Recent content by Insanity

  1. Insanity

    Help Needed - Whenever I download the SVN or from here....

    Agreed, it was one of the main reasons I moved ServUO over to Git and away from svn. Just more developer friendly.
  2. Insanity

    Help Needed - Whenever I download the SVN or from here....

    You can also download Visual Studio 2013 Community for free now. Community is far more powerful than the old Express edition (they say it has all the features as Professional.) You'll find it easier to work on things if you're using a proper setup. We're also more than happy to provide a free...
  3. Insanity

    Visual Studio Community 2015 FREE(no joke)

    Btw, for those of you that don't really know what the community version is. It's not like Visual Studio Express. Visual Studio Community has all the same features as Professional does, or at least they claim it does.
  4. Insanity

    Visual Studio Community 2015 FREE(no joke)

    I recommend this to everyone that can install it, as the project files will soon be updated to VS 12.x (2013.) Although if you're one of the few that can't run VS 2013, the project files should still convert to an older VS no problem.
  5. Insanity

    Compiler crash.

    Doesn't the Yard Wand system use the old Ultima.dll? The error does appear to be a .net framework error.
  6. Insanity

    Better than being pissed on...

    Better than being pissed on...
  7. Insanity


    I believe they confused phone number with username when signing up? o_O
  8. Insanity


    Web chat is back up. Moved to the GeekShed network. Sorry for the downtime and move.
  9. Insanity

    The core/guts is all done actually. The only part I didn't get around to finishing at the time...

    The core/guts is all done actually. The only part I didn't get around to finishing at the time was the gumps (this is what made me start redoing the gumps.) There are a few more tweaks/changes that need to be done to the gump class in order to support gumps that rely on Knive's old GumpPlus...
  10. Insanity

    UO Tools Section

    Click 3rd Party/Misc. All releases are done via the Archive. Not the forums.
  11. Insanity

    Good Windows web hosting

    1&1 sucks. Windows also has horrible support for php. If you're stuck with shared hosting (due to cost) I'd recommend DreamHost. They offer pretty damn good support compared to other services I've used and looked at. You can easily get DreamHost for about $20 for an entire year, also includes...
  12. Insanity

    Question It's actually a VB project. Although you can compile it and use the library via your own C# app rather easy. Been a while since I've seen anyone touch it. It's basically a library that's supposed to do everything a 3rd party client would do to interact with a...
  13. Insanity

    UO Tools Section

    There is a misc section within the 3rd Party category. Sounds like UORice and other stuff mentioned in this thread would belong in the 3rd Party Apps->Misc section. I'm all for organizing the archive and forum better though. So if you can make a better argument, or propose a better way to...
  14. Insanity

    Website Question

    GoDaddy is just a greedy and evil company, imo. They've been know to register domain names that people search for using their services, and inflating the value of the domain when the person returns. Which is fucked up enough for me to not use them. Although then you must know that they also was...
  15. Insanity

    Broadsword successor to development of UO!

    Lol, young devs on their way out the door?

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