
I'll try to make this as clear as possible. I'm trying to implement new gump art for wearables via UOFiddler. I've followed many tutorials i found on here and other places and finaly came with something that worked except for one thing: Animations.

And to be clear my problem is not that I am missing an animation. the animation is there. but it is overwriting another animation. Let me explain:

What I do:
1. I pick a free slot in the item tab. Lets say 50003
2.I add my custom art. (Lets say a cloak)
3.I go into the tiledata tab to 50003 to link them.
4.I click what i need (wearable) and set a nice name for it.
5.I go to the gump tab and find a free slot to add my custom art to it. (Lets say the number is 50123) (Gotta be inbetween 50000 and 50999 otherwise there's some weird bugs in game)
6.I got back to my tiledata tab and put 678 in the AnimID to link the gump art back to the rest.
7. I save everything and overwrite my client files with the new one.
8. I edit body.def the way it should be (Gumpnumber {desired animation number} huenumer) that would give me in that case 123 {468} 0
9. Make a script precising the base itemid i wanna use for it
10.Run the game. Log in. add the new items with new animation (Wow its beautifull) I see everything i wanted. New cool cloak with a cloak animation when i equip it.


Now every creatures that used the bodyvalue 123 (ethereal warriors in this case ) is now a floating cloak.

I've tried going in higher numbers to avoid this but i ended up wearing dead horses as hat or things like that.

Any clue on how to avoid this problem? Am I doing something wrong?
You're doing it right. But ... What version of UO do you use? With the new versions from Stygyan Abyss, you cannot simply insert new gums and animations. ID positions are blocked for Stygyan animations. Even if you rewrite them in body.def, they will not be processed correctly. The client has it hardcoded in itself blocked. The best UO version was the Mondains Legacy for placing your own gumps and animations. The newer one is already in trouble. You need to find a free ID position.
You're doing it right. But ... What version of UO do you use? With the new versions from Stygyan Abyss, you cannot simply insert new gums and animations. ID positions are blocked for Stygyan animations. Even if you rewrite them in body.def, they will not be processed correctly. The client has it hardcoded in itself blocked. The best UO version was the Mondains Legacy for placing your own gumps and animations. The newer one is already in trouble. You need to find a free ID position.
That would make sense. Im using the latest version
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But I did find a way to avoid that though. If anyone ever wanna know: Find and empty bodyvalue and add 50000 to it to find the the empty gumpID you can use without messing the animation. Since the animation is free.
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Also, anyone knows how to not lose animations when you sit?
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Item IDs for sitting animations are also tightly blocked in the client.
That is, if I want to put a new chair on a different ID that the client doesn't know to sit down. Failed to display sitting animation.
Item IDs for sitting animations are also tightly blocked in the client.
That is, if I want to put a new chair on a different ID that the client doesn't know to sit down. Failed to display sitting animation.
Yes you are right

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