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  1. Harvestable Drugs 2.1

    Nuggzy submitted a new resource: Harvestable Drugs 2.0 - Harvest-able drug system with included alchemy quest. Read more about this resource...
  2. Harvestable Drugs 2.1 2015-09-07

    This is a revision of the drug harvesting system. It has been updated to work with ServUO pub 54 and now includes a quest! I do NOT take credit for writing it, only for the revisions, quest and grouping it together in a complete system. The system can be easily adapted to grow any kind of...
  3. Get player location

    yep it's all working, thanks. Is there a way to get the player X & Y just in case I need it for something without having to set up a region?
  4. Get player location

    Thanks for the help. I got it working by setting up regions. There was already a region set up for the south farm I just added the other 2 to it. I didn't want to have to edit any files if I could get away with it. How do I get the player X & Y? I am working on the Harvestable drugs mod...
  5. Get player location

    yes, that is what I am looking for, just figured the game would have some way to check if I was on the island to make it easy.
  6. Get player location

    That won't work, the plants will only grow on farms.
  7. Get player location

    I was looking for the island itself but if it would be easier to check a location then I can go with that. I am working on a quest for the havestable drugs mod, I want them to grow the plants on moonglow island. They can use any of the farms there or I can limit it to one area.
  8. Get player location

    I am working on a quest and want to limit it to a location in felucca. How do I find out if player is on Verity Isle(Moonglow)?
  9. [Easter 2014] Raised Easter Bunnies & Marshmallow Ducklings

    Nope it's not in there. I searched all of the different sites, all of them have the same thing. I got it working though by going to the container.cs and copying the basket renaming it to EasterBasket. My server also had a GiftGiving.cs in the SpecialSystems folder, I removed it and used the one...
  10. [Easter 2014] Raised Easter Bunnies & Marshmallow Ducklings

    anyone have the easter basket for this?
  11. Harvestable Drugs

    Here are a couple more edits, these files check your stamina to keep you from stacking up uses and crashing the server.
  12. Harvestable Drugs

    Either comment out or delete all of the using Server.Scripts; lines in the scripts and this loads fine in pub 54. I have also included a K9 script to go along with it. I can't remember who the original author is, I helped modify this back on runuo to get it working with the drug system, glad...

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