Recent content by Plindmard

  1. Wrong light sources on static item

    If I add an item through the [add static it will not give me the right light source as opposed to adding it as an addon. Im using ServUO publish 54 Client Classic Vitanexcore
  2. Gold Ledger

    If you ever find let us know!
  3. UoFiddler Custom Wearables Animations issues

    That would make sense. Im using the latest version 1584535983 But I did find a way to avoid that though. If anyone ever wanna know: Find and empty bodyvalue and add 50000 to it to find the the empty gumpID you can use without messing the animation. Since the animation is free. 1584545359 Also...
  4. Help for gump

    Avez vous trouvez? Sinon je peux vous aider.
  5. UoFiddler Custom Wearables Animations issues

    I'll try to make this as clear as possible. I'm trying to implement new gump art for wearables via UOFiddler. I've followed many tutorials i found on here and other places and finaly came with something that worked except for one thing: Animations. And to be clear my problem is not that I am...
  6. Xantos Evos Error

    I was putting return true; everywhere. didn't think of this thanks a lot! It compiled!
  7. Xantos Evos Error

    Here's what I'm facing with the script if anyone can point me the solution this is beyond what I can do 1584043809 These files are basicaly the same. I thought i could post a complete one #region AuthorHeader // // EvoSystem version 2.1, by Xanthos // // #endregion AuthorHeader using System...
  8. Could not attach to game server

    For further references: This happened because when the client tried to login my console was unable to send the right IP back to them due to Hamachi interfering (Or any other programs that provides you a virtual IP adress or act as a VPN)
  9. Could not attach to game server

    Finally found what was the problem: Had Hamachi network set up and the console was not auto detecting my ip because of that. Don't ask me why but now it is running fine since I removed Hamachi.
  10. Could not attach to game server

    I have a Servuo server and players can't connect to it. They get a message saying "the client could not attach to the game server..." What I did: Port forward 2593 to my local adress Took down my firewall. Made rules to my firewall for Servuo AND port 2593 I can see 2593 on my WAN. I even...
  11. Gold Ledger

    Did you manage to fix it? cause I do have the same problem Now
  12. New host, I don't know jack.

    I am not a programmer but i'm taking online course to learn the basic. I'll use this forum a lot to get answers and such.

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