
ServUO Version
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Ultima Expansion
Hello guys im trying to make a list of all players then order it by the Value of 2 attachments together, higher at the top, leaderboard like

i saw this method somewhere (thanks vorspire) but its giving me 2 errors;

CS1061: Line 88: 'Server.Mobiles.PlayerMobile' does not contain a definition for 'OrderByDescending' and no extensio
n method 'OrderByDescending' accepting a first argument of type 'Server.Mobiles.PlayerMobile' could be found (are you mi
ssing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
CS1061: Line 88: 'Server.Mobiles.PlayerMobile' does not contain a definition for 'OrderBy' and no extension method '
OrderBy' accepting a first argument of type 'Server.Mobiles.PlayerMobile' could be found (are you missing a using direct

ive or an assembly reference?)

Im using Runuo 2.2 (yeah i should upgrade i know)

i added
using System.Linq;

and this

    public enum OrderBy

     AddBackground (18, 0 ,512,478,2620);   
         AddAlphaRegion (18,0,498,463);
        AddLabel(101, 8, 1952, "Top exp");
        //AddLabel(440, 7, 1952, "Minimize");
        AddButton(492, 7, 2710, 2711, 2, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);

        int page = 0, cpage = 1;
      var players = World.Mobiles.Values.OfType<PlayerMobile>(); // filter only PlayerMobiles
      players = players.Take( 10 ); // take the first 10
  int yOffset = 40;
   var orderBy = OrderBy.level; //   Sort by the int level?
var desc = Utility.RandomBool( ); // Random ascending or descending

int level = 0;
int levelm = 0;
foreach( var pm1 in players ) // iterate the results
XMLPlayerLevelAtt xml = XmlAttach.FindAttachment( pm1, typeof( XMLPlayerLevelAtt ) ) as XMLPlayerLevelAtt; //attach 1
XMLPlayerLevelAttm xml2 = XmlAttach.FindAttachment( pm1, typeof( XMLPlayerLevelAttm ) ) as XMLPlayerLevelAttm; //attach 2

if (xml != null)
level +=xml.Levell;      //adding the xmlvalue
if (xml2 != null)
levelm +=xml2.Levell;  //adding the 2nd xmlvalue

level += levelm;        //both values
switch( orderBy )
    case OrderBy.level:
        pm1 = desc ? pm1.OrderByDescending( pm1 => level ) : pm1.OrderBy( pm1 => level ); //error

      string text = string.Format( ""+pm1.Name+ " Level [{0}] Exp: {1} / {2}", level, xml.kxp, xml.ToLevell ); //TODO TOTAL EXP
        AddLabel( 70, yOffset, 1952, text );

    yOffset += 55;

the script is a clusterfuck, im sorry, thanks guys
your orderby code should probably be outside the foreach, and pm1 is not a list therefor you can not use that.
pm1 is just 1 playermobile from the list you grabbed befor.
hey pyro thank you, this one compiles but it shows the player name then [0] value of 0

string text = string.Format( ""+pm1.Name+ " Level [{0}] ", level );

namespace Server.Gumps
    public class armorygrand : Gump

        public enum OrderBy
        public armorygrand(PlayerMobile pm) : base( 0, 0 )
           #region exp
          AddBackground (18, 0 ,512,478,2620);   
         AddAlphaRegion (18,0,498,463);
        AddLabel(101, 8, 1952, "");

        int page = 0, cpage = 1;
      var players = World.Mobiles.Values.OfType<PlayerMobile>(); // filter only PlayerMobiles
      players = players.Take( 10 ); // take the first 10
  int yOffset = 40;
   var orderBy = OrderBy.level; // Sort by xml level
var desc = Utility.RandomBool( ); // Random ascending or descending

int level = 0;
int levelm = 0;

XMLPlayerLevelAtt xml = XmlAttach.FindAttachment( players, typeof( XMLPlayerLevelAtt ) ) as XMLPlayerLevelAtt;
XMLPlayerLevelAttm xml2 = XmlAttach.FindAttachment( players, typeof( XMLPlayerLevelAttm ) ) as XMLPlayerLevelAttm;
if (xml != null)
level +=xml.Levell; //le sumamos el xmllevel
if (xml2 != null)
levelm +=xml2.Levell;
level += levelm;
switch( orderBy )
    case OrderBy.level:
        players = desc ? players.OrderByDescending( pm1 => level ) : players.OrderBy( pm1 => level );
foreach( var pm1 in players ) // iterate the results

     string text = string.Format( ""+pm1.Name+ " Level [{0}] ", level );
        AddLabel( 70, yOffset, 1952, text );

    yOffset += 55;

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Thats because you set the level value befor the foreach. You also try to grab the xml attachment from the list and not a player therefor it will be null.

So it stays at 0
Thats because you set the level value befor the foreach. You also try to grab the xml attachment from the list and not a player therefor it will be null.

So it stays at 0
Ok i get it, now its working but its showing the lower value first

Playername [3]
Playername [5]
Playername [12]

I would like the opposite, the higher first
Well you have
switch( orderBy )
    case OrderBy.level:
        players = desc ? players.OrderByDescending( pm1 => level ) : players.OrderBy( pm1 => level );

to reverse it?
switch( orderBy )
    case OrderBy.level:
        players = desc ? players.OrderBy( pm1 => level ) : players.OrderByDescending( pm1 => level );
already tried that, still showing lowest first and if i add lets say a value of 20 to one player it increase it to every player, the way its looking for the attachment might be wrong
Are you resetting level and levelm to 0 in each iteration of the loop?

I am sure the code is shifted again so I cant be sure whats going on there now
Thank for your patience PyrO, ok i did that (line 104), now it shows the value correctly for each player but it only orders it once the first time i run the server, then it not orders it anymore

The gump is sent on login for testing purporses

    private class armorygrandpm2 : Gump
public enum OrderBy
         private const int LabelHue = 0x480;
        public armorygrandpm2(PlayerMobile pm) : base( 0, 0 )
          AddBackground (18, 0 ,512,478,2620);
         AddAlphaRegion (18,0,498,463);
        AddLabel(121, 8, 1166, "Grand professions");
        AddButton(492, 7, 2710, 2711, 2, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
         AddLabel( 40, 40, 1952, "1" );
         AddLabel( 40, 70, 1952, "2" );
         AddLabel( 40, 97, 1952, "3" );
         AddLabel( 40, 152, 1952, "4" );
         AddLabel( 40, 179, 1952, "5" );
         AddLabel( 40, 234, 1952, "6" );
          AddLabel( 40, 261, 1952, "7" );
          AddLabel( 40, 289, 1952, "8" );
         AddLabel( 40, 316, 1952, "9" );
        AddLabel( 40, 336, 1952, "10" );
        int page = 0, cpage = 1;
  int yOffset = 40;
var orderBy = OrderBy.level; // Sort by xml level
var desc = Utility.RandomBool( ); // Random ascending or descending

int level = 0;

      var players = World.Mobiles.Values.OfType<PlayerMobile>(); // filter only PlayerMobiles
switch( orderBy )
    case OrderBy.level:
        players = desc ? players.OrderBy( pm1 => level ) : players.OrderByDescending( pm1 => level );
            foreach( var pme in players ) // iterate the results

           players = players.Take( 10 ); // take the first 10
          ArrayList plist = XmlAttach.FindAttachments(pme);
            if (plist != null && plist.Count > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < plist.Count; i++)
                    XMLPlayerLevelAtt a = plist[i] as XMLPlayerLevelAtt; //l
                    XMLPlayerLevelAttm b = plist[i] as XMLPlayerLevelAttm; //m
                    XMLPlayerLevelAtth h = plist[i] as XMLPlayerLevelAtth; //h
                    XMLPlayerLevelAtts s = plist[i] as XMLPlayerLevelAtts; //s
                    if (a != null && !a.Deleted)
                    level += a.Levell; //we add the lvl
                 if ( b != null && !b.Deleted)
                level += b.Levell; //we add the lvl
                   if ( h != null && !h.Deleted)
                level += h.Levellherreria; ///we add the lvl
                    if ( s != null && !s.Deleted)
                level += s.Levell; //we add the lvl

         string text = string.Format( ""+pme.Name+ " Level [{0}]", level.ToString());
          AddLabel( 70, yOffset, 1952, text );
                    level = 0;

    yOffset += 30;

 } //end for each
        } //end m.player

        public override void OnResponse(NetState sender, RelayInfo info)
            Mobile from = sender.Mobile;

                    case 0:

                // from.SendMessage ("case 0");
                                case 1: //boton  minimizar
                      if (from != null)
                case 2: //boton cerrar
                if (from != null)


On the first pic
Kokoa is lvl 11
rere lvl 2
DAS lvl 1


Then i give 100 lvls to DAS and relog (2nd pic), the gump doesnt orders it, he sitll appears the 3rd like hes the lowest one

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Well looking at the code, then the result is as you wanted it (at least wrote it ;) )

Since you wanted to order by the level, you would have to know their total level while ordering.

I gave it an extension method, since I am not sure why there are 4 attachments with the same name and how they are written.

This is untestet but should do, and I also cleaned up the indentions
    public static class Extensions
        public static int GetTotalLevel(this PlayerMobile pm)
            int level = 0;
            ArrayList plist = XmlAttach.FindAttachments(pm);
            if (plist != null && plist.Count > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < plist.Count; i++)
                    XMLPlayerLevelAtt a = plist[i] as XMLPlayerLevelAtt; //l
                    XMLPlayerLevelAttm b = plist[i] as XMLPlayerLevelAttm; //m
                    XMLPlayerLevelAtth h = plist[i] as XMLPlayerLevelAtth; //h
                    XMLPlayerLevelAtts s = plist[i] as XMLPlayerLevelAtts; //s
                    if (a != null && !a.Deleted)
                        level += a.Levell; //we add the lvl       
                    if ( b != null && !b.Deleted)
                        level += b.Levell; //we add the lvl
                    if ( h != null && !h.Deleted)
                        level += h.Levellherreria; ///we add the lvl     
                    if ( s != null && !s.Deleted)
                        level += s.Levell; //we add the lvl
            return level;

    private class Armorygrandpm2 : Gump
        public enum OrderBy

        private const int LabelHue = 0x480;
        public Armorygrandpm2(PlayerMobile pm) : base( 0, 0 )

            AddBackground (18, 0 ,512,478,2620);
            AddAlphaRegion (18,0,498,463);
            AddLabel(121, 8, 1166, "Grand professions");

            AddButton(492, 7, 2710, 2711, 2, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);

            AddLabel( 40, 40, 1952, "1" );
            AddLabel( 40, 70, 1952, "2" );
            AddLabel( 40, 97, 1952, "3" );

            AddLabel( 40, 152, 1952, "4" );
            AddLabel( 40, 179, 1952, "5" );
            AddLabel( 40, 234, 1952, "6" );
            AddLabel( 40, 261, 1952, "7" );
            AddLabel( 40, 289, 1952, "8" );
            AddLabel( 40, 316, 1952, "9" );
            AddLabel( 40, 336, 1952, "10" );

            int page = 0, cpage = 1;
            int yOffset = 40;
            var orderBy = OrderBy.level; // Sort by xml level
            var asc = Utility.RandomBool( ); // Random ascending or descending

            var players = World.Mobiles.Values.OfType<PlayerMobile>(); // filter only PlayerMobiles

            switch( orderBy )
                case OrderBy.level:
                    players = asc ? players.OrderBy( player => player.GetTotalLevel() ) : players.OrderByDescending( player => player.GetTotalLevel() );
            players = players.Take( 10 ); // take the first 10
            foreach( var pme in players ) // iterate the results
                AddLabel( 70, yOffset, 1952, pme.Name+ " Level ["+pme.GetTotalLevel()+"]");
                yOffset += 30;
            } //end for each
        } //end m.player

        public override void OnResponse(NetState sender, RelayInfo info)
            Mobile from = sender.Mobile;

                case 0:
                // from.SendMessage ("case 0");

                case 1: //boton  minimizar
                    if (from != null)

                case 2: //boton cerrar
                    if (from != null)
Yess! works like a charm, just one more thing:

How to make a value of 3000 appear like 3.000?

I added;
public static int GetTotal(this PlayerMobile pm)
          //  int level = 0;
            int totala = 0;
            ArrayList plist = XmlAttach.FindAttachments(pm);
            if (plist != null && plist.Count > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < plist.Count; i++)
                    XmlValuetotal total = plist[i] as XmlValuetotal; //total exp

                      if (total != null && !total.Deleted)
                        totala += total.Value;

            return totala;


     string text = string.Format( "{0}",pme.GetTotal().ToString()("#,0" )); //line 196
                AddLabel( 270, yOffset, 1152,"Total XP  "+text);


CS0149: Line 196: Method name expected

Since that totala value is going to be a big number (millions) i would like it to look like 4.000.000 instead of 4000000

PS:If i ever launch my game and i get some donations id like to share with you few bucks. Thanks for your time
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you already got the whole list, and if it is ordered properly then you can just use players[0], players[1] and players[2]
Ah, not sure if i know how to do that properly. It has to be outside the foreach method right? or it will do it for each player in the list

im trying to get the name of the top1 pme[0], it dont let me
well it was just an example.
I am not sure where you want to reward the players and when
im not sure yet where and when, just wanted to know how to do it once the players are listed
You would basically do it the same way you already did in the Gump, but this time you wouldnt do Take(10) but Take(3).

If you would already have gotten a orderd list (for the levels) then you wouldnt need to use Take since you can just grab the first 3 Elements
I got it,im testing, added it to a worldbroadcast it grabs the first 3 and says their name, i just dont know how to check the order, so [0] gets better reward than [2]

  var players2 = World.Mobiles.Values.OfType<PlayerMobile>(); // filter only PlayerMobiles

   players2 = players.Take( 3 ); // take the first 3

  foreach( var pmea in players2 ) // iterate the results
                 World.Broadcast(0x35, true, "[SYSTEM]   TOP 3 PLAYERS: "+pmea.Name);
Pyro if you are willing to keep helping me, please can you tell me how to give different rewards for the first 3 players?, i mean how to check for the top1, the top2,the top3.

I mean i can take 1, give it a reward (would be top1) , attach an attachment, called ''noreward''
take 2, give reward only if the attach ''noreward'' is null top2 would get rewarded, give the attachment ''noreward''
take 3 and give reward if the attach ''noreward''' is null (top3 will get rewarded)

that hacky clunky method will look for world mobiles like 5 times, that might cause lag i guess
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 var players = World.Mobiles.Values.OfType<PlayerMobile>().OrderByDescending(player => player.GetTotalLevel()).Take(3);

then players[0] would be the first
then players[1] would be the second
then players[2] would be the third

That should be all you need to do
  var players = World.Mobiles.Values.OfType<PlayerMobile>().OrderByDescending(player => player.GetTotalLevel()).Take(3);
             players[0].AddToBackpack (new Gold (10000));
             players[1].AddToBackpack (new Gold (5000));
             players[2].AddToBackpack (new Gold (1500));

CS0021: Line 238: Cannot apply indexing with [] to an expression of type 'System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<Ser
CS0021: Line 239: Cannot apply indexing with [] to an expression of type 'System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<Ser
CS0021: Line 240: Cannot apply indexing with [] to an expression of type 'System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<Ser

Another atempt:

foreach( var pma in players )

             pma[0].AddToBackpack (new Gold (10000));
              pma[1].AddToBackpack (new Gold (5000));
              pma[2].AddToBackpack (new Gold (1500));

CS0021: Line 242: Cannot apply indexing with [] to an expression of type 'Server.Mobiles.PlayerMobile'
CS0021: Line 243: Cannot apply indexing with [] to an expression of type 'Server.Mobiles.PlayerMobile'
CS0021: Line 244: Cannot apply indexing with [] to an expression of type 'Server.Mobiles.PlayerMobile'

Eh thought you could access it right away, so I guess you have to transform it to an array first.

World.Mobiles.Values.OfType<PlayerMobile>().OrderByDescending(player => player.GetTotalLevel()).Take(3).ToArray();

btw dont iterate over all (the 3) players and give them each 3 times the rewards
Eh thought you could access it right away, so I guess you have to transform it to an array first.

World.Mobiles.Values.OfType<PlayerMobile>().OrderByDescending(player => player.GetTotalLevel()).Take(3).ToArray();

btw dont iterate over all (the 3) players and give them each 3 times the rewards
working!!!! thanks for your time and help, yeah i removed the foreach
Thank U Reaction GIF by Mauro Gatti
Ughhh i cant figure this out, the more i try the worse it gets, same as before ordering it, thanks @PyrO

Trying to order a list

CS0266: Line 79: Cannot implicitly convert type 'System.Linq.IOrderedEnumerable<Server.Mobiles.PlayerMobile>' to 'Sy
stem.Collections.Generic.List<Server.Mobile>'. An explicit conversion exists (are you missing a cast?)

 if (orderBy == OrderBy.level)
                m_List = m_List.OfType<PlayerMobile>().OrderByDescending( player => player.GetTotalLevel1());

using System.Collections.Generic;
using Server.Guilds;
using System;
using Server;
using Server.Items;
using Server.Gumps;
using Server.Prompts;
using Server.Network;
using Server.Regions;
using Server.Engines.XmlSpawner2;
using Server.Mobiles;
using Server.Regions;
using Server.Collections;

using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using System.Linq;
namespace Server.Gumps
    public abstract class GuildMobileListGump : Gump
        protected Mobile m_Mobile;
        protected Guild m_Guild;
        protected List<Mobile> m_List;
 public enum OrderBy
        public GuildMobileListGump( Mobile from, Guild guild, bool radio, List<Mobile> list )
            : base( 20, 30 )
            m_Mobile = from;
            m_Guild = guild;

            Dragable = true;

            AddPage( 0 );
            AddBackground( 0, 0, 550, 440, 2620 );
            //AddBackground( 10, 10, 530, 420, 3000 );


            m_List = new List<Mobile>( list );

            for ( int i = 0; i < m_List.Count; ++i )
                if ( (i % 11) == 0 )
                    if ( i != 0 )
                        AddButton( 300, 370, 4005, 4007, 0, GumpButtonType.Page, (i / 11) + 1 );
                        AddHtmlLocalized( 335, 370, 300, 35, 1011066, false, false ); // Next page

                    AddPage( (i / 11) + 1 );

                    if ( i != 0 )
                        AddButton( 20, 370, 4014, 4016, 0, GumpButtonType.Page, (i / 11) );
                        AddHtmlLocalized( 55, 370, 300, 35, 1011067, false, false ); // Previous page

                if ( radio )
                    AddRadio( 20, 35 + ((i % 11) * 30), 208, 209, false, i );

                  Mobile m = m_List[i];

                 string name;

                if ( (name = m.Name) != null && (name = name.Trim()).Length <= 0 )
                    name = "(empty)";

                 var orderBy = OrderBy.level; // Ordenar por nivel

                if (orderBy == OrderBy.level)
                m_List = m_List.OfType<PlayerMobile>().OrderByDescending( player => player.GetTotalLevel1());

               XMLPlayerLevelAtt te2 = (XMLPlayerLevelAtt)XmlAttach.FindAttachment(m, typeof(XMLPlayerLevelAtt));
               PlayerMobile pm = m as PlayerMobile;
              //TODO add the labels//

                //AddLabel( (radio ? 55 : 20), 35 + ((i % 11) * 30), 0, name );

        protected virtual void Design()
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if (orderBy == OrderBy.level)
    m_List = m_List.OfType<PlayerMobile>().OrderByDescending(player => player.GetTotalLevel1()).ToList();

CS0029: Line 87: Cannot implicitly convert type 'System.Collections.Generic.List<Server.Mobiles.PlayerMobile>' to 'S
Well it looks ugly imo but it works.

m_List = m_List.OfType<PlayerMobile>().OrderByDescending(player => player.GetTotalLevel()).Cast<Mobile>().ToList();

Active Shards


Total amount