Well here is where im looking now im kinda past the whole manual building thing... Addons can be hued as the deed and when placed they turn the color... why cant house deeds be that way... that would be the easiest thing and pretty cool.
I have this urge to set the hue of house parts manually... I just wanna be able to hue them with the [hue command... anyone know how or where I should be looking? I only wanna do it if the client playing doesnt need additional files because I have no way to make a client uploader.
you could use a macro program... set the macros up and assign them to keys...
There is addongen for creating addons that basically would combine the two items together into a single item and then allow you to simply macro the [add tree1 to a key using razor if you wanted... addongen is awesome...
I see what youre saying now. There is nothing keeping it visible you have to pass over the front steps to activate the pavers on the west and north sides... There is probably something in the code that we could edit to make it update from like 2 tiles all around the house. I will look into it...
Hoping someone can help me sniff out this code and remove it... I love dumping explo on champs and bosses and taking their life down super fast. But for some reason with the latest servuo im taking like equal damage as if im blood oathed or something...
I found that it is when my...
yea you add stairs and a pavers then you go in. if you could make a deed possibly from morphing some other addon deed you could make it so players can place it themselves.
an awesome tool i found was admin toolbar it gives you a gump that allows you to assign long string commands that pandora hooks it up with to a button. its perfect for building dungeons!
google search this site by typing "site:servuo.com add runic tool command" maybe you find it... if i knew it i would tell you i guess i kinda remember i can find out one second...
so when i type "[add runichammer" i get this message
the message tells you how to type it out so the command for a...
Use these to make an item that morphs your weapons into 100% elemental damage. Use it as a template for applying weapon props and making items that apply weapon props... Don't forget to provide the credit to...
Credit goes to Redsnow because I used his Use Best Skill Deed to create these... He...
Update for this end of the year promo... Instead of the admin setting your skills test center <set skills 120> has been enabled and a GEAR LAB created... Join the discord to get in on the action.
THANK YOU! Took me a while to figure it out from what you said... but yeah so i went into fiddler and went to items and noticed it has a weight. I then fiddled around and found another tab that let me edit the weight... It saved it into a new tiledata.mul so I slapped it into the server uo files...
yeah its the max so its out of the way essentially creating the maximum of open space. i noticed that on production maps there was a black layer that would cause issues with what I can and cannot see when going up and down. Im hoping this solves that problem. I suppose I coulda tried setting it...
oh you havent used pandoras box? heads up if you install it and it doesn't work try running in compatibility for vista. So I have come to the conclusion that I can use this jacked up map to make a simple maze type dungeon... Since the raised tiles only seem to be in a uniform grid I simply place...
im not sure its centred thats the problem.. because the map worked fine back when i was editing it for but when it gets converted to uop it gets broken. Did u say this happens on client too? Makes me wish I could use all of the latest UO features on the old client.