Search results

  1. Turn avatar into GM/Counselor through ingame command?

    I found that now: {Player=0,VIP,Counselor,Decorator,Spawner,GameMaster,Seer,Administrator,Developer,CoOwner,Owner} Still no clue how to change it ingame through command.
  2. Turn avatar into GM/Counselor through ingame command?

    I'm working on updating the Accomplice GM tool to have the ServUO ingame command set. And I'm still completely stupefied how one turns an avatar ingame into a GM or Counselor or even Admin and back through ingame commands. There must be one?? I have learned that AccessLevel is the enum. I...
  3. ServUO 54 Enums (options for item/tests)

    Yes I agree, but none of these are there and I'm starting at the very rock bottom: getting a list of what is even there. Once I understand what they do (if not self-explaining from the names in the posted list) of course comments/explanations can be added. But that is step 2 ...
  4. ServUO 54 Enums (options for item/tests)

    I tried the docgen command and the result wasn't helping me much. For someone with a programming background it probably is clear that I need to look for "public enum" or "private enum" but for someone like me it doesn't. Plus I've worked too much with emulators to not be very desperate about...
  5. ServUO 54 Enums (options for item/tests)

    Considering that I've spend several hours even collecting and editing the above I don't believe "spamming" is the right term. And if someone wants to use it and do more or has the time (I surely don't, at least not now), they are free to. But I can stop sharing these if that is not appreciated?
  6. ServUO 54 Enums (options for item/tests)

    Three things: 1. I'm looking into converting the Accomplice GM Tool maybe (if feasible and no structural problem) into ServUO compatibility. It is open source after all and can be easily adjusted for shards. 2. I'm trying to get a good impression what is there and what is not and what is double...
  7. ServUO 54 Enums (options for item/tests)

    I've extracted these with doxygen from ServUO, sorted them etc. They are for "Server.Items" enum options AddonFitResult {Valid, Blocked, NotInHouse, DoorTooClose, NoWall, DoorsNotClosed} ArmorBodyType {Gorget, Gloves, Helmet, Arms, Legs, Chest, Shield} ArmorDurabilityLevel {Regular, Durable...
  8. ServUO 54 Item types

    Uhm ... zerodwoned these are just the name spaces, not the Item types (aka ingame constructables). Or do I miss something? Edit: You mean that, don't you? I'm working with a ServUO doxygen-export...
  9. ServUO 54 Item types

    I found that these are NOT all possible constructables, they are just the ones which are serialized/deserialized. So the source contains several which are not serialized/deserialized. Once again I'm upset with the absolute lack of documentation for RunUO and ServUO, which even enforced...
  10. ServUO 54 Item types

    List of Item/NPC Constructables/Types, should be all I hope ...
  11. Accomplice scriptable GM tool

    I got the XP compiled version to run properly now in compatibility mode for Windows XP, in that case it still does not detect the art.mul (it shows the image of the selected static item usually) in my case with a custom path for my UO installation. But it accepts now the ServUO '[' prefix for...
  12. Setting up a shard for "life" mode (Windows 8.1, High Seas)

    I've finally got the whole thing with ServUO and rather ancient (but existing) tool set up to work the way I want it. There is a lot of great tools out there which on the other hand aren't developed anymore. So it was a bit a pain to allow me to use a High Seas client with all the bells and...
  13. Pandora's box source code

    Horian submitted a new resource: Pandora's box source code - Source Code for archiving Read more about this resource...
  14. Misc Pandora's box source code

    Won't compile for me with Visual Studio 2013 but I'm a total newbie so that doesn't have to mean anything ...
  15. Pandora's Box 3 Download

    Why is the file not showing?
  16. Pandora's Box 3 Download

    I have the source code for that Pandora version but it won't compile for me. Of course I am a total beginner when it comes to that code stuff ...
  17. UO Steam

    Ps: "Per resizing screen: You need to do this before you log in. Once the UO login screen pops-up go to the Steam window and change screen size then. Log-in as normal and you will have your larger resolution playing window. "
  18. Accomplice scriptable GM tool

    Horian submitted a new resource: Accomplice scriptable GM tool - horizontal or vertical, scriptable, with source code Read more about this resource...
  19. Misc Accomplice scriptable GM tool 2015-06-05

    This is an ancient piece of software but I really liked it when I was working for Nox Wizard emulator because it is so easily customized for shards. I've included the old exe which worked fine for Windows XP and a newly compiled exe for Windows 8.1 (at least for me accomplice never detected the...
  20. UO Steam

    Horian submitted a new resource: UO Steam - Allows connecting with clients at least up to to Server Read more about this resource...

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