering your city.
4. collect taxes from people going through your city or living in your city. You can allow people to build a house in your city and collect a tax from them.

CUSTOM SEA SHIPS Work in Progress

1. 3 and 4 mast ships in game with dyeable hulls and custom prowls. One with dragonhead one with a swans head.
2. Working on ship battles right now hope to complete that soon 75% complete on that just need to get cannons working correctly.

1. Factions based upon an old D&D world over 35 years ago. Two Human factions heads a Drow Elf Faction a High Elven Faction a Orc Faction. So 5 Factions in all.
2. Very similar to normal faction except names and cities and colors etc.

1.Vet rewards is based of months not years and is totally revamped so its not the same rewards as the normal UO rewards.
2. New gumps looks and feels a lot cleaner and fresh.
3. Rewards are a lot more useful not just deco items.

1.1000s+ custom art items.making for new spell animations and for new items for deco and other items.
2. 150+ custom animations for new monsters and mounts.
3. Custom map with new cities to explore new dungeons to dive and ses to sail.
4. 100+ Custom Gumps for more exciting Weapons, Armor and unquie feel to game. Updated and cleaned up normal gumps to look and feel better like stable gumps powerscroll gumps also added new gumps to look at your player profile to get a in depth view of your character and information about your character.

1.. Custom Casino slots. They are not your cookie cutter slots that have been posted all scripts I get are always modified to my own liking and changed to give them their own flare to fit the server.
2. 5 different types of slots rewards can be from potted plants to mounts to house deeds to rare items. I also put rare item as rewards hard to get but if spending gold have to make it worth it.
3. Blackjack card games.
4. Roulette game.
5. Craps game.

Send me a message if interested in helping test on a player side of things.


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Also forgot to mention a few other things.
1. Critical Hit System.
2. Bounty System.
3. House Vault / Bank System.
4. Housing Stables. / Hitching Posts.
5. Weapon Enhancements ( Weight Stones, Sharpening Stones, Balancing Stones ).
6. Lots of pet Items from pet Elixers to Pet Stat Cards, Pet Potions, Pet Training Gems and Experience point feeds.
7. Custom Items like Scabbards, Flails and D&D magical Items like Deck of Many Things or Ioun Stones. Belt of Giant strength, Gauntlets of Ogre Power, Etc. Flails, Whips, Spears, Polearms have a range of 2 or higher unlike normal is 1 since you would think you can stand further away from target to hit them.
8. The Cloth armor for Wizards, Monks, Warlock and Priests / Priestesses Have 3 strengths or levels or types; Regular Cloth Armor, Padded Cloth Armor and Fortified Cloth Armor.
9. Can craft Daemon Bone Armon and also Demon Bone armor. You collect Daemon bones and Demon bones to craft armor.

More custom gumps used in game.
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