
Maps CentrEd+ Version

As used previous external host become unavailable, I update installer and upload it again.
Version 0.7.9
[C] Bug #393: Range check error in drawing mode
[C] Bug #394: Blinking scene corners after startup
[C] Bug #428: minimap don't update after switching zoom
[C] Improvement #429: new tool - editing mesh
[C] Improvement #395: Render optimization
[C] Improvement #427: Landscape block cache optimization
[C] Improvement #396: Add new hotkeys for VirtualLayer
[C] Improvement #430: Support uop data for new clients
[C] Improvement #431: Support artLegacyMUL.uop file format
[R] Improvement #432: Support map#LegacyMUL.uop file format
[-] Misc #433: Update logo, splash and installer

New version have have much better render and block bufferization optimizations. As the result on big screens with 25% scale performance increased 10-100 times. Other, will be glad to hear that both client and server now supports data files in UOP format. But most interesting and usefull is added new tool which allows to edit and draw meshes. This make creating mountains much easy and faster.[/S]
Version 0.7.8
[C] Bug #184: Transitions from the random-list
[C] Bug #199: Bug at tile choice in toolbar after starting
[C] Bug #259: Settings reloading
[C] Improvement #185: Slow tile loading
[C] Improvement #188: Drawing pre-view for multi-objects
[C] Improvement #260: Color lighting*
[C] Improvement #261: Icons of virtual lighting

* As original client use specific coloring (for example thin colors cause reducing light level, but not it brigtness) it's hard to make similar behavior. But in any case better smth then nothing... Original client use up to 14 hardcoded colors for lighting (depended by version as many of them where added in SA\HS):
  • Bright White
  • White
  • Bright Orange
  • Thin Orange
  • Bright Yellow
  • Thin Yellow
  • Yellow
  • Bright Lilac
  • Bright Blue
  • Thin Blue
  • Bright Green
  • Thin Green
  • Bright Red
  • Bright Pink

Lighting colors are configurable (see new config "ColorLight.xml"). There where also added list of coloring tiles that i extracted from code of client. Also in this version where updated default configs - added converted from multies entries, virtual tiles and 2 brashes as demos (unfortanly still no default brashes config for original cliented. Exesting one contains many errors).

Other improvments added more config validations while loading, improve object list speed both in work and while loading. And fixed drawing for entry-objects and virtual lights.

Here how screen with new colored lightings:

View attachment 1862

Active Shards


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