ServUO Version
Publish Unknown
Ultima Expansion
Endless Journey
I'm using Pub 54 and am messing with the Rune Crafting scripts and I would like to change it so that on a failure it removes durability from the item instead of completely destroying it. I have it working exactly how I want, but I'm having a small issue with the syntax for the durability.

I used the original Utility.Random() to determine if the enhancement succeeds or fails, then a second Utility.Random() to determine if the failure reduces durability or completely destroys the item.

Here is a snip of the file, and the line in question is 44. I'm not exactly sure what syntax to use to remove 1 durability.

The script does not compile due to line 44 (I've been messing with the syntax). I used a different syntax to get it to compile (Weapon.HitPoints +=1;) and that has Rune Crafting successes and failures and on failures it sometimes destroys the item, sometimes not, but when it doesn't, it doesn't reduce the durability of the item.

 protected override void OnTarget( Mobile from, object targeted )
                int DestroyChance = Utility.Random( 3 );
                int augmentper = Utility.Random( 5 ) + 1;

                            if ( targeted is Item  )  // protects from crash if targeting a Mobile.
                Item item = (Item) targeted;

                if ( !from.InRange( ((Item)targeted).GetWorldLocation(), 3 ) )
                          from.SendLocalizedMessage( 500446 ); // That is too far away.

                else if (( ((Item)targeted).Parent != null ) && ( ((Item)targeted).Parent is Mobile ) )
                          from.SendMessage( "You cannot enhance that in it's current location." );

                    else if ( targeted is BaseWeapon )
                           BaseWeapon Weapon = targeted as BaseWeapon;
                        if ( DestroyChance > 0 ) // Success
                            Weapon.WeaponAttributes.HitFireArea += augmentper;
                            from.SendMessage( "The Rune enhances your weapon." );
                                      from.PlaySound( 0x1F5 );

                        else // Fail

                                int TotalDestroy = Utility.Random(3);

                            if (TotalDestroy > 0) // Damages Equipment

                            from.SendMessage( "You have failed to enhance the weapon!" );
                            from.SendMessage( "The weapon has been damaged!" );
                            from.PlaySound( 42 );
                            Weapon.WeaponDurabilityLevel += 1;
                            else //Total Destroy

                              from.SendMessage( "You have failed to enhance the weapon!" );
                            from.SendMessage( "The weapon is damaged beyond repair!" );
                            from.PlaySound( 42 );
                           from.SendMessage( "You cannot enhance that." );


        public override bool DisplayLootType{ get{ return false; } }  // ha ha!

        public HitFireAreaRune( Serial serial ) : base( serial )

        public override void Serialize( GenericWriter writer )
            base.Serialize( writer );

            writer.Write( (int) 0 ); // version

        public override void Deserialize( GenericReader reader )
            base.Deserialize( reader );

            int version = reader.ReadInt();