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  1. Quasar

    Custom Maps
  2. Quasar

    How to change skill gains from 0.1to 10.0?
  3. Quasar

    Server crashing OnDouble click looking for quantity...

    I am not really good at coding but if you set an amount for a and b possibly you need to say Delete(50); for those two lines and on line 19 if you do not have a scripted item called "NewItem" it will cause a problem. If someone doesnt come on soon that can help you more try attaching a copy of...
  4. Quasar

    Initial Testing on recently spun up ServUO instance

    It is working, allowed me to create character, log in and interact with mobs just fine.
  5. Quasar

    Initial Testing on recently spun up ServUO instance

    Not sure if you did a shutdown or reboot but I was able to connect, create a character and see Brit for like a second before I lost connection.
  6. Quasar

    Someone have this old set bonus script working under ServUo?

    If you could attach the whole script so that someone could see how the word "this" is defined in this script it will probably make it easier for someone to help you figure it out more easily.
  7. Quasar

    MyRunUO for ServUO

    servuo /Scripts/Services/MyRunUO does not exist in version 55.1 thus the problem he and I are having. and Creating this folder and putting in the files that came with this system causes tons of errors. However we do both have vita-nex installed that has a file included called MySQL which...
  8. Quasar

    Orcs redone...

    I just added this and it was super easy to do just drag and drop for the orcs and replaced the names.xml. Only one error on newtiger.cs line 128 I had to change from TigerFur to TigerPelt and it all works and looks great. Thank you.
  9. Quasar

    Adding Custom resources

    I can not code myself, but I am very good at finding ways around that using search engines and with the help of the awesome people here on ServUO.
  10. Quasar

    Adding Custom resources

    This post has a list of places you might want to check like basearmor.cs ect..
  11. Quasar

    Universal Storage Keys

    is that the only place you see "unused tiles"? because that is not a problem with the keys it is most likely a separate issue.
  12. Quasar

    Skill Cap

    ServUO-Master\Config has a lot of files in it where a lot of changes can be made, you should look into each one and get familiar with them, they are fairly self explanatory once you open them. In this case the one you want to look at is PlayerCaps.cfg
  13. Quasar

    Change Character

    Thank you. It works perfectly. It actually woks better than before, I just have to say [changecharacter and it lists the characters on that account for me to choose from. I admit that I do forget which characters are on which account, so this is very helpful.
  14. Quasar

    Change Character

    Servuo 55.1 I found this script in the old runuo archives and used up to runuo 2.6 and it worked great. You just used the command at an inn or your home where you instantly log out [changecharacter followed by character name on the account and instantly were logged into that character instead...
  15. Quasar

    Where are bonuses defined

    I want it to see them as a percent instead of as a whole number its not for this script its just an example
  16. Quasar

    Plant Water Sprinkler

    I found these on it is a sprinkler set which uses potions ect. I did not write any of it, but i do use it and it is just drag and drop to install.
  17. Quasar

    Not sure this is a script issue but ..

    Im not sure, it sounds like this was fixed in the repro last night, I have never had it happen to myself so I am not sure what they did to fix it, but if you just recently downloaded the server and havent invested too much time changing things it might be worth trying with a fresh download.
  18. Quasar

    Not sure this is a script issue but ..

    is it related to this issue?
  19. Quasar

    Where are bonuses defined

    the other way around but basically yes so +20% from +20
  20. Quasar

    Where are bonuses defined

    For instance the enchanted coral bracelet states in the script Attributes.BonusHits = 5; Attributes.RegenMana = 1; Attributes.AttackChance = 5; Attributes.DefendChance = 15; Attributes.CastSpeed = 1; Attributes.CastRecovery =...

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