Search results

  1. Ixtabay

    using MySql.Data; using MySql.Data.MySqlClient; in Scripts

    I'm having some trouble compiling a ServUO.MONO.exe that includes MySql.Data.dll I can create other .cs files and compile without issues with -r:MySqlData.dll, and when I add this, ServUO compiles fine, but I get errors when it loads my custom scripts with using MySql.Data; using...
  2. Ixtabay

    MyRunUO for ServUO

    I'm working on that. It will be in the next patch. Right now, I'm working on the .cs files for improved stability and compatibility with mono.
  3. Ixtabay

    MyRunUO for ServUO

    Install guide is on github with the rest of the files If you want, I can help you. You have a busy shard with many players and guilds, so it would help me further test and improve MyRunUO.
  4. Ixtabay

    MyRunUO for ServUO

    Ixtabay submitted a new resource: MyRunUO for ServUO - Website and server scripts to display character, guild, and shard information for ServUO Ultima Onli Read more about this resource...
  5. Ixtabay

    MyRunUO for ServUO 1

    Updated 4 JAN 2014 This is a complete drop in website to replace the old MyRunUO. Scripts are included and have been updated for ServUO. Please read the installation instructions included. Status checker on home page that shows whether or not your shard is online, and how many players, etc...
  6. Ixtabay

    php script to return server status

    <?php /* shard_status.php v1.0 This is an example of how to get the status of a UO emulator (RunUO, ServUO, Sphere, etc.) by sending a packet to the shard address:port. \x7f\x00\x00\x01\xf1\x00\x04\xff Newer ServUO Shards will return something like this: Array ( [0] => ServUO [1] => Name=My...
  7. Ixtabay

    Gargish items appearing in ML

    Is there any way to prevent gargish rings and bracelets (gargoyle only) items from appearing in ML? I have not seen other gargish items drop, but rings and bracelets are appearing. # The expansion to use. Valid values are: # None Initial launch (not accurate at all) # T2A...
  8. Ixtabay

    Linux/Mono System.Dll reference errors

    RESOLVED!: Forgot to: yum install zlib-devel yum install unixODBC mysql-connector-odbc --------------------------------------- I was able to compile Ultima.Dll and ServUO.exe on CentOS x7.x but am getting errors. Here are the steps I followed: #Compiled Ultima.dll mcs -sdk:4.5...
  9. Ixtabay

    Skill titles missing?

    Thanks for the reply Tasanar. The titles I'm referring to are not the new ones, but the original skill titles that were in place since release. For example, Grandmaster Swordsman, Expert Tailor, etc.
  10. Ixtabay


    Ixtabay submitted a new resource: StatBall - Allows player to choose one stat to raise by value Read more about this resource...
  11. Ixtabay

    StatBall 1.1

    A single use ball that allows player to raise the Stat (Str, Dex, Int) of their choice by a predefined bonus value. GM can set bonus value. default is set within the script.
  12. Ixtabay

    Skill titles missing?

    Perhaps I'm doing something wrong, but skill titles are no longer appearing on characters (ie. Journeyman Swordsman, Grandmaster Blacksmith, etc.) I'm using the latest ServUO, with AOS expansion set.
  13. Ixtabay


    Ixtabay updated HomeStone with a new update entry: Updated to show seconds left if less than 1 minute. Read the rest of this update entry...
  14. Ixtabay

    HomeStone - Updated to show seconds left if less than 1 minute.

    Updated the Homestone to show seconds left if timer is less than 1 minute.
  15. Ixtabay


    Ixtabay submitted a new resource: HomeStone - Works like the hearthstone in World of Warcraft. Can also be set to player's house. Read more about this resource...
  16. Ixtabay

    HomeStone 1.2

    The Home Stone allows players to set a home location in any inn, or in a house they own. By default, the stone can be used every 15 minutes, but this can be adjusted. private static readonly TimeSpan delay = TimeSpan.FromMinutes( 15.0 ); private static readonly TimeSpan totalDelay =...
  17. Ixtabay


    Thanks for the reply zerodowned! However, I'm still getting the same error. Ok, got it working. This version works. Thanks for the help!
  18. Ixtabay


    I found this old HomeStone.cs script, and need some help getting it to work. Getting this error: Errors: + _Custom/HomeStone.cs: CS0534: Line 311: 'HomeStone.HomeStoneSpell' does not implement inherited abstract member 'Spell.CastDelayBase.get' Scripts: One or more scripts failed to...
  19. Ixtabay

    I'm rewriting MyRunUO, need help from busy shard

    Really looking for newer shard with Elf/Garg to help me out. I just need more data to test and build with. If anyone has a well populated shard with elves, gargs, guilds, I would love to chat with you :) Here are some images of progress so far...
  20. Ixtabay

    How to return player race?

    That was it, too easy :) thanks!

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