
I don't know how many like me when playing with the UO client, have to go through an annoying process of changing the screen resolution, like with windows 10, just to see the game normal size then when done, go through a lot of menues to change it back. I have been using a new program that works with Windows 10,8,and 7 which you set the resolution to a function key. When playing, hit that key and you get the resolution immidiately. When done, hit another and bingo, back to normal! No searching through settings to fix. I ran this through two antivirus programs, Kaspersky and Trend with no warnings what so ever.


  • HRC_-_HotKey_Resolution_Changer_v2_1.exe.zip
    471.4 KB · Views: 5
Use at your own risk, I didn't do any expensive digging into this program but some odd ball anti virus's pick up something. Probably false positives but I have no idea.

Another option to change the game window resolution is to just edit the memory of the client while it's running. I presume that is what this program is doing.

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