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  1. arphile

    Linux, Make (compile) and ServUO 57.3

    hey guys, long time no see. I've checked mono git, but it seems like suspended since 2021? and it doesn't support 4.8 version of .net framework. as YUKIMIMI said like that, it requires to run with 57.2 which is compile with 4.7 of .net framework. GL!
  2. arphile

    RunUO - Anyway to wipe a characters inventory

    delete character's backpack add new backpack drag backpack to character's paperdoll
  3. arphile

    Instant potion : like diablo3's

    I finally finish this system today. it's like Diablo3's Life orb system. when you kill the creature, there's a chance to generate instant potion. if you move to near the potion ( I set 2 tiles from the potion ), potion automatically apply to you. there's Life/Stamina/Mana potion which gives...
  4. arphile

    I made my own Achievement System again.

    so long time ago, I made an achievement system introduced on [Here] when I decided to run my shard again, I really wished to make a perfect achievement system instead of that. so I did it. Just wish to introduce my own script to here. ** I cannot share this because it needs to modify part...
  5. arphile

    Shining Hue

    this is my own script. not from other shards or ppl hehe...
  6. arphile

    Shining Hue

    Long time no see guys. Recently, I returned to Ultima Online world because I missed this so much. I recovered my old script, and found something really interesting. So, I just share the result with GIF image. this is just sharing my idea with you guys. no sharing script part.
  7. arphile

    Region1999 - Renaissance era Shard

    Hi guys, this is Arphile. I'd like to introduce my awsome shard which placed in South Korea. Login Server Address : Port : 2593 Region1999 runs with preAOS Features. Some of features are T2A, but basically it has 1999Y's era which was...
  8. arphile

    So, long time no see guys.

    I've closed my shards for a while and didn't come to here since that time. The one reason that makes me to come here is 'I still love UO, and I still love ServUO ppl'. Anyways, I wish to tell you 'Happy new year!' even it's already 6th of this year. :) I wish all the people in this community...
  9. arphile

    Massive Random Animal Spawner

    Sorry for some errors :) I just made this script for my shard which made something wrong. Fortunately, Visam noticed this and gave you a tip! thanks for using my script on your server lol..
  10. arphile

    Play Music On Login

    if you can change files in [ClientLocation\Musics]
  11. arphile

    General C# question about classes and (de)serialize

    I recommend to see virtueinfo.cs
  12. arphile


    why don't you use UOFiddler instead of this? it's more comportable and ez to use. also can handle more things!
  13. arphile

    Global HearAll Chat Recorder

    I told you use IOStream to write all speeches. you can find some codes if you find 'IOStream' on every script in your script folder.
  14. arphile

    Global HearAll Chat Recorder

    If you wish to record world chat, Open PlayerMobile.cs, find OnSpeech function. Use IOStream to record.
  15. arphile

    my ip cannot connect the server

    most connection use TCP
  16. arphile

    Hello,new member here.

    Good to see you :)
  17. arphile

    New Santa Gift Bag

    and also we need to change the flag of 'bag of presents'. if not, it'll not be opened.
  18. arphile

    Book : Invisible Dragon

    Yup. also I'm currently living in Korea. :) I sometimes visit Busan for Hanging out with my friends in there. Busan is really beautiful city I think..
  19. arphile

    Book : Invisible Dragon

    arphile submitted a new resource: Book : Invisible Dragon - Storybook, Fairytale, Fantasy, Forbidden book Read more about this resource...
  20. arphile

    Book : Invisible Dragon 2016-10-22

    This is the book which was written by Dwichidark who was Epic storyteller in Korea. The name is 'Invisible Dragon' and it is already known as Legend. Some words is not correct grammatically in English, but it is also not correct grammatically in Korean. Just enjoy this book cuz it's really...

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