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  1. Quasar

    ELf Mobiles

    Any that you would like, put it into the spawner example = blacksmith/race/elf
  2. Quasar

    working with servuo 55.1

    this is line 269 through 273. public static implicit operator string(VersionInfo version) { return version.Value; } so it is possible. I will put that file back and try it in a while and let you know. thank you. Still in same situation unfortunately.
  3. Quasar

    working with servuo 55.1

    I was able to copy it without the hue so that it is readable. ServUO - [] Version 0.5, Build 6981.587 - Build on 2/11/20 [VitaNexCore]: [UOFont]: Preloaded (Unicode, 0, 65536) [VitaNexCore]: [UOFont]: Preloaded (Unicode, 1, 65536) DataPath: C:\Aberon\Client\Ultima Online...
  4. Quasar

    working with servuo 55.1

    Installed a new client directed it to the new client and everything runs fine, then i put in Vita Nex and get the same thing,i even deleted the firstboot.vnc before putting the core back in. This new client is not used by any other program.
  5. Quasar

    New Sink/Wash Basin

    I had the same error with older build of servuo then i saw your preface " need newest client" and tried it in 55.1 and everything works great.
  6. Quasar

    working with servuo 55.1

    I have downloaded the new build 55.1 and attempted to use Vita-Nex with a clean install and of course running as administrator, datapath works fine, i can get on move around add/remove things but when i add the Vita-Nex core I get the following. ServUO - [] Version 0.5...
  7. Quasar

    safety deposit box

    I have a script for safety deposit box that is great, however if I place them at a bank and someone owns them, it belongs to them forever. So I was wondering what I would need to add to the script to make it so that they could 1 give up ownership if they no longer needed it. or 2. If they do not...
  8. Quasar


    where you would normally put the npc or monster name put the addon name. I just typed in sandstonewithpooladdon in one and is spawned a house, I'm not sure that its a good idea though, I am pretty sure that it would recreate the house every reboot and unless you set the coordinates it would be...
  9. Quasar


    I am not exactly sure what you are asking, the spawner will add anything that you can add using the [add command. Whatever it is I am sure it can be solved using the information provided here.
  10. Quasar

    NPC Help

    Here is a script that i use written by Felladrin. add to customs folder, reboot and use command [changeseason summer can also say spring, autumn, winter. It will change the season only in the facet you are in.
  11. Quasar

    Your skill in.. has increased

    I found a script containing the following public override void OnAdded( object parent ) { base.OnAdded( parent ); if( parent is Mobile ) { Mobile from = (Mobile)parent; from.Skills.Alchemy.Base += 20; from.Skills.Musicianship.Base += 60...
  12. Quasar

    New to ServUO

    Go into ServUO-master then into Config then open PlayerCaps.cfg you can play around in there some to modify skill and stat caps for all players then save any changes and reboot. Looks good so far keep at it.
  13. Quasar

    Scripts, Scripts, and... More Scripts

    These are still not updated, but here they are if anyone wants to play around with them.
  14. Quasar

    How do Regions work?

    the x= and y= are the northwest corner of your region. so using the first one of x= 1416 and y=1498 you are northwest of Britain then width 324 draws a line directly northeast making the top of the region or x line, then height 279 draws another line from that point down or southeast. if you use...
  15. Quasar

    Cellar stairs

    That worked perfectly. Thank you.
  16. Quasar

    Cellar stairs

    That exists as line 16 but the error refers to AddComponent(StairsUp = new CellarStairs(s.StairsUp), p.ToPoint3D(Region.MinZ + 1).Clone3D(-p.X, -p.Y, -p.Z)); StairsDown.LinkWith(StairsUp); if (!House.Addons.Contains(this)) { House.Addons.Add(this); } this section so i am...
  17. Quasar

    Cellar stairs

    Running Version 0.5, build 6902.3047 with Vita Nex and everything is working perfectly accept the cellar.cs script. i get an error related to the stairs up. I have the addstairs command installed but am i missing something else? Any help would be appreciated, I can always just remove this one...
  18. Quasar

    I want to put an additional skill limit when using an AnimalTamimg skill

    Base creature lists this private double m_dMinTameSkill; private double m_CurrentTameSkill; private bool m_bTamable; lines 271-273 on mine, so my guess would be to start there, but it sounds like it would be a difficult thing to do that would effect all animals.
  19. Quasar

    Hiding with mobiles around

    Likely as you did above and getmobiles in range but exclude whether in combat or not in combat then you could add an override for controlled such as your own pet
  20. Quasar

    Scripts, Scripts, and... More Scripts

    I found the repairing vendors but they are not updated to work with servuo yet

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