
Is anyone else experiencing difficulty connecting to the chat?

I seem to have no luck via the Chat button on the NavBar of the forums, or via mIRC externally.
Yes it seem's to be broke :/ but the forums were down all day also-I can send Toriad a msg about this
I would think the two are unrelated only because the IRC network is hosted by Dr Ren separately. Maybe he's just upgrading or moving hosts or something.
m309 & Milva- I too am having no luck connecting to the irc chat. Hank stated to send him a message when we were unable to connect, I did so 3 days ago. Still seems to be down. I am wondering if where the host is located if a storm has knocked it out maybe?
I was told that the chat was working but Toriad knows nothing about the IRC so maybe Insanity will be on today and can figure this out or m309 is correct in stating that the host is having a problem.
Also since no donations have been coming in to help host this site, all out of pocket for Insanity the forums could be moved soon.
I'm unable to connect via external IRC as well as the Chat function here on the forums.

The forums should be fine for a few months.
Just received word..Old Network Admin from the old IRC Host was watching way to much porn on porn sites and kick the RJ45 network cable to the T3 connection(Direct Internet Connection) which in turn made the router fall and break..and the computer store burned down from the Lightening striking..had to wait 3 days for the shipping of the new router.....

lmao...just kidding =P

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