Recent content by Praxiiz

  1. Praxiiz


    Early versions had flickering / flashing black. I can't say for the latest clients. Later versions (0.97 & 0.98 maybe earlier) corrected this by calling a different internal method on the client.
  2. Praxiiz

    Requiring NDA for ServUO code?

    Moving ServUO to AGPL would avoid these types of scenarios altogether.
  3. Praxiiz

    Requiring NDA for ServUO code?

    Companies regularly use and modify GPL code internally without ever releasing it. This is not a new or uncommon thing. That being said, I don't think this NDA restricts you from releasing GPL scripts that you write for ServUO. What constitutes a modification for ServUO? I would suggest that...
  4. Praxiiz

    ChatGPT AI Assistant

    I know this thread has been focused on using AI as a code assistant, but I think it would be interesting to see NPC chat dialog controlled by a small AI model. It could also be fun to use a model to control boss monsters as well. You train the model to control movement, attacks, manage...
  5. Praxiiz

    Misc How it works: UO Software Renderer

    The Ultima Online Classic client uses a software renderer to display the game on the screen. What does this mean? It means that UO doesn't use the hardware acceleration from your graphics card to render the game on the screen. It uses your CPU instead, which is much less efficient. This is why...
  6. Praxiiz

    Procedural Content Generation for UO [Image Heavy]

    More tectonic plate experiments and progress... Profiles can be bad if abused Oceans need depth too Need to work on altitude a bit
  7. Praxiiz

    Procedural Content Generation for UO [Image Heavy]

    Now that boundary types have been identified, functions representing each boundary type can be applied based on distance from the boundary. Plate densities are also factored in to each altitude point. Convergent Boundary Function Convergent Boundary Results The lighter the green, the higher...
  8. Praxiiz

    Procedural Content Generation for UO [Image Heavy]

    Unify boundary types by majority vote on each plate to plate border: Green indicates that a plate is converging into a bordering plate Blue indicates that a plate is diverging from a bordering plate Orange indicates that a plate is neither converging nor diverging, it is a transform boundary...
  9. Praxiiz

    Procedural Content Generation for UO [Image Heavy]

    Determine each type of plate boundary for each border polygon using directions:
  10. Praxiiz

    Procedural Content Generation for UO [Image Heavy]

    Convergent Boundaries Author: domdomegg License: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Author: domdomegg License: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Author: domdomegg License: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
  11. Praxiiz

    Idea for a new Web Based GUMP system

    At the top of the log, were there any failures or did it just say [success] on all of the checks? I've actually seen this happen, I think there's an easy fix. I'll need to look back through and see why it was happening.
  12. Praxiiz

    Idea for a new Web Based GUMP system

    Use the debug version of the igrping.dll for UltimaLive v0.98. That will bring up a console and you can see what is happening when the client loads.
  13. Praxiiz

    Procedural Content Generation for UO [Image Heavy]

    I've seen tutorials on how to make random maps in photoshop, and they look really interesting. If I remember right they use random noise to build up shapes etc, and then do other procedures on them. Instead of modeling the physics of the tectonic plates directly, as easier approach will be to...
  14. Praxiiz

    Idea for a new Web Based GUMP system

    I haven't done any testing on that client. I suppose I should come up with a series of tests to use with new clients to ensure compatibility. The first thing that you do to check is to run the debug client and see if you get any failures anywhere. I should tell you if it fails to find any...
  15. Praxiiz

    Idea for a new Web Based GUMP system

    I'm currently working procedural map generation, but I do plan on getting back to this.

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