Ultima Adventures -  A full featured, content packed offline/online server

Shard Pack Ultima Adventures - A full featured, content packed offline/online server 2.10

amazing work the only issue i have is there is not really a well known starting area to farm gold and get better items as a new player
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It is with eyes filled with tears of joy that I write this review.
I had never heard about the Ultima Adventures project and I am VERY happy to find something as big and beautiful as this....you guys brought back memories from over 20 years ago.
Thank you very much for your work and your passion for the game.
Long live our beloved Ultima Online.
Wow, you're welcome! Best thing you can do is play on server and add your adventures permanently to the world :)
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Best Game EVER
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It's been about 20 years for the last time I have played UO. I always want to pick up UO again but I stopped everytime when I think of it's heavy grinding and the process I used to swap chars and pick up deeds in Luna. Recently heard some review that this is a good modded UO for solo player and not as grindy as the original one. I will give it a try. Thanks!
All skills have been accelerated from 0-85 in a major way. Making it easier to get to a playable level
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While I did not looked into it yet, I am excited about what to see there. I am a fan of UO since it came out and would love to run a little server on its own. This might be a good start. BTW: Your Discord Invite Link does not work. Could you fix it? <3 Thank you, Veli
discord link fixed :)
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Very Impressive work! the hours spent on such a project must have been insane. If this is what it takes to build a half way decent server these days, forget about it!
Thanks for the review, it was a labor of love, shared with many players and coders who contributed
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Thank you for this valuable resource. so very good
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The most fun I had playing UO in years, It brings back a wonderful sense of discovery that was long lost, as the deep lore and books will help you during you journey to discover new lands which are worlds appart and all are rewarding and fun to travel. You will also be well rewarded for explorering and reading the numerous lore of this shard.

With constant updates and increasing content to discover, there is quite a lot to do, although you may feel a bit loss at the start, every question you have is answered by ingame lore or its helpful playerbase.

If you are looking for a change of pace, a world filled with things to do and different adventure with tons of challenges. You will feel right at home.

Beware of the choices you make at the start of your journey as it may inder your progress (loss of stats/skills pon death) and makes the game harder but more much rewarding, or take the easier approach but unable to affect the evil VS good side of the world which affect economy, shops, and much more.
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Found this originally while trying to set up something to run as a solo uo experience, i.e was looking for scripts to add to make it more fun, and it is EXACTLY what i was looking for, plays like ultima and has fake npc players in town talking and trading etc + fake pk's etc to make it feel alive out there

played at home for about 2 weeks with a buddy until we moved to the online server and its been amazing, great friendly environment and community with grief free fun for all the family :)

it cant be stated how man random extra and secret features there are, from extra spell systems, to special loot and new crafting and secret plots by npc's to mess with you and each other

give it a go and if you like super duper mega fun come join us online :)
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My rating is slanted for obvious reasons, but I want to point out that a group of people took a well established game and made it their own. They added things they feel are fun and they try to add content to a pre-existing game map that left little room for new builds when I got done with it. They replaced my Underworld with their own...which to digress...I was going for an Ultima Pagan theme down there and that is why you have all of the giant mushrooms in Odyssey. The contrast between the original game and Adventures is the same as the generational gap of players and that moment in time they discovered MMORPGs. One extreme is MUD players and the other is a giant buffet of elements modern gamers expect. Keep that in mind if you explore these games and really reflect on what you consider your taste in gaming to be like. Many people don't like Odyssey because it was too plain and too much like an old school game. It is because of this Adventures initiative that those players have this other choice.
Appreciate the though djeryv, and you're always welcome to join as a dev or player to test things out :)
I also played MUDs btw so there might be less generational gap than you might think! we just added more "ultima online" to the game, which some might say doesn't keep true to the original ultima games.
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i give this server 3 stars...its has reverted alot of what odyssey was and made alot of changes that make absolutely no sense-ie int for control slots (god forbid ur a fighter tamer or archer tamer) diminishing return of stats u worked hard for to stacks just to lose 70% of it.....there are some kool features and thats only reason they got 3 stars....even though it takes away from the original odyssey imo....ppl living in lava-------towns right next to towns...roads just funky n straight lines with tight angels. pvp is ruled out ( : ) ). the crafters can be lazy n get powerful equipment via custom resources and gm guild hammers...ontop they wiped crafters arse n gave them deeds as bod rewards...which players cannot find via loot drops. there have been new additions to creatures n boss's without even making the ones existing even challenging......u will get random npc red encounters respawn ontop of u in noobie areas...and the red is gm skilled so as noob u dont rlly stand a chance...yet ur in a mine or noobie dungeon in town lol. and it waxs ur pack mule which cant be tamed only bought and isnt cheap right off.IMO this server needs ALOT of rebalance b4 it adds nething else...it might have been a good server at once...but with too many addons n not enough focus on improving whats alrdy there it has grown unbalanced. if u r a blue player and like strictly rpg element n dont care about min/maxing ur char then the server is good for you...but if u want 100% of ur gear stats and want to PK/PVE at ur optimal performance without being penalized for being active more then others or being a better players then others(diniminished returns of 70% loss is a joke.then the server isnt for you.... they say u get 60hp out of 100...but i even gm coded 200 hp item n only got 61 hp...its totally BS how they hold u back....the more u stack the more ur penalized for playing...if that aint wacked idk...but thats my opinion play it urself n try it!
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As much as i applaud Ultima Odyssey and what it aimed for, Ultima Adventure actually hit the mark. Its the perfect feel for the UO classic nostalgic players. Tons of stuff to do, a world that feels very alive and polished. Finaltwist and admins run an awesome server, come join us.
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Downloaded this not knowing what i was into ((Other than the epic features i read)) This seems perfect for me and my friends we just co-op and have fun this is awesome i'm running a server and loving it a lot already well done guys I know about ultima odyssey but this has much more features and user-friendly
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Absolutely, hands down, the best MMORPG experience I've had in over a decade. I love this server. I love this community. I have never had so much fun playing an MMORPG since the original UO release.

Finally something has re-captured the excitement of exploring unknown, dangerous areas. Finally a game has lit my spark for adventure.

Play here and you won't be disappointed.
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Simply wonderful. Thank you.
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Easily the best UO experience I've had. Completely unique and diverse. The constantly updates and extra features that are added all the time keep it fresh. If you haven't given Adventures a go I recommend you do. Make sure you join the discord :)
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Just superb! The world here feels very alive and dynamic, while you can still feel the spirit of that good old Ultima online
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