Dr Death


We are introducing a new RP based Shard that is running today (meaning the server is up but no one is playing yet), but we are in the world "build" stage. We are looking for great people who want to help contribute ideas that will make our shard fun and enjoyable. We are committed to this shard and the server is currently running great hardware and hosted in a Tier 1 Data Center.

16 Core 3.2Ghz (32 threads) 128GB ram DDR 3tb SSD raid 1 and 1gbit network (we know its overkill, but we wanted to start it off strong and to show our commitment). Server is located in NJ USA in a datacenter.

Live events
Global chat
Level system (in the workds)

We are looking to have a persistent world with seasonal changes as well. This is not a legacy shard and we will try and make it as unique as our joint ideas can imagine. Check out our website, forum (just launched) and join us on discord to help us build a great shard that you can enjoy. We are open to ideas and truly want to collaborate with folks.
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We are introducing a new RP based Shard that is running today (meaning the server is up but no one is playing yet), but we are in the world "build" stage. We are looking for great people who want to help contribute ideas that will make our shard fun and enjoyable. We are committed to this shard and the server is currently running great hardware and hosted in a Tier 1 Data Center.

Our server located right outside of NYC! Massive hardware and ALWAYS on unless we are doing updates.

We are looking to have a persistent world with seasonal changes as well. This is not a legacy shard and we will try and make it as unique as our joint ideas can imagine. Check out our website, forum (just launched) and join us on discord to help us build a great shard that you can enjoy. We are open to ideas and truly want to collaborate with folks.
Our Server is live and some RP elements have begun. The loyalist VS the Rebels. Story line still in the beginning stages so you havent missed anything. This is a Modern UO shard based on core Servuo and modified as we go. Come join us! Live events will start once we have enough participation.

The Call to Arms
A Kingdom on the Brink
In the nascent days of "Thrones of Destiny," the land of Aetheron stands at a crossroads. The kingdom, renowned for its majestic cities and enchanted landscapes, is under siege from a growing number of monstrous invasions. These relentless attacks have sown fear and uncertainty among the people, casting doubt on the king's ability to maintain order and protect his subjects.

Seeds of Rebellion
Amidst this chaos, whispers of rebellion have begun to take root. Discontented citizens, frustrated by the king's perceived inability to safeguard the realm, are being drawn to the cause of the rebels. These insurgents, led by the enigmatic figure known as the Shadow, see the monster invasions as a sign of the king's weakness and an opportunity to rally support for their vision of a new order.

The Rebel's Message
The rebels' message is simple but powerful: "The king has failed us. Join us, and together we will create a safer, stronger Aetheron." They gather in secret, in darkened taverns and hidden glades, spreading their doctrine of change and revolution. Their leaders, charismatic and persuasive, paint a vivid picture of a future where the people, not a distant monarch, hold the reins of power.

Recruiting the Disillusioned
The monster invasions have left many villages and outposts in ruins, their inhabitants desperate for protection and stability. It is among these disillusioned and fearful people that the rebels find their most ardent recruits. Promising a future free from the constant threat of monsters, they attract warriors, mages, and common folk alike, all united by a desire for a better, safer world.

The Loyalist Response
The king's loyalists, aware of the growing threat posed by the rebels, strive to counter their influence. They reinforce the cities and fortify the defenses, but the task is daunting. The loyal Order Guards patrol the streets, their presence a constant reminder of the king's authority. They speak of duty and honor, urging the people to stand by the monarchy and reject the rebels' call.

A Brewing Storm
In the heart of Britain, the tension is palpable. Once a bustling hub of trade and diplomacy, the city now finds itself at the epicenter of a brewing conflict. Loyalists and rebels vie for the hearts and minds of the populace, each side convinced that their vision for Aetheron is the true path to salvation. The air is thick with rumors of impending skirmishes and covert plots.

The Call to Adventure
As a player in "Thrones of Destiny," you enter this world at a pivotal moment. Will you heed the call of the rebels, seeking to overthrow the king and usher in a new era? Or will you stand with the loyalists, defending the kingdom against both monstrous threats and internal strife? Your choices will shape the destiny of Aetheron, forging alliances and rivalries that will echo through the ages.

We have moved our server to the NYC area in a datacenter. Come check us out and help make our shard OUR shard.
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