
Hello everyone i have been crunching for days trying to fix this but here what going on.
When doing carp or fletching if i use logs of any kind wont make. Now if i use reg boards
itll make the item but if i use boards of differnt types of wood it will not make.

Please can anyone help me
I think your main issue is that this isn't a simple issue to fix. Adding/changing o/w/l is quite involved, so it's not like you can just paste 1 class for someone to help debug, there are a bunch of them.
Search the code for what it says when you fail to craft the item (I forgot the wording, so I searched my pub 58 solution for "required" and found "You don't have the resources required to make that item" in CraftItem.cs) and then start tracing your way through the code to figure out why it's getting to that point when you don't expect it to.

Where you have been messing with this for days, there's a good chance that (unless you're using version control and making careful edits/pushes) you may have scrambled up other things. You also have not shared any code that you have changed, or things you have tried. These could potentially help someone help you with your problem.
i my self am not a decent scripter
Well, now's your chance to work on getting better! Do as I suggested, and search the code for the message you're getting when it fails to craft an item you believe it should be crafting (mine was in CraftItem.cs in pub 58, so you could start looking there to narrow it down, but I don't know all the differences between pubs so no clue if it'll be there in yours or not).

Once you find a possible spot, maybe add some Console.WriteLine("blah blah some msg to help you figure stuff out"); to make sure you're actually getting there in the code (you should see whatever you put in there printed to the console when you're trying to craft). Once you've found your spot, you need to figure out WHY it's getting there, so move up the code to find a conditional (probably an if, maybe an else or case) that's bringing you to that code. Then you can figure out how/why it doesn't detect the material.

If it is still not working, post some code, explain what it's doing and what you expect it SHOULD do ("X should be 5, but it keeps saying 0!") and maybe that'll help with getting to the bottom of it.
Well me and a few other ppl have now got to were we know that.
1st If u first make bow with reg logs/boards it'll make bow.
2nd step switch wood type to what u want I use redwood it'll make bow. But will not use the redwood resource it'll use basic log or board.

So now gotta find out why it won't use other resource and also wanna find out why can't reforge bow with the runic tool
Hello everyone i have been crunching for days trying to fix this but here what going on.
When doing carp or fletching if i use logs of any kind wont make. Now if i use reg boards
itll make the item but if i use boards of differnt types of wood it will not make.

Please can anyone help me
can you post you scrip for DefBowFletching and DefCarpentry both are in \Scripts\Services\Craft
The issue was kinda figured out
OK the issue has been found just not sure were to fix. So you can craft a regular bow first then craft special wood bow and it'll work. But it will not take the special wood resource out instead uses the regular boards.

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