ServUO Version
Publish 58
Ultima Expansion
Time Of Legends
Hey all. I hope you're all well. I am running a private ServUO server for me and a small handful of friends. I do have some coding experience, but not enough to really get to grips with the entirety of ServUO. I could therefore do with some help.

I'd like to add Heritage Tokens to the veteran rewards system so players can purchase some of the old anniversary gifts. I've established that RewardSystem.cs is the correct file to modify and I have even found the lists of items. However, I am not sure exactly what each parameter in the constructor(maybe not the right word) means and I'm hoping someone can help. By way of example, here is the 20 year anniversary reward:

RewardsSystem.cs lines 628-631:
new RewardList(RewardInterval, 20, new RewardEntry[]
    new RewardEntry(etherealSteeds, 1157995, typeof(EtherealSerpentineDragon), Expansion.TOL)

I assume the first parameter of RewardEntry (etherealSteeds) relates to which sub-menu the item will appear on, so in my case I'd set that to 'miscellaneous'. I also assume the third parameter in my case would be typeof(HeritageToken). Further, I assume the last parameter is set to ensure that veteran rewards that only appear in certain expansions will only appear if ServUO's configuration has that expansion or later enabled. Please let me know if any of these assumptions are incorrect.

I am not sure what the second parameter relates to. Can someone explain what it does and where I can find that ID in relation to Heritage Tokens (Or, indeed, any item as I may need to add others in future).

Thank you in advance.
The number is related to the clioc file, it houses strings that are referenced by number! You can view this file in UOFiddler to see what the number refers to!