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  1. Chucl

    Trying to make a player list and order it by their attachment values

    if (orderBy == OrderBy.level) { m_List = m_List.OfType<PlayerMobile>().OrderByDescending(player => player.GetTotalLevel1()).ToList(); } CS0029: Line 87: Cannot implicitly convert type 'System.Collections.Generic.List<Server.Mobiles.PlayerMobile>' to 'S...
  2. Chucl

    Trying to make a player list and order it by their attachment values

    Ughhh i cant figure this out, the more i try the worse it gets, same as before ordering it, thanks @PyrO Trying to order a list CS0266: Line 79: Cannot implicitly convert type 'System.Linq.IOrderedEnumerable<Server.Mobiles.PlayerMobile>' to 'Sy...
  3. Chucl

    Upgrading to .NET 4.8 for old projects

    I tried to upgrade, and im getting an error: RunUO - [] Version 2.2, Build 8698.21132 Core: Running on .NET Framework Version 2.0.50727 Core: Optimizing for 4 64-bit processors Scripts: Compiling C# scripts...ScriptCompiler: CS1617: Invalid option '7.3' for /langversion; must be...
  4. Chucl

    The Dream Boat

    hi otimpyre im glad you still around, thanks for your work
  5. Chucl

    Trying to make a player list and order it by their attachment values

    working!!!! thanks for your time and help, yeah i removed the foreach
  6. Chucl

    Trying to make a player list and order it by their attachment values

    var players = World.Mobiles.Values.OfType<PlayerMobile>().OrderByDescending(player => player.GetTotalLevel()).Take(3); players[0].AddToBackpack (new Gold (10000)); players[1].AddToBackpack (new Gold (5000)); players[2].AddToBackpack (new...
  7. Chucl

    Trying to make a player list and order it by their attachment values

    Pyro if you are willing to keep helping me, please can you tell me how to give different rewards for the first 3 players?, i mean how to check for the top1, the top2,the top3. I mean i can take 1, give it a reward (would be top1) , attach an attachment, called ''noreward'' take 2, give reward...
  8. Chucl

    Trying to make a player list and order it by their attachment values

    I got it,im testing, added it to a worldbroadcast it grabs the first 3 and says their name, i just dont know how to check the order, so [0] gets better reward than [2] var players2 = World.Mobiles.Values.OfType<PlayerMobile>(); // filter only PlayerMobiles players2 = players.Take( 3 )...
  9. Chucl

    Trying to make a player list and order it by their attachment values

    im not sure yet where and when, just wanted to know how to do it once the players are listed
  10. Chucl

    Trying to make a player list and order it by their attachment values

    Ah, not sure if i know how to do that properly. It has to be outside the foreach method right? or it will do it for each player in the list im trying to get the name of the top1 pme[0], it dont let me
  11. Chucl

    Trying to make a player list and order it by their attachment values

    Thanks pyro!!! is there a way to check the first 3 playes? to give them a reward
  12. Chucl

    Trying to make a player list and order it by their attachment values

    Yess! works like a charm, just one more thing: How to make a value of 3000 appear like 3.000? I added; public static int GetTotal(this PlayerMobile pm) { // int level = 0; int totala = 0; ArrayList plist = XmlAttach.FindAttachments(pm); if...
  13. Chucl


    Grid containers ♥
  14. Chucl

    Trying to make a player list and order it by their attachment values

    Thank for your patience PyrO, ok i did that (line 104), now it shows the value correctly for each player but it only orders it once the first time i run the server, then it not orders it anymore The gump is sent on login for testing purporses private class armorygrandpm2 : Gump {...
  15. Chucl

    Trying to make a player list and order it by their attachment values

    already tried that, still showing lowest first and if i add lets say a value of 20 to one player it increase it to every player, the way its looking for the attachment might be wrong
  16. Chucl

    Trying to make a player list and order it by their attachment values

    Ok i get it, now its working but its showing the lower value first Playername [3] Playername [5] Playername [12] etc I would like the opposite, the higher first
  17. Chucl

    Trying to make a player list and order it by their attachment values

    hey pyro thank you, this one compiles but it shows the player name then [0] value of 0 string text = string.Format( ""+pm1.Name+ " Level [{0}] ", level ); namespace Server.Gumps { public class armorygrand : Gump { public enum OrderBy { None, level } public...
  18. Chucl

    Trying to make a player list and order it by their attachment values

    Hello guys im trying to make a list of all players then order it by the Value of 2 attachments together, higher at the top, leaderboard like i saw this method somewhere (thanks vorspire) but its giving me 2 errors; CS1061: Line 88: 'Server.Mobiles.PlayerMobile' does not contain a...
  19. Chucl

    Item properties only displaying on a gump if im carrying the item

    The issue has to do with the parent, if i asign the item parent to a npc, (wich causes bugs) the item props are shown on the gump, so... i dont know a walk around

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