Hi Guys,

Has anyone done the following?

1. Stand your ground/reverse champ spawn type setup. For example, you are guarding a castle against waves of mobs and if you can survive for 30 minutes you get a prize.

2. Traveling merchant that follows way points (this will require a lot of waypoint placement). A merchant and his packhorse travel from Britain to Trinsic. If he makes it, he fills up a chest with items and then heads back to repeat the process.

I was just thinking about how to add some unique quests rather than the traditional kill x type of mobs, or retrieve or craft x amount of items. If it's been done already I didn't want to duplicate efforts. Thanks!
#2 sounds very cool. I had the thought of something similar using boats to act as both ferries and merchants. Travel from town 1 to town 2, wait an hour, travel back to town 1 wait an hour, repeat.
Idea number two would be amazing if you did it with boats as well as travelers! Imagine with the smooth movment galleons sailing from dock to dock and players could hop on a ride!?!?!?!? Maybe even for a price!!?!?!?!??

The thought of that baffles me.
There was a script released on runuo a few years back which would travel from destination to destination/ docks you could charge a fee or not. But it was not done with xml spawner :)
There was a script released on runuo a few years back which would travel from destination to destination/ docks you could charge a fee or not. But it was not done with xml spawner :)

Oh, Well I just thought the idea was excellent! Now I definitely want to find that script now!!
You should find it in the archive section, sorry don't remember the name of the script, I had tested it and the script did work really great.
Well, Thank you so much for bringing it to my attention!

Once RUNUO is back I will be looking for it ! :D
Milva, thanks for linking that.

Its not really what I meant though. That system just teleports you to another dock in another city from what a quick glance at it implied. What I mean is a system of waypoints that sends a moving ship off of one dock and traverses the ocean following waypoints to the next cities dock, where it waits for some time so players can embark/disembark.
Actually, we have the sailboat feature installed. There is a transition period where you are 'in the ocean on a boat', it doesn't move, however.

I think it'd be possible to generate the whole thing on xml, but I suspect it would be very laborious and involve a tonne of AIWaypoints. Having recently used those in new feature I created at my shard, I'm not sure I'd look forward to doing that. Damn things are horribly buggy, at times. Took me half a day just try and smooth out a route from Skara to Brit and back again (Via the road.)
why they re-wrote the teleporter..can be done with just the teleporters i believe ms09..but they may need a little more adjustment for what your talking about =)
Actually to achieve what I mean via teleporters, you'd have to strand thousands of them together directly next to each other on adjacent tiles teleporting from one to the next adjacent one along the entire ocean. Talk about wanting to hang yourself....
Xmlspawner has a sample script for a rolling boulder. We used it in one of our Indiana Jones temples (you know what I'm talking about from the movie). You can create a custom vendor using Xmlspawner and attaching an Xmldialog to the vendor. I would suggest using an NPC that doesn't already act like a vendor because you're going to run into issues with BaseVendor code overwriting what you're trying to accomplish. Xmlspawner allows a drag/drop setup and you could add a gump window so it would be similar to a regular vendor. Then using the rolling boulder idea and waypoints, you could have the vendor walk from town to town, etc.

This could also be done with boats, if you felt like spending some time with it.
This makes me realize.. Can yoy guys add an XML Spawning forum for us hear? Or even World Building And Spawning forum so we can all submit our different ways to spawn and build? I think that would be awesome.
Even Separate forums.. one for spawning, one for maybe CentreD stuff?

Might just bring in more good folks too :p

I mean, I dont see Ryandor.com ever really coming back to life as much as it would be nice after 12 or more years admin... Id rather not have to admin alone there anyways..

Just a thought!
This would be xml spawner forum :) I can check into having a world building forum though. This forum was created for sharing idea's
lol I didnt even realize what forum this was in... I guess Im too conditioned to using the new posts page, and not even noticing what forum I am even reading a post from.
I guess i deserve a dummy tag on my post!
In our shard we have an amazing thieves only dungeon, to be done to get guilded in the thieves guild, it includes boulders, pad traps, switches, darts, stealing and hiding, etc, the things you can do with the spawner are amazing.

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