
I am working on a quest and want to limit it to a location in felucca. How do I find out if player is on Verity Isle(Moonglow)?
You want to see if they're anywhere on the isle?
Just checking because that'd be a little more involved than checking if they're within in a smaller area
I was looking for the island itself but if it would be easier to check a location then I can go with that. I am working on a quest for the havestable drugs mod, I want them to grow the plants on moonglow island. They can use any of the farms there or I can limit it to one area.
I see the three areas with farm ground in all of moonglow. so you want to be able to tell if a player is in one of those areas, right?

mg farms.JPG
yes, that is what I am looking for, just figured the game would have some way to check if I was on the island to make it easy.
unfortunately not :-/

next question i have is what does the rest of the script do?
does the player need to target farm ground?
do they have to just be standing on farm ground?

sorry for all the questions but it really does make a difference in what checks the code needs to do
Thanks for the help. I got it working by setting up regions. There was already a region set up for the south farm I just added the other 2 to it. I didn't want to have to edit any files if I could get away with it. How do I get the player X & Y?

I am working on the Harvestable drugs mod. They have to grow the plants in farm ground. For my quest if they grow them in fel/moonglow farms they get the quest item. I have every thing working good except for this part and my plants aren't decaying, they last forever if someone walks away.
if you already have it set up in Regions then you should be able to do something like...

if ( m.Region != null && m.Region.Name( "A Cotton Field in Moonglow" ) )

or enter whatever name you gave the region
yep it's all working, thanks. Is there a way to get the player X & Y just in case I need it for something without having to set up a region?
oops, just realized I forgot () after ToString. I tried pm.X.ToString during my testing and had it commented out. Thanks for all the help.

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