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[ULTIMA LIVE] DeepMining 1.6 beta

Already made caverns added with a 2% chance.
Thanks Gametec for find them ;)
- some bugs fixed

- some codes rewrited

- add roof collapsing
- a crash bug in serialization method... Fixed
- some bugs fixed

- as you define oretypes, you can now define mobiletypes to spawn

- for both ore and mobile : now, when you set a type, it is not defined for the whole mine but only for mine.levels that are >= to the level where you are standing... So you can set best ores for deeper levels...
- fix DeepGoGump crash

- format ore names properly

- SetMineGump now more easy to use, and a delete option

- no more HeavyPickAxe to dig tunnels, the classic pickaxe can both dig tunnel and harvest resources...
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