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  1. Mogster

    A basic video tutorial for XML spawner (XMLQuestNPCs/XMLDialog/Gump command)

    I might be able to enhance the audio if I rip it and piece it back together using another video editing program. Took about 3hrs to get that one done, though, so I kinda decided to get back to coding fun things at the shard instead. I've been amusing myself with pig-launching cannon that I made...
  2. Mogster

    A basic video tutorial for XML spawner (XMLQuestNPCs/XMLDialog/Gump command)

    Heh, I guess I'll have to try to make another vid. Sorta rocking with broken laptop with cracked screen and headset that is pretty much falling to pieces. Such is the extent of my extensive budget. lol
  3. Mogster

    Podziemia i Smoki - UO mixed with DnD system. Shard for Polish community

    On a sidenote - Happy Birthday to Aryman30! Hope everything is going well with the development of your shard :)
  4. Mogster

    Video Capture for Tutorials

    There's a few about, I was actually using Camstasia in my video tutorial, but I use EZVid for a lot of the in-game capture I've done for Youtube. The only problem with that, is it's pretty rudimentary, slow and not very stable (I have to record first then do audio commentary after. Also, video...
  5. Mogster

    Reddit and ServUO

    I don't know about you guys, but I infrequently drop by the UltimaOnline subreddit, they've removed the advertised shards there (Quite rightly, so I believe.) and they're taking onboard suggestions as to what should now be in their sidebar. In the interests of furthering the communities that...
  6. Mogster

    is furthering the advancement of chickens in UO.

    is furthering the advancement of chickens in UO.
  7. Mogster

    Podziemia i Smoki - UO mixed with DnD system. Shard for Polish community Is it just me or is that link broken? But, yeah - hope it goes well for your shard, man. Sounds fun :)
  8. Mogster

    New Lighthouse

    Wonder stuff, Milva! :)
  9. Mogster

    is just about done with UO...

    is just about done with UO...
  10. Mogster

    Listened to the Imperial March tune a few times more than I'd prefer to today...

    Listened to the Imperial March tune a few times more than I'd prefer to today...
  11. Mogster

    Simple Poisonous Tree spawner.

    I created this feature as an addition to our Haunted House/Army of Darkness chain quest that was made (And then fixed again, because it was kinda rushed) in October of last year, POISON,2,2,PlayerOnly SETONTRIGMOB/MSG/*You nick yourself on a poisoned branch* SETONTHIS/DoReset/True Proximity...
  12. Mogster

    Pretty weird, actually. It seems like there is a huge instability between using Simple Switches...

    Pretty weird, actually. It seems like there is a huge instability between using Simple Switches on duped spawners. The code was no different on it than any other, and yet activating (via the switch) crashed every time. :/
  13. Mogster

    XML Spawner Ideas

    Actually, we have the sailboat feature installed. There is a transition period where you are 'in the ocean on a boat', it doesn't move, however. I think it'd be possible to generate the whole thing on xml, but I suspect it would be very laborious and involve a tonne of AIWaypoints. Having...
  14. Mogster

    The wonders of XMLspawner

    Depending on the size of the addon, that could potentially be a lot of objects loading up on your spawner in one go, things like that can place an unnecessarily heavy load on your server. But yeah, that's even simpler. I suppose.
  15. Mogster

    The wonders of XMLspawner

    Heh, well that's complicated. Because applying multiple colours requires you to target specific component parts. I could do it, for sure, but it would need to be sequenced. Using the code I used previously, assigned to the 1st group and either adjust min/max delay so it changes colour at the...
  16. Mogster

    The wonders of XMLspawner

    It's worth noting that when you revert it to it's orginal hue, however, that it will revert to the original hue of the tile, not the addon as it might have been custom-dyed before. So, it would have limited applications.
  17. Mogster

    The wonders of XMLspawner

    Yeah, I think so. I'd have to look into that, though. EDIT>> SETONNEARBY,20,*,AddonComponent/Hue/33 would dye your entire addon within 20 tiles, red. You can adjust the ToD for when you'd like this to happen on the spawner props.
  18. Mogster

    The wonders of XMLspawner

    Ah, Fwiffo - my favourite character from Star Control 2 - The Ur Quan Masters. :D EDIT>> Although, don't misunderstand my intentions here. I'd like to see the XML spawner to be openly discussed. The guys who've created, maintained and contributed these reliquaries are the only reason there's a...
  19. Mogster

    The wonders of XMLspawner

    lol thanks, Milva. I'm afraid it's a case of the blind leading the blind, though. :p

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