Sorry to be a bother but someone out there might be able to help me with this... All the tools I've been able to find either fail to work or are only able to produce an outcome for older client versions... I would very much appreciate help getting the latest maps customizable either in a dragon software or centred+... So up to date tools would be awesome... Sorry if I sound needy but I have a lot on my plate atm.

Even a blank map that I could build with pandoras box would be fine by me... A blank map for the asia map would be preferable 181x181
I'm able to edit the maps for going to smear it flat as best as i can then try every packer i can find starting with ESSENCE UDK as that is the most up to date... will report back shortly.
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OK SO! ESSENCE fouled up on me... wouldnt pack the mul to uop... BUT!!! I had this folder on my desktop that I have no idea where it came from (mad downloading months ago didnt work and havent messed with since)... This UOP TOOL (this is the folder name "UOP TOOL") worked like a charm... I wiped statics, flattened the map, and painted the whole thing rock... Not a single bit of error whatsoever! 1606367454749.png
So I'll go into details...

take the mapX.mul file out and place it in your installation.
Get centred+ to open the map file... (I can't recall if I used the statics4.mul and staidx4.mul it has been a long day. honestly i was going to say use the ones that came with so try that first.)
Here is a copy of my cedserver.xml drop this in Desktop\CENTRED+\PEBinaries and give it a whirl (after you edit it just use it for an example if it doesnt work)
Zip up the three files that you edited in your installation (just sort by date modified and they will all three be at top...) add them to the uo files used by your servuo and boot it up...
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I actually tried editing the map a bit before packing it up... it turns out that this is pretty wacked out... I think I will try one more time for a simple flat map but after that ... ohh you know ill keep at it but im running out of options...


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  • cedserver.xml
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Check the size of the files for the original maps This is one of the biggest reasons why new maps can't be edited. If you use maps from an older version, you will never know what it will do to you for mistakes in the future. Another thing is that the new map format, for example, cannot be used in radmapcopy and other programs. But maybe the new UO fiddler will be able to work with it (it is the latest for files of current UO versions). But personally I do not recommend using old files in new client versions of UO. I think it's a risk.
Thanks for the reply. I will try that new fiddler tomorrow. As of right now there are invisible errors... Random invisible altitude changes that send me flying and stopping mid air... For the most part it looks fabulous but it's just not working this way. The reason I'm using the old files is because I havent been able to get centred to work on anything but so maybe thats what I will focus on... idk ive been at it all day.
Yeah I took a 7.0.20 map made some changes, something small but obvious: took Map0 and added a ring of flowers and junk around one of the moongates, I was able to use UOFIddler to pack the map back into the UPL:egacymap0.mul or whatever it was called, uploaded it to server and client and it looked like it had worked, i could log in and see the changes on the map at the moongate however randomly while walking on the map my character would just zap out of the map into a black void.

Might be "easier" to try and get your hands on the CentrED source and just make changes with that to work with the new files
im not sure its centred thats the problem.. because the map worked fine back when i was editing it for but when it gets converted to uop it gets broken. Did u say this happens on client too? Makes me wish I could use all of the latest UO features on the old client.
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I have an idea... For making a flat map that we can walk on and stuff... Just raise it to the max height! im going to try this lol because I made a promise to create a custom dungeon and well... hm... maybe lol

I did this and there are minimal tiles with the maxed out height map all spackled across but I will be able to work around it just placing impassable decorations on those tiles as needed... So just made a huge void map and now im going to deco using pandoras box...
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im not sure its centred thats the problem.. because the map worked fine back when i was editing it for but when it gets converted to uop it gets broken. Did u say this happens on client too? Makes me wish I could use all of the latest UO features on the old client.
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I have an idea... For making a flat map that we can walk on and stuff... Just raise it to the max height! im going to try this lol because I made a promise to create a custom dungeon and well... hm... maybe lol

I did this and there are minimal tiles with the maxed out height map all spackled across but I will be able to work around it just placing impassable decorations on those tiles as needed... So just made a huge void map and now im going to deco using pandoras box...

Custom Dungeon you say? Here is what we have come up with so far: go in as an admin, teleport to a big empty area like the black space scene near Umbra / Luna, then you can star placing tiles etc. where ever you want there, you can use Fiddler to help find item ids, we've been placing tiles and changing the Id so they look like whatever we want, and it seems to work well so far!
oh you havent used pandoras box? heads up if you install it and it doesn't work try running in compatibility for vista. So I have come to the conclusion that I can use this jacked up map to make a simple maze type dungeon... Since the raised tiles only seem to be in a uniform grid I simply place walls across the tiles vertical or horizontal and then place the opposite wall artistically to be able to create the dungeon.

To make the map i opened the 181x181 map4 and deleted all statics and changed height to 127 and then drew VOID tiles all over the whole thing essentially turning the whole map black like you said you liked... Only issue is the dang grid of raised tiles but I've decided to work with them! LOL
That height 127 is the maximum value you can build. I assume you'll lower it? Otherwise you will have a problem with that.
yeah its the max so its out of the way essentially creating the maximum of open space. i noticed that on production maps there was a black layer that would cause issues with what I can and cannot see when going up and down. Im hoping this solves that problem. I suppose I coulda tried setting it to -127 but then there would be no roof so idk... its just what i did and it seems to be working. im not going to lower it im going to leave it as the roof.

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