OK I figured out how to up the price on my own. After much trial and error. But now I have another question. In the script it says this:
if ( pet is FarmChicken )
FarmChicken ba = (FarmChicken) pet;
double sellbonus = 0;
if (ba.MotherBreed == ChickenBreed.Leghorn || ba.FatherBreed == ChickenBreed.Leghorn)
sellbonus += (ba.IsPurebred() ? 5.0 : 2.5 );
if (ba.MotherBreed == ChickenBreed.Barnevelder || ba.FatherBreed == ChickenBreed.Barnevelder)
sellbonus += (ba.IsPurebred() ? 4.0 : 2.0 );
if (ba.MotherBreed == ChickenBreed.Orpington || ba.FatherBreed == ChickenBreed.Orpington)
sellbonus += (ba.IsPurebred() ? 2.0 : 1.0 );
if (ba.MotherBreed == ChickenBreed.Poltava || ba.FatherBreed == ChickenBreed.Poltava)
sellbonus += (ba.IsPurebred() ? 2.0 : 1.0 );
if (ba.MotherBreed == ChickenBreed.Bresse || ba.FatherBreed == ChickenBreed.Bresse)
sellbonus += (ba.IsPurebred() ? 5.0 : 2.5 );
if (ba.MotherBreed == ChickenBreed.Braekel || ba.FatherBreed == ChickenBreed.Braekel)
sellbonus += (ba.IsPurebred() ? 3.0 : 1.5 );
if (ba.Age == AgeDescription.Baby)
sellbonus += 1.0;
else if (ba.Age == AgeDescription.Young)
sellbonus += 4.0;
else if (ba.Age == AgeDescription.Adult)
sellbonus += 6.0;
else if (ba.Age == AgeDescription.Senior)
sellbonus -= 10.0;
sellbonus += (ba.Female? 10:0);
SellPetForGold(from, pet, 1500 + (int)sellbonus);
The 1500 is the price, but what I don't know is how does it calculate the sell bonus as noted above for each breed? I sold a Leghorn and got 1516 gold, so the 1500 as I identified but how does sellbonus += (ba.IsPurebred() ? 5.0 : 2.5 ); = 16 gold? Anyone??
Thank You