
On higher clients (I'm using, you will now need to set the Height flag in addition with the Wall, Impassable flags. If you don't set the Height flag, you and everything else can walk through walls. :eek:

Just jotting this down before I forget, yet again. :oops:
Strange I'm using and can't walk through walls :) What type of walls can you walk through, house walls or static buildings? Must be a weird thing happening with that patch number.
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Strange I'm using and can't walk through walls :) What type of walls can you walk threw, house walls or static buildings? Must be a weird thing happening with that patch number.

Oops, I meant for adding new custom walls. lol
Just a thought, but you should always add the correct height, especially for walls. Otherwise when you're building (notably in CED or CED+) the walls will stack incorrectly unless you specify the z while drawing.

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