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  1. Nerun

    Linux, Make (compile) and ServUO 57.3

    zlib1g-dev yes
  2. Nerun

    Linux, Make (compile) and ServUO 57.3

    Linux Mint 21.3 Mono Dotnet 8.0.301 ServUO 57.3 Yes, with 7.2 change, the pub 57.3 compile scripts without errors. Also a note: pub 57.2 uses language 7.1. But, after login into server, World Building, then use [admin gump to Shutdown & Restart (with save), i got an infinite looping...
  3. Nerun

    HowTo: Compile and Run ServUO using Mono in Linux

    @Mikely, @Sperg and @rafael.assis Do make -j $(nproc) in ServUO folder, or just make. The first one will use more CPU threads to compile faster. Both Ultima.dll and ServUO.exe will be generated. Then mono ServUO.exe. But i am stuck on compiling scripts: Scripts: Compiling C# scripts...Error...
  4. Nerun

    Linux, Make (compile) and ServUO 57.3

    Hi there, I am trying to compile ServUO 57.3 on Linux but no success. My system: Linux Mint 21.2 Mono Dotnet 7.0.110 ServUO 57.3 Using "make" works, a file "ServUO.exe" is created, but it doesn't run. Output is below. ServUO pub 58 compile whitout issues, but it's a work in...
  5. Nerun

    Rare old client. (Ultima Online 1.26.4a patch 3069)

    Hi there, Great job with clients and patches! You saved my life. I lost some old clients and patches in a power failure that corrupted my SSD. But i have noticed some UOML patches are missing here: Index of /patches/UOML I have some of them. But i have lost 2 "rtp" (but not the ".pat" ) in...
  6. Nerun

    HowTo: Compile and Run ServUO using Mono in Linux

    Wow! Thank you, super easy!
  7. Nerun

    HowTo: Compile and Run ServUO using Mono in Linux

    Hi, Good tutorial. A few notes: FIRST: Under Compile ServUO, step 5, you wrote "cs..." should be "mcs..." cs -sdk:4.5 -out:ServUO.exe -d:MONO -d:Framework_4_0 -d:ServUO -optimize+ -unsafe...
  8. Nerun

    Lokai Versioning

    Help me to remember how to use it please. I have installed both in server and compiled it OK. But to test a script, I should create a folder called Scripts.LV1, put my script there and run ServUO with parameter -LV1? Lokai, the updated script has an error: It occurs when you put ANY script...
  9. Nerun

    Server load time: "Reticulating spines"

    Installed Mono 5.10 from official site. Installation OK. Compiled ServUO. OK. Running ServUO. Error: Scripts: Compiling C# scripts...Error: System.ArgumentException: Path is empty at System.IO.FileStream..ctor (System.String path, System.IO.FileMode mode, System.IO.FileAccess access...
  10. Nerun

    Server load time: "Reticulating spines"

    Uh, i made it. But it ask for binutils:i386 and linux-headers:i386, and i use 64 bits version of both. I don't to want to change them.
  11. Nerun

    Server load time: "Reticulating spines"

    Debian package, (64 bits). I will try this site, and look to the latest version: I have tried to install Mono 32 bits, but it's impossible it ask for binutils:i386, Linux-headers:i386 etc. No way. But i will try...
  12. Nerun

    Startup time, database use

    ironmike, my problem is close to yours. But i am not using DB. In my system (a core i3-4160 + Debian Stretch 64 bits + Mono 64 bits) "reticulating spines" take 7.4 minutes. In a VM running in the same system i have installed a Windows XP 32 bits plus NET Framework and it took only 45 seconds...
  13. Nerun

    Server load time: "Reticulating spines"

    Thank you for your answer. Now i am curious about whats happening to my system. It looks normal. I made a test here: installed ServUO commit 3,582 on a VirtualBox 5.2 running Windows XP 32 bits, using 3 Gb RAM and 2 of the 4 cores from Core i3-4160 and... What surprise, it took only 45...
  14. Nerun

    Server load time: "Reticulating spines"

    Hmmm... Don't know i will verify... Yes it was saved! But no problem, config helps.
  15. Nerun

    Server load time: "Reticulating spines"

    As a future improvement maybe if, instead of recalculating the honesty sites every time the server starts, if it analyzes the hashes only (using md5sums or any software like this) to verify if there was any change, it would not need to recalc every start.
  16. Nerun

    Server load time: "Reticulating spines"

    Hello! I am new to ServUO and i have some doubts. Server startup is TOO slow, it tooks 7.4 minutes (444 seconds) to start for me in a Core i3-4160. It's annoying and counterproductive if you are a scripter. If you are just running a shard, ok. Wait 7~8 minutes to a server startup is nothing...
  17. Nerun

    It is! Look this image, it took a LOT of time:

    It is! Look this image, it took a LOT of time:
  18. Nerun

    Coming from RunUO, a briefing of changes?

    Sweet! Thank you fellows! I loved the changes.
  19. Nerun

    Hi Lokai, good to see you here! Have you updated yours Versioning System to ServUO? ServUO take...

    Hi Lokai, good to see you here! Have you updated yours Versioning System to ServUO? ServUO take a LOT of time to start! These messages "Reticulating splines..." take too long, around 3~4 minutes each.
  20. Nerun

    Coming from RunUO, a briefing of changes?

    Hello fellows (again)! 1) Could someone give-me a short briefing about the major changes in ServUO in relation to RunUO? I don't want to read 3,582 commits at GitHub! :p:rolleyes: 2) I read somewhere it started from RunUO 2.5. Changes made in RunUO 2.6 and 2.7 beta was included too? Thank you!

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