
cant fig out how to get this to pick a random skill only seem too pick alchemy heres some info on them too

using System;
using System.Collections;
using Server.Engines.Quests;
using Server.Mobiles;
namespace Server.Items
	public class ScrollofAlacrity : SpecialScroll
		public override int LabelNumber
				return 1078604;
		}// Scroll of Alacrity
		public override int Message
				return 1078602;
		}/*Using a Scroll of Transcendence for a given skill will permanently increase your current 
		*level in that skill by the amount of points displayed on the scroll.
		*As you may not gain skills beyond your maximum skill cap, any excess points will be lost.*/
		public override string DefaultTitle
				return String.Format("<basefont color=#FFFFFF>Scroll of Alacrity:</basefont>");
		public ScrollofAlacrity()
			: this(SkillName.Alchemy)
		public ScrollofAlacrity(SkillName skill)
			: base(skill, 0.0)
			this.ItemID = 0x14EF;
			this.Hue = 0x4AB;
		public ScrollofAlacrity(Serial serial)
			: base(serial)
		public override void GetProperties(ObjectPropertyList list)
			list.Add(1071345, "{0} 15 Minutes", this.GetName()); // Skill: ~1_val~
		public override bool CanUse(Mobile from)
			if (!base.CanUse(from))
				return false;
			PlayerMobile pm = from as PlayerMobile;
			if (pm == null)
				return false;
			#region Mondain's Legacy
			for (int i = pm.Quests.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
				BaseQuest quest = pm.Quests[i];
				for (int j = quest.Objectives.Count - 1; j >= 0; j--)
					BaseObjective objective = quest.Objectives[j];
					if (objective is ApprenticeObjective)
						from.SendMessage("You are already under the effect of an enhanced skillgain quest.");
						return false;
			#region Scroll of Alacrity
			if (pm.AcceleratedStart > DateTime.Now)
				from.SendLocalizedMessage(1077951); // You are already under the effect of an accelerated skillgain scroll.
				return false;
			return true;
		public override void Use(Mobile from)
			if (!this.CanUse(from))
			PlayerMobile pm = from as PlayerMobile;
			if (pm == null)
			double tskill = from.Skills[this.Skill].Base;
			double tcap = from.Skills[this.Skill].Cap;
			if (tskill >= tcap || from.Skills[this.Skill].Lock != SkillLock.Up)
				from.SendLocalizedMessage(1094935); /*You cannot increase this skill at this time. The skill may be locked or set to lower in your skill menu.
				*If you are at your total skill cap, you must use a Powerscroll to increase your current skill cap.*/
			from.SendLocalizedMessage(1077956); // You are infused with intense energy. You are under the effects of an accelerated skillgain scroll.
			Effects.PlaySound(from.Location, from.Map, 0x1E9);
			Effects.SendTargetParticles(from, 0x373A, 35, 45, 0x00, 0x00, 9502, (EffectLayer)255, 0x100);
			pm.AcceleratedStart = DateTime.Now + TimeSpan.FromMinutes(15);
			Timer t = (Timer)m_Table[from];
			m_Table[from] = Timer.DelayCall(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(15), new TimerStateCallback(Expire_Callback), from);
			pm.AcceleratedSkill = this.Skill;
		private static readonly Hashtable m_Table = new Hashtable();
		private static void Expire_Callback(object state)
		public static bool AlacrityEnd(Mobile m)
			BuffInfo.RemoveBuff(m, BuffIcon.ArcaneEmpowerment);
			m.SendLocalizedMessage(1077957);// The intense energy dissipates. You are no longer under the effects of an accelerated skillgain scroll.
			return true;
		public override void Serialize(GenericWriter writer)
			writer.Write((int)0); // version
		public override void Deserialize(GenericReader reader)
			int version = (this.InheritsItem ? 0 : reader.ReadInt()); //Required for SpecialScroll insertion
			this.LootType = LootType.Cursed;
			this.Insured = false;
I don't see any where that ScrollofAlacrity is actually created in any of the code. the problem is line 43

public ScrollofAlacrity()
			: this(SkillName.Alchemy)

It looks like this will always create it ass a Alchemy skill scroll. What I would do is either change that to
public ScrollofAlacrity()
			: this(SkillName skill)
and have some code to create the scroll, as loot or a reward or whatever an choose a random skill name to pass to the constructor.

Upon further investigation just change line 48 to read:

public ScrollofAlacrity 
: this(Utility.RandomSkill())