Recent content by Lagatha

  1. Lagatha

    HOMELESS! Need a shard for a veteran

    Even tho I don't play at the shard I recommend (not playing anywhere at the moment) I you might like this one. UO Eternal Realms I used to play there and the owner was great. I stopped playing cuz of health.(not mine my husbands)
  2. Lagatha

    How to Download and Start Server?

    We were all new once. It gets more fun as you go. Good luck
  3. Lagatha

    Breeding help is there a deed to stop it/

    never did find a way to stop breeding. But my breeding worked if you want that file here it is
  4. Lagatha

    not new but gone long time

    good to see you. :)
  5. Lagatha

    not new but gone long time

    Hi it has been a couple of yrs maybe more but I'm coming back. Looking for a place where some of the people I knew wemt. HUGSS all
  6. Lagatha

    I would love play or help on your shard. I'm very rusty. But I love UO. can you send me a...

    I would love play or help on your shard. I'm very rusty. But I love UO. can you send me a link to log on? I play under the name of Dawnwind as my player name . It has been a while .
  7. Lagatha

    Reading all the posts: My Oddball Bookmark Habit

    If you need help still, lets do discord chat next week. I can help with about 1/2 of this. Maybe you can teach me what you learn on the other half.
  8. Lagatha

    seruo pub 54 with daat system having issues with craft system

    can you post you scrip for DefBowFletching and DefCarpentry both are in \Scripts\Services\Craft
  9. Lagatha

    Is there a cfg for skill gain rate?

    I'm on PUB 54 so this may not work for you. but in the file SkillCheck.cs I can change the timers.
  10. Lagatha


    lol Guess I should do that also
  11. Lagatha


    Thank you for all the things you shard with us, I will be sad to see you go. You will be missed and remembered. hugs
  12. Lagatha

    Finally Saying Hello

    Welcome hope you enjoy it here.
  13. Lagatha

    script to link houses

    hope this helps
  14. Lagatha

    Where is the ITokunoDyable at?

    ITokunoDyable is on first line that has public class like this: public class NightEyes : Glasses, ITokunoDyable hope that helps
  15. Lagatha


    Waves :)

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