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ImaNewbs Chat System 1.0

Command List for Chat System​

Player Commands​

  1. Open Chat Window
    • Command: [Chat
    • Description: Opens the chat window to select or create channels.
  2. Send Chat Message
    • Command: [c <message>
    • Description: Sends a message to the current chat channel.
  3. Create Channel
    • Command: [CreateChannel <channelName>
    • Description: Creates a new private channel with the specified name (up to 13 characters).
  4. Invite Player to Channel
    • Command: [Invite <playerName>
    • Description: Invites a player to the current chat channel.
  5. Accept Channel Invite
    • Command: [AcceptInvite <channelName>
    • Description: Accepts an invite to the specified channel.

Staff Commands​

  1. Hear All Channels
    • Command: [HearAll
    • Description: Toggles the ability to hear messages from all chat channels.

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