
** It is not recommended for new developers to start with these old client sins it will require them to rewrite the packet handling to support the client. One of many examples is the control that a player hasn't try to hack move. This client doesn't have this feature and if the server sends "did the movement work packet" the client will crash sins it has no clue on what to do with it.

I haven't seen anyone share any full patched clients pre-T2A. I had this installation stored for a later project to be able to make patches for the first client. it would have been possible to backtrack and restore the stages sins OSI did add new files and added file changes to the verdata.mul file and all updates were added chronologically into this file.

If someone feels they like to fiddle with older clients and restore the changes all that (we know of) and is needed can be found by...

1. Information on what files were added then in the pachlog file in this packet.
2. Patch notes from the time:
3. The format for verdata.mul:
4. Some client EXE-files are named nont2a and can be found at

it's an almost untouched version with all files intact. The only changed I have made is setting fullscreen=off in uo.cfg.


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Thanks a lot. I've been searching for every client I can find to back up since many sites or links are dead. A year or two ago I could find all over the place, now it's hard to find a non-edited copy.
Thanks a lot. I've been searching for every client I can find to back up since many sites or links are dead. A year or two ago I could find all over the place, now it's hard to find a non-edited copy.
I will repack AOS patches if I get some time. I did earlier release the full patch for GOLD client or T2A. I have recreated some of the patches and thought it would be a bad thing if everything disappeared. This patches can make every existing GOLD version from 1.25.35 up to Everything is original files in the installation after the patch has installed, it is only the RTP files that have been repacked sins I lost some of the real ones.

It can be found here:

Here are another full patched pre-T2A (Ultima Online 4.0.2a patch 3165) clients from an old backup of mine. This is a UO client without access to the new areas and monsters were never added sins it took time to download that much data back then. I don't know if this was the last one but that is possible. there were two patches 4.0.4b and 4.0.4b2 before SE was released and this client was dropped. It didn't even get a patch to SE and OSI just asked you to send your name and address to them for a free upgrade CD but 99.9% of the players already had an upgrade.

The only issue I had with this installation was that Ostards don't show up at all. I don't remember how they did support this. Replacement with lama graphic? (Ostards was allowed to leave lostlands sometime under Dec 2001 if I remember it correctly) It might be that RunUO is sending something incorrectly. A standard solution for this client was to use old graphics as a replacement for the newer one on a lot of other items. You can see the bod book in the image down below as an example, It is a grey runebook and the bod itself are grey house deed.

A real RunUO issue is that the server tries to send a type of packets (PropertyListInfo 0xDC) to display item information while AOS is using ObjectProperties 0xD6) to display CLI files and this crash the client. a non-programming approach as a workaround is to set server era to UOR and the Ostards can be fixed easily by copying the two files (anim.mul and anim.idx) from a 5.x.x installation. I have fixed the property packet in the test to show that the client does support CLI if the right packets are sent.

Login Screen

Create Character

By changing packet to ObjectProperties 0xD6 we get the correct information for the katana. In this image, we can see the old style bod book and the bod too. Ossy?

No T2A entrance sins lost land dont exists. Ossy, Where are you?

Delucia is in green acres on this client. Where is my Ossy? :(

The client can be downloaded here ( until MEGA decide to remove it.



  • CreateCharacter.png
    216.2 KB · Views: 274
  • patchlog.txt
    516.1 KB · Views: 10
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Hi there,

Great job with clients and patches! You saved my life. I lost some old clients and patches in a power failure that corrupted my SSD.

But i have noticed some UOML patches are missing here: Index of /patches/UOML

I have some of them. But i have lost 2 "rtp" (but not the ".pat" ) in that power failure:
- uoml_win32_6-0-10-0.rtp
- uoml_win32_6-0-11-0.rtp

Here UOML PATCHES versions 6+:

Thank you!

I have talked to XeroX, the maintainer, and he updated with the missing patches.
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