Norman Lancaster submitted a new resource:
AntiAFK Resource Gathering Protection - Prevents players from gathering resources unattended
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The issues were never fully resolved as the players also hatted the system.
Every time a player attempts to gather a resource or get or use a BOD, there is a 1/1000 chance that a captcha gump will appear to test if they are AFK or not. This will occur a...
You know you don't have to edit core files to add a class, right? You could have included this class in it's own file so it's drop-and-run. You can even include it in the Scripts distro instead of core seeings how the core doesn't use it.
I've implemented the per-spawner configuration changes now. The branch is not save-compatible with the previous state. If you were testing this, please start with a blank save.
I am requesting comments on the champion system improvements. They can be found in the Champion-Refactor branch. To test this branch, use the command "git checkout Champion-Refactor" in your ServUO directory or use your git GUI tool of choice.
The system will automatically clean up any existing...
ServUO's primary focus is on implementing current content, although we are a long way from it. The primary reason to use ServUO is that we are in active development. We respond to defects and provide support for modifications to the distribution. I am not entirely sure who is supporting RunUO...
Have you noticed that you're only doing this check within the bit of code that handles transition between sectors? Try moving the whole system out of the core and into a stand-alone script that hooks EvenSink.Movement . The event system is there to help moders respond to events without having to...
You can comment out line 724 of Scripts/Misc/CharacterCreation.cs . This would fill the bank box of characters even when TC is off. Another route would be to edit the method FillBankbox of that same script and change its access level to Public. This would allow you to call that method from a...
There are many free (both kinds) of source code formatting utilities we could use for those folks that don't have ReSharper. Many projects enforce this as part of their style guides. This is typically used on insanely large projects like the Linux Kernel Project that has so many contributors...
Right now you'd need to either do that by hand or manually remove the teleporters you don't want from Scripts/Commands/GenTeleporter.cs . It's a horrible system. I'm going to be replacing it soon (or Fraz will be, one of us).
Our current persistence strategies do support background asynchronous writing of the save file. However there is a complex system of interlocking flags that enable this feature, which will never all be true without core edits. I think the primary risk with enabling this feature is the fact that...
You'll also need to modify Scripts/Services/VeteranRewards/RewardSystem.cs method EventSink_Login . At login this will adjust a character's skill cap according to the vet reward system.