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  1. Redmoon

    The Exodus Encounter Quest

    Redmoon updated The Exodus Encounter Quest with a new update entry: update Read the rest of this update entry...
  2. Redmoon

    The Exodus Encounter Quest - update

    updated files included missing gumps and resources
  3. Redmoon

    The Exodus Encounter Quest

    This was the "updated" version to be a peerless system. Let me update to make sure ya'll have everything you need. Daat99Tokens can be marked out if you don't have OWLTR.
  4. Redmoon

    The Exodus Encounter Quest

    Also, the "altars" will need to be added as static, then add the Exodus Tome. I had a huge problem getting this to allow players to place the altar correctly per OSI. :oops:
  5. Redmoon

    The Exodus Encounter Quest

    You will need to change the locations to the old gargoyle city if you are using the newer maps. I have uploaded the map I'm using so I could keep both the older Gargoyle City, and the newer one for the Exodus quest.
  6. Redmoon

    Finished that confounded Exodus Encounter quest. :D

    Finished that confounded Exodus Encounter quest. :D
  7. Redmoon

    The Exodus Encounter Quest

    Redmoon submitted a new resource: The Exodus Encounter Quest - Exodus Encounter Read more about this resource...
  8. Redmoon

    The Exodus Encounter Quest V2

    You may need to change the hues in these files, as I have custom hues. ExodusTomeAltar.cs: You will need to change the locations of these if you're not using my map: BossLocation = new Point3D(2072, 626, -40);//Change Here if using newer maps TeleportDest = new Point3D(1979, 624, 0);//Change...
  9. Redmoon

    How would I go about this?

    Thank you Redbeard, the peerless system worked much better...and less code. I'm currently looking for the correct bodies for the exodus monsters, (juggernaut, drone, etc). Edit- But all is complete and seems to be in working order other than the correct bodies. *WOOT*
  10. Redmoon

    How would I go about this?

    Now that's freakin' brilliant! I've been pulled a million different directions these past few weeks. I'm looking into converting it to a Peerless system...just read that it is considered a peerless champ. o_O You will be getting props for this, has will everyone that has helped. ;)
  11. Redmoon

    How would I go about this?

    Lol, nope completely forgot about the aura. Here is what is done: Exodus Arch Zealot (quest giver of sorts..more that he just tells you what you will need) All the items needed can be gotten from Exodus chest, crafted, or random loot from Dupre's peeps/CE peeps: Dupre's Men: Squire, Knight...
  12. Redmoon

    How would I go about this?

    Wasn't a problem,lol. Yeah the "list" was about 10 things, that grew to about 20 the more I read up on it. :eek: The list is now at 2 things that need to be tweaked. ;)
  13. Redmoon

    Animation request

    Thank you so very much! I hate it when they re-arrange things. I looked but I couldn't for the life of me find it.
  14. Redmoon

    Animation request

    If anyone could extract the Rune Blade animation (958) and send it to me, I'd ~really~ appreciate it. I can see it via UO Fiddler with an older client, but it refuses to be seen in the Animation Edit to extract it. o_O
  15. Redmoon

    How would I go about this?

    I'm not sure why my post was funny, but I'm glad ya got a laugh. ;) Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.
  16. Redmoon

    How would I go about this?

    There is limited information on the Clockwork Exodus, *sigh*. It is suppose to "spawn" death vortexes, have an aura energy, and a spread gold upon death. I have the death vortex, but how should I put it in so CE spawns them? What would be an a good "aura"? Earthquake? (should be energy, but...
  17. Redmoon

    Walking through walls solution

    Oops, I meant for adding new custom walls. lol
  18. Redmoon

    Walking through walls solution

    On higher clients (I'm using, you will now need to set the Height flag in addition with the Wall, Impassable flags. If you don't set the Height flag, you and everything else can walk through walls. :eek: Just jotting this down before I forget, yet again. :oops:
  19. Redmoon

    in game

    I'm 95% done with the Exodus Encounter, I do plan on releasing it when I'm done testing it.
  20. Redmoon

    How to *yoink* parts of a map

    I have never gotten that to work properly. :oops:

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