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  1. Sorthious

    Help with RunUO script...

    I gave up on the idea of trying to customize use a custom serialization. I did find a fix to the problems without doing it. Thanks so much for the help. Oh, and the orignal scripts were written by props to him for a cool idea! I posted the fixes on RunUO. My post is at the...
  2. Sorthious

    Constant Log/Disconnect to Server(no account)

    Oh, there's more! LOL If thats all it is it's no big deal. As I said just annoying. I'm not super worried about it, just probing to see of others knew anything about it. I'm too busy(lazy), to waist time enquiring with all the different lists. :cool: As long as it's not impacting our...
  3. Sorthious

    Constant Log/Disconnect to Server(no account)

    Many of them...MMORPG TopList, GameServerLists, UOGateway,MmorpgTop200,GameZone,TopMmorpgSites,ListUO,etc. Not sure what you mean by Direct IP to connect. We have a dedicated machine for hosting. It prob been at least 6months(just a guestimation) since I noticed it. Never seen it prior to...
  4. Sorthious

    Constant Log/Disconnect to Server(no account)

    Ah ok.....there was a time that we weren't getting them......I'm not saying the screenshot contained ones from China.....I had ran a few before and the provider showed as from China. I didn't think they would poll for status that frequently...It happens like every 1 or 2 secs. Thank you for...
  5. Sorthious

    Constant Log/Disconnect to Server(no account)

    For a long time we've had IP's connecting and disconnecting(this happens back to back), with various IP's. I've done IP loopups and they seem to be, from the ones I checked coming from China. I don't know a whole lot about networking, so I'm wondering what, if any, impact this could...
  6. Sorthious

    PoolOfAcid.cs [fix]

    I tried to post this in RunUO Resources...but it wouldnt let me attach a file. I tried .zip,7z,etc it wouldn't even recognize the file. Anyway, I hope this is ok to put here....I think this is in ServUO also?.....if not could someone move to a more appropriate area? OnTick() made it so...
  7. Sorthious

    PoolOfAcid.cs [fix]

    PoolOfAcid.cs had logic problems that caused the List<Mobile> in onDamage to never be used and OnMoveOver() had no logic at all, which was targeting dead mobiles. Created a seperate method to handle validity of creature that moves over the acid. These fixes should also be used in AcidSlime.cs...
  8. Sorthious

    hello all, :)

    Good Games never become outdated....they mellow with age(or some other such bullshit) LOL (^8
  9. Sorthious

    XML Spawner

    This would actually Move the Item IN THE 1st Entry......Also, the IF statement in XMLSpawner uses the following syntax....(at least the version 2.0 I'm using): IF/condition/thenspawn/[elsespawn] I think you can use that as the condition Lokai but you need to give it an Entry # to go to...
  10. Sorthious

    A new citizen of the community.

    Haha...I thought it was one of the ones from Zombieland at first, but isn't. Still cool!
  11. Sorthious

    Movement speed of Creatures?

    I think he's asking about how fast a creature will consider a player/pet a combatant. It is a property on Mobiles called Combatant.
  12. Sorthious

    Help with RunUO script...

    Rock on!! Thanks so much...I think this is exactly what I'm looking for. Been watching videos on serialization and think I'm getting the hang of it. Probably gonna still take me a bit to get this down but at least now I know where to look!
  13. Sorthious

    UDK Map Maker & CentrED+ | Brushes issue

    Cool...I'm getting ready to start mapmaking again....If I come up with more definitive answers will give them...Also, I remember I had to adjust in RadarCol so appeared on minimap correctly....good luck! (^8
  14. Sorthious

    UDK Map Maker & CentrED+ | Brushes issue

    In Fiddler there are Textures....I had to make Custom Textures that worked hand in hand with the LandTiles....I can't remember exactly, so I'm just giving my recollection. It was something to do with having to use "Stretchable" tiles....If the tile wasn't stretchable or you didn't have a...
  15. Sorthious

    UDK Map Maker & CentrED+ | Brushes issue

    I'm probably totally wrong on this...but I had started making my own tiles/transitions and had the problem with the "Black Holes", and I think it had to do with tiles with the "Stretchable" flag. I think I had to not only make LandTiles but had to add comparable "Textures." I think they are...
  16. Sorthious

    Help with RunUO script...

    I think I understand...I was going to add a Bool into the CursePlayer part called _isModded. Then in Deserialize if _isModded == true then add the 4 mods back into _mods list. I set up a seperate Method to add the Mods to the "_mods" list. So, if I understand this then I could add the _mods...
  17. Sorthious

    Help with RunUO script...

    Nah...that ser doesnt work....I'm trying a List now's gonna work one way or the other!! I'm finding some more stuff on RunUO ..learning a good bit but still stuck. _mods holds ResistanceMod(type,offset) but not sure how to extract it from _mods or save the individual parts. I'm...
  18. Sorthious

    Help with RunUO script...

    Awesome!!...thank you both for the resources! I actually figured out how to serialize the _endTime, and an interval that I use to repeat the timer if the player is dead(_checkAliveWait). But (as per usual) I'm stuck again LOL. I was trying to serialize the _mods(Type ResistanceMod) in the...
  19. Sorthious

    Help with RunUO script...

    Thats where I'm stuck lol....I could put the remaining time into a variable if I knew how and where in the script to retrieve it. Also, I'm not sure how to restart the timer from Deserialize. I've been looking on RunUO and here but I can't find tutorial/example of what I'm trying to do. Any...
  20. Sorthious

    Help with RunUO script...

    The HashTable m_table stores ExpireTimer which stores Mobile,MOds and Delay.....Can I serialize it and restart timer in deserialize? If so, how?? Sorry I'm such a noob at programming...been reading about timers and ser/des but not seen anything about how to deserialize a HashTable. Don't...

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