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Daat99's World Omniporter 2.4 2.5

There are lots of changes in this version. New gump system and more. I need to do a lot more though, this version was designed for people with a lot of maps so if you are just using the regular maps it may need to be resized a little.

If you look at the script I have also included a couple of the Darkshard (Thanimur and Sosaria) moongate locations for those of you who have those maps. Darkshard maps are great for those who are curious and have not used them. I have nothing to do with that site other than adding the gate locations to this script and that I use them. You can uncomment them if you want use them or use the comments to figure out how to add your own maps.

Read the change log for a fairly complete list of changes. This is simple to use just follow these steps.

1. Drop anywhere in Scripts folder.
2. To remove moongates run command "[global delete where publicmoongate"
3. Run command "[WorldOmniGen" in the game to add World Omniporters
4. To remove Omniporters run command "[WorldOmniDel"

Also, I take no credit for this script. I’m just a hack who thinks this script is great. Enjoy.

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