
I've extracted these with doxygen from ServUO, sorted them etc. They are for "Server.Items"

enum options
AddonFitResult {Valid, Blocked, NotInHouse, DoorTooClose, NoWall, DoorsNotClosed}
ArmorBodyType {Gorget, Gloves, Helmet, Arms, Legs, Chest, Shield}
ArmorDurabilityLevel {Regular, Durable, Substantial, Massive, Fortified, Indestructible}
ArmorMaterialType {Cloth, Leather, Studded, Bone, Spined, Horned, Barbed, Ringmail, Chainmail, Plate, Dragon}
ArmorMeditationAllowance {ArmorMeditationAllowance.All, ArmorMeditationAllowance.Half, ArmorMeditationAllowance.None}
ArmorProtectionLevel {Regular, Defense, Guarding, Hardening, Fortification, Invulnerability}
ArmorQuality {Low, Regular, Exceptional}
AttributeCategory {Misc = 0x00000001, Melee = 0x00000002, Magic = 0x00000004, Stats = 0x00000008, Resists = 0x00000010, Hits = 0x00000020}
BagOfSendingHue {Yellow, Blue, Red}
BeverageType {Ale, Cider, Liquor, Milk, Wine, Water}
BookQuality {Regular, Exceptional}
CampfireStatus {Burning, Extinguishing, Off}
CheckSlayerResult {None, Slayer, Opposition}
ClockworkType {Wolf = 0, Scorpion = 1, Vollem = 2}
ClothingQuality {Low, Regular, Exceptional}
CorpseFlag {None = 0x00000000, Carved = 0x00000001, NoBones = 0x00000002, IsBones = 0x00000004, VisitedByTaxidermist = 0x00000008, Channeled = 0x00000010, Criminal = 0x00000020, Animated = 0x00000040, SelfLooted = 0x00000080}
CraftResource {None = 0, Iron = 1, DullCopper, ShadowIron, Copper, Bronze, Gold, Agapite, Verite, Valorite, RegularLeather = 101, SpinedLeather, HornedLeather, BarbedLeather, RedScales = 201, YellowScales, BlackScales, GreenScales, WhiteScales, BlueScales, RegularWood = 301, OakWood, AshWood, YewWood, Heartwood, Bloodwood, Frostwood}
CraftResourceType {None, Metal, Leather, Scales, Wood}
DarkWoodWallTypes {Corner, SouthWall, EastWall, CornerPost, EastDoorFrame, SouthDoorFrame, WestDoorFrame, NorthDoorFrame, SouthWindow, EastWindow, CornerMedium, EastWallMedium, SouthWallMedium, CornerPostMedium, CornerShort, EastWallShort, SouthWallShort, CornerPostShort, SouthWallVShort, EastWallVShort}
DawnsMusicRarity {Common, Uncommon, Rare}
DecorateCommand {None, Turn, Up, Down}
DoorFacing {WestCW, EastCCW, WestCCW, EastCW, SouthCW, NorthCCW, SouthCCW, NorthCW, SouthSW, SouthSE, WestSS, WestSN}
ECEffectType {None, Moving, Location, Target, Lightning}
EffectTriggerType {None, Sequenced, DoubleClick, InRange}
FillableContentType {None = -1, Weaponsmith, Provisioner, Mage, Alchemist, Armorer, ArtisanGuild, Baker, Bard, Blacksmith, Bowyer, Butcher, Carpenter, Clothier, Cobbler, Docks, Farm, FighterGuild, Guard, Healer, Herbalist, Inn, Jeweler, Library, Merchant, Mill, Mine, Observatory, Painter, Ranger, Stables, Tanner, Tavern, ThiefGuild, Tinker, Veterinarian
FlourMillStage {Empty, Filled, Working}
FoodState {Dead, Starving, Hungry, Full, Overfed}
GasTrapType {GasNorthWall, GasWestWall, GasFloor}
GemType {None, StarSapphire, Emerald, Sapphire, Ruby, Citrine, Amethyst, Tourmaline, Amber, Diamond}
GroundPosition {Top, Bottom, Left, Right, West, North, East, South, Center}
HeadType {Regular, Duel, Tournament}
HolidayTreeType {Classic, Modern}
HouseRaffleExpireAction {None, HideStone, DeleteStone}
HouseRaffleState {Inactive, Active, Completed}
InstrumentQuality {Low, Regular, Exceptional}
ItemQuality {Low, Normal, Exceptional}
KeyType {Copper = 0x100E, Gold = 0x100F, Iron = 0x1010, Rusty = 0x1013}
LesserPigmentType {LesserNone, LesserPaleOrange, LesserFreshRose, LesserChaosBlue, LesserSilver, LesserNobleGold, LesserLightGreen, LesserPaleBlue, LesserFreshPlum, LesserDeepBrown, LesserBurntBrown}
MagicalFood {None = 0x0, WrathGrapes = 0x1, EnchantedApple = 0x2}
MiniHouseType {StoneAndPlaster, FieldStone, SmallBrick, Wooden, WoodAndPlaster, ThatchedRoof, Brick, TwoStoryWoodAndPlaster, TwoStoryStoneAndPlaster, Tower, SmallStoneKeep, Castle, LargeHouseWithPatio, MarbleHouseWithPatio, SmallStoneTower, TwoStoryLogCabin, TwoStoryVilla, SandstoneHouseWithPatio, SmallStoneWorkshop, SmallMarbleWorkshop, MalasMountainPass, ChurchAtNight}
MiningCartType {OreSouth = 100, OreEast = 101, GemSouth = 102, GemEast = 103}
MinotaurStatueType {AttackSouth = 100, AttackEast = 101, DefendSouth = 102, DefendEast = 103}
MonsterStatuetteType {Crocodile, Daemon, Dragon, EarthElemental, Ettin, Gargoyle, Gorilla, Lich, Lizardman, Ogre, Orc, Ratman, Skeleton, Troll, Cow, Zombie, Llama, Ophidian, Reaper, Mongbat, Gazer, FireElemental, Wolf, PhillipsWoodenSteed, Seahorse, Harrower, Efreet, Slime, PlagueBeast, RedDeath, Spider, OphidianArchMage, OphidianWarrior, OphidianKnight, OphidianMage, DreadHorn, Minotaur, BlackCat, HalloweenGhoul}
MoonPhase {NewMoon, WaxingCrescentMoon, FirstQuarter, WaxingGibbous, FullMoon, WaningGibbous, LastQuarter, WaningCrescent}
MoonstoneType {Felucca, Trammel}
PigmentType {None, ParagonGold, VioletCouragePurple, InvulnerabilityBlue, LunaWhite, DryadGreen, ShadowDancerBlack, BerserkerRed, NoxGreen, RumRed, FireOrange, FadedCoal, Coal, FadedGold, StormBronze, Rose, MidnightCoal, FadedBronze, FadedRose, DeepRose}
PlankSide {PlankSide.Port, PlankSide.Starboard}
PotionEffect {Nightsight, CureLesser, Cure, CureGreater, Agility, AgilityGreater, Strength, StrengthGreater, PoisonLesser, Poison, PoisonGreater, PoisonDeadly, Refresh, RefreshTotal, HealLesser, Heal, HealGreater, ExplosionLesser, Explosion, ExplosionGreater, Conflagration, ConflagrationGreater, MaskOfDeath, MaskOfDeathGreater, ConfusionBlast, ConfusionBlastGreater, Invisibility, Parasitic, Darkglow, ExplodingTarPotion}
PresetMapType {Britain, BritainToSkaraBrae, BritainToTrinsic, BucsDen, BucsDenToMagincia, BucsDenToOcllo, Jhelom, Magincia, MaginciaToOcllo, Minoc, MinocToYew, MinocToVesper, Moonglow, MoonglowToNujelm, Nujelm, NujelmToMagincia, Ocllo, SerpentsHold, SerpentsHoldToOcllo, SkaraBrae, TheWorld, Trinsic, TrinsicToBucsDen, TrinsicToJhelom, Vesper, VesperToNujelm, Yew, YewToBritain}
PuzzleChestCylinder {None = 0xE73, LightBlue = 0x186F, Blue = 0x186A, Green = 0x186B, Orange = 0x186C, Purple = 0x186D, Red = 0x186E, DarkBlue = 0x1869, Yellow = 0x1870}
SawTrapType {SawWestWall, SawNorthWall, SawWestFloor, SawNorthFloor}
SignFacing {North, West}
SignType {Library, DarkWoodenPost, LightWoodenPost, MetalPostC, MetalPostB, MetalPostA, MetalPost, Bakery, Tailor, Tinker, Butcher, Healer, Mage, Woodworker, Customs, Inn, Shipwright, Stables, BarberShop, Bard, Fletcher, Armourer, Jeweler, Tavern, ReagentShop, Blacksmith, Painter, Provisioner, Bowyer, WoodenSign, BrassSign, ArmamentsGuild, ArmourersGuild, BlacksmithsGuild, WeaponsGuild, BardicGuild, BartersGuild, ProvisionersGuild, TradersGuild, CooksGuild, HealersGuild, MagesGuild, SorcerersGuild, IllusionistGuild, MinersGuild, ArchersGuild, SeamensGuild, FishermensGuild, SailorsGuild, ShipwrightsGuild, TailorsGuild, ThievesGuild, RoguesGuild, AssassinsGuild, TinkersGuild, WarriorsGuild, CavalryGuild, FightersGuild, MerchantsGuild, Bank, Theatre}
SlayerName {None, Silver, OrcSlaying, TrollSlaughter, OgreTrashing, Repond, DragonSlaying, Terathan, SnakesBane, LizardmanSlaughter, ReptilianDeath, DaemonDismissal, GargoylesFoe, BalronDamnation, Exorcism, Ophidian, SpidersDeath, ScorpionsBane, ArachnidDoom, FlameDousing, WaterDissipation, Vacuum, ElementalHealth, EarthShatter, BloodDrinking, SummerWind, ElementalBan, Fey}
SnowGlobeTypeOne {Britain, Moonglow, Minoc, Magincia, BuccaneersDen, Trinsic, Yew, SkaraBrae, Jhelom, Nujelm, Papua, Delucia, Cove, Ocllo, SerpentsHold, EmpathAbbey, TheLycaeum, Vesper, Wind}
SnowGlobeTypeThree {Luna, Umbra, Zento, Heartwood, Covetous, Deceit, Destard, Hythloth, Khaldun, Shame, Wrong, Doom, TheCitadel, ThePalaceofParoxysmus, TheBlightedGrove, ThePrismofLight}
SnowGlobeTypeTwo {AncientCitadel, BlackthornesCastle, CityofMontor, CityofMistas, ExodusLair, LakeofFire, Lakeshire, PassofKarnaugh, TheEtherealFortress, TwinOaksTavern, ChaosShrine, ShrineofHumility, ShrineofSacrifice, ShrineofCompassion, ShrineofHonor, ShrineofHonesty, ShrineofSpirituality, ShrineofJustice, ShrineofValor}
SpellbookType {Invalid = -1, Regular, Necromancer, Paladin, Ninja, Samurai, Arcanist, Mystic}
SpikeTrapType {SpikeWestWall, SpikeNorthWall, SpikeWestFloor, SpikeNorthFloor}
StoneEffect {Gate, FlameStrike1, FlameStrike3, FlameStrikeLightningBolt, Sparkle1, Sparkle3, Explosion, ExplosionLightningBolt, DefaultRunUO, Snow, Glow, PoisonField, Fireball, FireStorm1, FireStorm2, RedSparkle, RedSparkle2, Marchenzio1, Hell
StoneFaceTrapType {StoneFaceNorthWestWall, StoneFaceNorthWall, StoneFaceWestWall}
SutekResourceType {BarrelHoops, BarrelStaves, Beeswax, BlackPowder, BluePotion, BluePowder, Bones, BrownStone, CopperIngots, CopperWire, DarkStone, Feathers, FetidEssence, Gears, GoldIngots, GoldWire, IronIngots, IronWire, Leather, MeltedWax, OilOfVitriol, PowerCrystal, PurplePotion, RedPotion, Rope, Scales, Shafts, SilverIngots, SilverWire, SpiritEssence, Thorns, VoidEssence, WhitePowder, WhiteStone, WoodenBoards, WoodenLogs, YellowPotion}
TalismanForm {Ferret = 1031672, Squirrel = 1031671, CuSidhe = 1031670, Reptalon = 1075202}
TalismanRemoval {None = 0, Ward = 390, Damage = 404, Curse = 407, Wildfire = 2843}
TalismanSlayerName {None, Bear, Vermin, Bat, Mage, Beetle, Bird, Ice, Flame, Bovine, Wolf, Undead, Goblin}
ThickGrayStoneWallTypes {WestArch, NorthArch, SouthArchTop, EastArchTop, EastArch, SouthArch, Wall1, Wall2, Wall3, SouthWindow, Wall4, EastWindow, WestArch2, NorthArch2, SouthArchTop2, EastArchTop2, EastArch2, SouthArch2, SWArchEdge2, SouthWindow2, NEArchEdge2, EastWindow2}
ThinBrickWallTypes {Corner, SouthWall, EastWall, CornerPost, EastDoorFrame, SouthDoorFrame, WestDoorFrame, NorthDoorFrame, SouthWindow, EastWindow, CornerMedium, SouthWallMedium, EastWallMedium, CornerPostMedium, CornerShort, SouthWallShort, EastWallShort, CornerPostShort, CornerArch, SouthArch, WestArch, EastArch, NorthArch, SouthCenterArchTall, EastCenterArchTall, EastCornerArchTall, SouthCornerArchTall, SouthCornerArch, EastCornerArch, SouthCenterArch, EastCenterArch, CornerVVShort, SouthWallVVShort, EastWallVVShort, SouthWallVShort, EastWallVShort}
ThinStoneWallTypes {Corner, EastWall, SouthWall, CornerPost, EastDoorFrame, SouthDoorFrame, NorthDoorFrame, WestDoorFrame, SouthWindow, EastWindow, CornerMedium, SouthWallMedium, EastWallMedium, CornerPostMedium, CornerArch, EastArch, SouthArch, NorthArch, WestArch, CornerShort, EastWallShort, SouthWallShort, CornerPostShort, SouthWallShort2, EastWallShort2}
ToolQuality {Low, Regular, Exceptional}
TrapType {None, TrapType.MagicTrap, ExplosionTrap, DartTrap, PoisonTrap}
TrophyRank {Bronze, Silver, Gold}
VariableCarpetType {BlueStructureBorder, BluePlainBorder, BlueYellowBorder, RedStructureBorder, RedPlainBorder, YellowStructureBorder}
WandEffect {Clumsiness, Identification, Healing, Feeblemindedness, Weakness, MagicArrow, Harming, Fireball, GreaterHealing, Lightning, ManaDraining}
WaterState {Dead, Dying, Unhealthy, Healthy, Strong}
WeaponAccuracyLevel {Regular, Accurate, Surpassingly, Eminently, Exceedingly, Supremely}
WeaponAnimation {Slash1H = 9, Pierce1H = 10, Bash1H = 11, Bash2H = 12, Slash2H = 13, Pierce2H = 14, ShootBow = 18, ShootXBow = 19, Wrestle = 31}
WeaponDamageLevel {Regular, Ruin, Might, Force, Power, Vanq}
WeaponDurabilityLevel {Regular, Durable, Substantial, Massive, Fortified, Indestructible}
WeaponQuality {Low, Regular, Exceptional}
WeaponType {Axe, Slashing, Staff, Bashing, Piercing, Polearm, Ranged, Fists}
WhiteStoneWallTypes {EastWall, SouthWall, SECorner, NWCornerPost, EastArrowLoop, SouthArrowLoop, EastWindow, SouthWindow, SouthWallMedium, EastWallMedium, SECornerMedium, NWCornerPostMedium, SouthWallShort, EastWallShort, SECornerShort, NWCornerPostShort, NECornerPostShort, SWCornerPostShort, SouthWallVShort, EastWallVShort, SECornerVShort, NWCornerPostVShort, SECornerArch, SouthArch, WestArch, EastArch, NorthArch, EastBattlement, SECornerBattlement, SouthBattlement, NECornerBattlement, SWCornerBattlement, Column, SouthWallVVShort, EastWallVVShort}
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If you don't mind me asking. Just out of curiosity whats got you on this extracting information / digging through servuo code lately?

While this information makes a nice list. It can all be found in specific files that correspond to the specific pertaining things. People just have to know what they're looking for and how to find it. As I'm presuming you already know.
Three things:
1. I'm looking into converting the Accomplice GM Tool maybe (if feasible and no structural problem) into ServUO compatibility. It is open source after all and can be easily adjusted for shards.

2. I'm trying to get a good impression what is there and what is not and what is double or such - and you only see that if you do summaries like that. There is for example TinkerTools and TinkersTools. And several things are exported in ways that raise question marks and I'll have to check why the extraction yields so odd results in some instances, script errors maybe.

3, My real life finally - after years of insane work load - might slow down again at the end of the year. If that works out I'm interested in learning C# and do some scripting/coding again and what I wrote for tended to be ... more complex/interdisciplinary. I'm not keen having to dig through individual files manually to see what enums I have etc but I like to have short list of things well documented so I can pop it in and not waste time going for single files or memorizing things.
As I mentioned before, the documentation quality of the ServUO (and RunUO) code is abysmal unfortunately, no offense intended. Which makes it especially hard to get into for newbies. Others might feel the same and benefit, so I post what I find.
Should aswell put the namespace associated with these enums :p
Lets say we want to have water state, we would still have to go in the plant system in the engine folder to gather the correct namespace so we can use it in a new script.
Others might feel the same and benefit, so I post what I find.
While I do agree with you about documentation being lacking (mostly because RunUO's documentation is lacking) I do not believe spamming a forum with unstructured information is very helpful. The stuff you are posting has no documentation either, you are effectively juts copy pasting things people can already find.

A better idea would be to actually comment the code, using SandCastle to build a html help site from the XML documentation you could include in the files. This would be helpful for new comers. Or, post tutorials about how you would go about finding the things you are looking for. For most things, Visual Studio Express (even Visual Code, Microsoft's new cross platform code editor) has the ability to give you intelisense to provide these exact lists, or quick navigation so you can view them yourself.
While I do agree with you about documentation being lacking (mostly because RunUO's documentation is lacking) I do not believe spamming a forum with unstructured information is very helpful. The stuff you are posting has no documentation either, you are effectively juts copy pasting things people can already find.

A better idea would be to actually comment the code, using SandCastle to build a html help site from the XML documentation you could include in the files. This would be helpful for new comers. Or, post tutorials about how you would go about finding the things you are looking for. For most things, Visual Studio Express (even Visual Code, Microsoft's new cross platform code editor) has the ability to give you intelisense to provide these exact lists, or quick navigation so you can view them yourself.

Considering that I've spend several hours even collecting and editing the above I don't believe "spamming" is the right term. And if someone wants to use it and do more or has the time (I surely don't, at least not now), they are free to.
But I can stop sharing these if that is not appreciated?
Considering that I've spend several hours even collecting and editing the above I don't believe "spamming" is the right term. And if someone wants to use it and do more or has the time (I surely don't, at least not now), they are free to.
But I can stop sharing these if that is not appreciated?
I didnt mean it in a negative way or an attack on you. I just feel it needs some structure. Without comments, class/enum/method names are exactly that, names. I just think it needs some description to explain what it does, but thats just me.
I tried the docgen command and the result wasn't helping me much. For someone with a programming background it probably is clear that I need to look for "public enum" or "private enum" but for someone like me it doesn't. Plus I've worked too much with emulators to not be very desperate about needing local files as online files disappear.

Anyway, the only thing that worked for me was using doxygen, with that generating more by force a structure/documentation - which still was very much overwhelming for me without the background. And then digging through that trying to understand what does what in a very preliminary way. From which I've then extracted constructables (items & mobiles) and then ingame commands and now attempting to connect which properties (aka it seems called "enum") go with which constructable.

And yesterday I've finished Atomineer Pro to auto-document the source code of ServUO and started looking into actually understanding what these mean and expanding the source code documentation manually ... where I do get what goes on ... which isn't often yet.

Ps: Zerodowned, that search isn't what I'm looking for, I want it concise and in less of a raw format. And I'm looking for properties/options for constructables, having x times "Buttons" for a gump isn't too necessary at least for me. :)
I didnt mean it in a negative way or an attack on you. I just feel it needs some structure. Without comments, class/enum/method names are exactly that, names. I just think it needs some description to explain what it does, but thats just me.

Yes I agree, but none of these are there and I'm starting at the very rock bottom: getting a list of what is even there. Once I understand what they do (if not self-explaining from the names in the posted list) of course comments/explanations can be added. But that is step 2 ...

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