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  1. Po0ka

    Rez stone

    From RunUO 2.0. I can't help much with the conversion to ServUO, maybe someone here already did the conversion and is ready to offer a compatible version though.
  2. Po0ka

    Custom title

    What do you mean by title? The title in the paperdoll? Overhead text? Is that title menu a custom script? Got the source?
  3. Po0ka

    Program Eddit Script

    I prefer notepad++, because i don't procrastinate and stuffs are much cleaner. Use VS if you absolutely need to get autocompletion and such. Also a note for everyone, pls get a dark theme, it helps against fatigue.
  4. Po0ka

    Program Eddit Script

    Use Visual Studio Community Edition 2015. Or some older free versions.
  5. Po0ka

    how to edit music

    You must change several things. First, you have a folder for the musics in your client files (where there are the .mul files). I'm not sure what music is used as of now, since my folder is practically a mess, but you should be able to find them. Take a look at the enum MusicName in Region.cs in...
  6. Po0ka

    My IDE was opened for hours, and i didn't write a single line of code since then. Shame on you...

    My IDE was opened for hours, and i didn't write a single line of code since then. Shame on you faulty concentration.
  7. Po0ka

    Serialize-Deserialize problem.

    My brain didn't process it after seeing version writing twice lol. Nice catch :P
  8. Po0ka

    Serialize-Deserialize problem.

    It could be due to the write(mobile) and (Mobile)read(). ex: writer.Write( m_LastPwned ); writer.Write( m_LastPwner ); m_LastPwned = reader.ReadMobile(); m_LastPwner = reader.ReadMobile(); Maybe you'd have to serialize it that way: writer.Write( (Mobile)m_LastPwned ); writer.Write(...
  9. Po0ka

    Serialize-Deserialize problem.

    Yea, at first glance they do. What gets written is read with the version 46, and in the right order.
  10. Po0ka

    Serialize-Deserialize problem.

    Do you have any backups from before the change? If you do, then i'd suggest you to re-apply the changes a second time on a clean copy of the playermobile.
  11. Po0ka

    For those that keep getting lost..

    Why is the level 7 shaped like a penis? Shame on EA.
  12. Po0ka

    Trying to move a mobile

    Linked thread.
  13. Po0ka

    Question about spawn range and mobile movement.

    Well, with that system it would also make it possible to spawn them in unreachable locations, but not more than two, depending on the spawn density. At that point, it's up to the staff to prevent spawning in certain areas. Also, a module to specify locations in which npcs can't spawn would be...
  14. Po0ka

    Stop containers in backpack from closing when Recalling

    I think it's because your character gets "Invalidate()"ed. Not sure though.
  15. Po0ka

    Question about spawn range and mobile movement.

    Or perhaps setting fake homes so when they spawn 300 tiles away, they walk 15 tiles around where they initially spawned, that would be a bit less processing :P Furthermore, keep in mind that with a spawner with a big range, if you have it set to 400, players can slay them all on one side of the...
  16. Po0ka

    Question about spawn range and mobile movement.

    With the regular spawner with a high range they end up getting packed up on the home anyways, atleast on RunUO.
  17. Po0ka

    Body Values are in which file?

    There is the file bodyTable.cfg in the Data folder.
  18. Po0ka

    port ward issue

    What is entered in your configuration for the server? (in the .cfg file, for the address to connect to)
  19. Po0ka

    port ward issue

    You have to change the ip it forwards to, ex: "" to "" to point toward your laptop. In the windows startupmenu, in the search bar, type "cmd", then in the black box, type "ipconfig", then search for a "192.168.X.X" ip.
  20. Po0ka

    create a Dungeon in Trammel Map

    Oh, then i guess this is the border of the map lol Maps aren't infinite, so if you build something, you must worry about if what you build exceeds the borders.

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