RE: Tips for New Server Owners

My thing isn't even so much wanting to have my own server, but to just play it single player and mess around with editing stuff. It's more of a project to me then trying to get players to come join. But I still need to figure out why I can't connect to my server just yet. And yes, I've tried Oddyssy but I'm wanting a fresh, non edited server to begin with to play around with. The steps of getting one setup seem simple enough, but for some odd reason they just do not work for me. All help would be greatly appreciated. Please reach out to me. I'm retired and just looking for something to keep my old brain from continually aging faster. Nice to have a project to pour some time into.
having issues with getting people into my server. keeps saying client unsupported and they have all the same stuff as me and i can log in just fine. but my friends cannot
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