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  1. Hammerhand

    Trying to make bod reward runic hammer have more charge.

    55 - 5 = 50 The 50 is just the next step down basically. 10k uses on a runic would mean no one would have to do any more BODs to get runics once they got the one(s) they wanted... at least not for a long time. :eek:
  2. Hammerhand

    Trying to make bod reward runic hammer have more charge.

    In BulkOrder/Rewards.cs open the Smith Rewards region & scroll down to the Constructors & open that. A little way down you'll see this private static Item CreateRunicHammer(int type) { if (type >= 1 && type <= 8) return new...
  3. Hammerhand

    How do I custom this to make reward ticket stackable?

    Try Name = "a Reward Ticket"; Stackable = true; Movable = true;
  4. Hammerhand

    OWLTR 4.0 for ServUO Pub 54

    It was until the new OSI/Broadsword BODs, now the OWLTR BODs like throwing errors. I've got to take (find) the time to try & fix it.
  5. Hammerhand

    OWLTR 4.0 for ServUO Pub 54

    You need to merge the files. Overwriting causes major errors. The files that need merged into ServUO are in the folder named Modified. Download & use WinMerge for the merging. Merging is fairly easy for most of the files, just not the large ones. Just go to the Documentation tab on the WinMerge...
  6. Hammerhand

    OWLTR 4.0 for ServUO Pub 54

    The 35th day of Jutober (maybe a bit sooner). :P
  7. Hammerhand

    OWLTR 4.0 for ServUO Pub 54

    Pre merged has been tried in the past, but with the changes that occur on a regular basis, its pretty much pointless. The only files you really cant/shouldn't use a merging program with are the large ones. ie: PlayerMobile.cs, BaseCreature.cs, BaseWeapon.cs & BaseArmor.cs. Those are best done...
  8. Hammerhand

    OWLTR 4.0 for ServUO Pub 54

    Almost all of those errors are from duplicate files. (already contains a definition for) means exactly that. You've either merged them wrong or you just added the owltr files into your server.
  9. Hammerhand

    Custom Sword

    Try this.
  10. Hammerhand

    OWLTR 4.0 for ServUO Pub 54

    BOD = Bulk Order Deed BOB = Bulk Order Book (for storing BODs)
  11. Hammerhand

    OWLTR 4.0 for ServUO Pub 54

    I haven't had the chance to even start yet. I'm dealing with a bone bruise in the underside of my ankle bone & cant use braces or crutches... and work in a hotel. So......... about the only thing I'm doing once I get off work & icing my ankle & wimpering & hoping it will just fall off. But I do...
  12. Hammerhand

    OWLTR 4.0 for ServUO Pub 54

    Actually I think the bod command for OWLTR is [owltrbod, not [abod. As for the packets issue, I honestly have no clue unless the recompile didn't go right.
  13. Hammerhand

    OWLTR 4.0 for ServUO Pub 54

    I'm not sure on most of those, but the Taming one is easy. Simple missed edit. line 421 should look like so m_Creature.OnBeforeTame(); //daat99 on before tame if (m_Creature is GreaterDragon) Those must be the ones from OWLTR...
  14. Hammerhand

    OWLTR 4.0 for ServUO Pub 54

    Try adding using Server.daat99; to the using statements at the top of each of those scripts.
  15. Hammerhand

    OWLTR 4.0 for ServUO Pub 54

    ServUO has the new (OSI version) for the BODs, so those may not be usable. I'll have to try & see what can be done there. As for the Mule error, you may be missing the BaseCreature.cs merge. Right after the IngoreYoung, you should have this. public virtual bool IgnoreYoungProtection {...
  16. Hammerhand

    OWLTR 4.0 for ServUO Pub 54

    OWLTR shouldn't affect houses in any way. Not one file in it has anything to do with them.
  17. Hammerhand

    Looking for a gump

    Not exactly a link, but will this help? Not sure on the latest client for full art, but it does read UOPs.
  18. Hammerhand

    Server Crashes

    Try running the server in Debug mode. Should give a better idea of which script. Right click the .exe & select Create Shortcut. Then double click the shortcut & select Properties. Click the Shortcut tab. Where it says Target, you need to click on the right edge of that field, just after the...
  19. Hammerhand

    Disable Client Verification?

    Setting the Detect Client to false would mean anyone with a lower client patch could still play. They just wouldn't be able to see any newer items & such from the higher clients. And they wouldn't get any warnings.
  20. Hammerhand

    Mining attempts crashes server

    You may want to go over all the merges to make sure you didn't miss something.

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