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  1. arvoreen

    Harvest Timers?

    Oh man, that suuuucks! I'm using VS 2022 Community, and I open the whole project with the ServUO.sln file, and haven't had any problems so far. If it broke on me, I'd be doing everything I could to fix it, that's one of those features I can't live without in any language/IDE/project!
  2. arvoreen

    Harvest Timers?

    Found this near the top of Lumberjacking.cs: // A resource bank will respawn its content every 20 to 30 minutes MinRespawn = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(20.0), MaxRespawn = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(30.0), Similar stuff in the Mining.cs constructor as well. *edit: Do you use visual studio? That and...
  3. arvoreen

    Healer That Heals Anyone

    Nice, good for you! I took a quick look at a couple different ones, and at a quick glance, this one seemed the most comprehensive as far as being related to the modification of if statements: Complex if statements with C#'s logical operators although I guess it would depend on how familiar you...
  4. arvoreen

    Healer That Heals Anyone

    Change else if (this.HealsYoungPlayers && m.Hits < m.HitsMax && m is PlayerMobile && ((PlayerMobile)m).Young) to else if (m.Hits < m.HitsMax && m is PlayerMobile) You will also (probably) need to change the spot where it has if (m.CheckYoungHealTime()) as that looks like it is probably related...
  5. arvoreen

    Royal City not being fully populated
  6. arvoreen

    Mount change color when mounted.

    Looking at the base class EtherealMount (in Scripts/Mobiles/Normal/Ethereals.cs) I see a few properties you could set to try, Transparent, TransparentMountedHue, and NonTransparentMountedHue. I'd probably start by trying to modify some of those in your mount and see if it works. Do you use...
  7. arvoreen

    Convert PublicMoongate.cs to string

    If you look at the PMList class constructor, it does not have one that accepts a string, only an int, so you will need to create a new constructor that accepts a string (looks like maybe 2 strings, for the first and second parameters "number" and "selNumber"). *edit better would be using one of...
  8. arvoreen

    Convert PublicMoongate.cs to string

    With the limited code I can see, my guess would be that you need to make some changes to PMList so that it can accept a string or strings for parameters
  9. arvoreen

    Skills Cap

    Ahh, if they did that I would imagine that servuo would mirror the change. Something to look into I suppose!
  10. arvoreen

    Skills Cap

    This could be due to the age of the account and veteran rewards:,_5th-year,_and_a_skill_cap_increase! *edit: there is supposed to be a ! at the end of that URL, but it won't let me put it there, it just removes it after I edit URL. So add a ! after...
  11. arvoreen


    You say coming back, but do any of us ever really leave? ;) Welcome back!
  12. arvoreen

    Trying to get to Stygian Abyss

    Just an update, came upon this on github: Ter Mur decorations failing to load · Issue #4980 · ServUO/ServUO in case anyone else is having trouble, this looks like a good place to start looking. I haven't implemented this change yet so can't comment on how well/what it fixes.
  13. arvoreen

    Newbie and starting to get ServUO to work (hopefully!!)

    That may help, can honestly say I've never used the enhanced client, so no clue if it comes with the required files or whatnot! Just don't forget to change the DataPath to point to the classic client
  14. arvoreen

    Newbie and starting to get ServUO to work (hopefully!!)

    Hmm, I guess double check that the required files are located in that client folder, perhaps edit DataPath.cfg as well, and if that doesn't work, make sure the error is absolutely the same, and not some other crash happening. :) If those all check out. . .then I haven't got any idea! It should work!
  15. arvoreen

    Newbie and starting to get ServUO to work (hopefully!!)

    You want to change it in DataPath.cs; since you changed it there, you made DataPath.cfg obsolete. The original guide you were following was a little bit out of date, and the change should have originally been made in DataPath.cfg, and the .cs file left alone :) *edit: although I supposed it...
  16. arvoreen

    Newbie and starting to get ServUO to work (hopefully!!)

    Can you show the modification you made to DataPath.cs? Can you navigate to the folder you specified in it and find the mul/uop files there? (the DataPath.cfg change will not matter if you changed the .cs file, but if you changed it back to the original version, show your DataPath.cfg info)
  17. arvoreen

    Newbie and starting to get ServUO to work (hopefully!!)

    These are client files, and will be in the folder your UO Client is installed in
  18. arvoreen

    Having issues building pub57
  19. arvoreen

    Stable Slot Increase Help - Publish 54

    This original thread is over a year old, if you're asking looking for help with the same/similar issue, I'd start a new thread. If you were asking just for curiosity, rock n roll. :)
  20. arvoreen

    Trying to get to Stygian Abyss

    That just lowers the fire/energy fields at the beginning of the tomb, once you go past the mobs to where the guardians stand that stop you from entering unless you've finished the quest, there's no way in once you get there, it's just an empty platform.

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